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Favorite Flower Or Plant

Muse4apoem May 7th

What’s your favorite flower? I bring flowers into work sometimes from my garden. It gets sorta drab in the place so it brightens it up in the spring and summer.

My favorite is roses! Especially pink roses! I don’t think plants can be really ugly lol!

What’s your favorite flower? Or favorite plant? House plant you like?

Muse4apoem OP May 11th

I have one pink rose bush it’s called “baby soft” it’s thornless. I didn’t know you could grow them that way but it’s pink striped.

WavesandSea May 16th


What a beautiful post. Pink carnations, and pink roses. And, if they do smell that's a true surprise every time. 

Muse4apoem OP May 16th

Thank you. ð©·