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Ask the Person Below a Question About Themselves!

irridensence December 24th, 2020

I'll start heart

What's you're favorite childhood memory?

IntelligentKite2720 December 24th, 2020

@irridensence when i was little my Dad and i walked around home before new year fireworks. I was collecting some red sticks that were in the street. I didn't know what they were, but my dad let me do it. Just walking some more. I have a bunch of this red sticks in my hand when a mister who were passing by talk to me. He ask me for the red i give them to him. He in exchange give some coins hahaha. He maybe thought that i was cleaning the streets or something like that.

irridensence OP December 24th, 2020


Wow, I love your imagery. Dont forget to ask the person below you a question! ♡

IntelligentKite2720 December 24th, 2020


What was your favorite toy as a child?

irridensence OP December 24th, 2020


I had a pink bunny plushy that I still have to this day.

What's your favorite place to go? Big or small.

Lordi4 December 25th, 2020

@irridensence Oh! Totally a theme park ^^

what is your favorite food?

weeweeonion December 26th, 2020


I'd definitely have to say spaghetti, I associate it with so many good times and memories, plus it's plain delicious!

Are you part of shower in the morning or night gang, why?

nsjshbsnsnsj March 3rd, 2021

@Lordi4 I shower at night just because then I don’t feel like I’m wasting time.

lazyKatz July 27th, 2021

I shower in the morning.
Do you enjoy dancing?

graceblue16 July 28th, 2021


Hi! I do like dancing very much :) It makes me feel happy.

Question: What is your favorite season and why?

TBW16 July 29th, 2021

My favorite season is the first few weeks of fall, where it is not to hot or cold and leaves are falling all around. Awesome indeed! Thanks for contributing @graceblue16 ! Very cool. My question for someone else: what is one skill you want to be an expert at?

TBW16 July 29th, 2021

Just realized that this was already answered. Sorry y’all!

lazyKatz July 28th, 2021

I like the winter as I'm not a sun lover. I like the long dark nights .
Do you enjoy your own company?

TBW16 July 29th, 2021

Hey @lazyKatz! Thanks for the contribution! I’m don’t enjoy myself that much, but I can tolerate myself 😀. Nice question! My question to next lucky poster: what is your favorite genre? i.e. sci-fi, romance…

soufy July 29th, 2021

It depends on the writing style, I may read any genre if it was well written- with few exceptions like gore...

What's your least liked genre?

July 29th, 2021

my least favorite genre is romantic maybe cause I am into historical and revolutions and stuff smh
Question- what's your favourite singer/band

lazyKatz July 29th, 2021

I'd say The Beatles has got to among my favourites and I used to like Jeff Buckley.
Could you happily spend a day with an ex partner?

soufy July 29th, 2021


If we stayed friends then yes I think so.

Where do you wish to travel?

lazyKatz July 29th, 2021

I would like to see the northern lights so I I'll say Norway.

What would you like to buy if money was not object?

TheDude0156 July 30th, 2021

I would buy a home. What's your dream car?

lazyKatz July 30th, 2021

A classic car.....a jaguar mark 2 saloon....... I blame watching Inspector Morse it was a big influence on my decision.

lazyKatz August 1st, 2021

What is you favourite way to spend an evening.

firefairy77 August 7th, 2021

My favorite way to spend the evening is trying to relax and listening to music or going out in the night is good because I avoid the traffic and the heat of the sun. Why do you love what your favorite thing is to love?

lazyKatz August 7th, 2021

Of course I'd first of all say my family I also love my cat 🐱
What food could you happily eat every day?

LovetoGod August 7th, 2021

Pizzzzzaaaaaa 😍
What's your favorite place to visit? ❤

lazyKatz August 7th, 2021

I do enjoy going to Somerset, it's relaxing and the people are friendly and welcoming.
If money was no object what would you most like to buy.

EveryMindMatters August 9th, 2021

Good question! I would probably buy loads of big mansions and sell them off to make more money! Would you rather have 15 toes or 15 fingers?

lazyKatz August 28th, 2021

15 toes would make it difficult getting shoes to fit. As for 15 fingers I could wear mittens if it became necessary.
I'll take extra fingers thanks

Would you rather Write a book or Paint a portrait.
blissedNblessed August 30th, 2021

write a book!

What are your top three achievments that you are proud of?

kindFish9215 October 11th, 2021


The first time I arrived to Canada, I played in the snow for the very first time. 🥰