If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only three words?
I had two thoughts. 1) Words can hurt. 2) Try your best.
What would your note say?
Don't hesitate to let your guard down to more worthy people. But be careful also. Protect your vulnerability. :D
She is beautiful.
Don't speak, listen.
I would write: Please don't cut yourself, don't trust people, don't trust the words "I love you" from anybody (friend or loved and sometimes even family), don't look into pro Ana sites, don't do what you say you'll never do... Trust me, the world is uglier than you think...
*lover not loved
@Kashie No One's Perfect
Things may be bad and scary right now and you might be confused but you'll get out of that mess and things will get so much better. You'll still have bad days but you will never have to live like that again.
Remember there are those who wants to hurt you, not because your a different race, thin, or weird, but because they are ignorant and rude, but because they have problems of there own and they don't now how to deal with them.
To my teenage self, it is ok to be exactly who you are. Express yourself with confidence and try to embrace everyone around you.
* Now I am in my 20s and I am happy with my transformation. I am extremely social, open, and happy!
Don't stop trying.
Keep loving yourself
You'll overcome obstacles.