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I have no friends where I live

D86 March 29th

I’ve lived here for 8 years now and haven’t met anyone I would call a true friend here. I’ve hung out with my brother and his friends but they are far from the kind of people I would like to hang out with. Covid obviously didn’t help the situation either. I’ve considered moving somewhere else but as you can see from my other posts I can’t get anywhere to hire me so I have 0 money left and a mound of debt because of it. Where can I make friends as an adult? Any “friendships” I’ve made through work basically end with the job. I feel hopeless in every aspect of my life

DevinY April 6th

@D86 Hey there I hope your days are doing better. This is serious because loneliness is very hard to deal with. I hope that you will find anyone your can talk to to help you through this. Maybe you can read a book in a library or focus on something that your like to learn to set your mind on something. Although that may sound a bit dumb, picking up on good habits or finding something to learn can be fulfilling.  I hope things will get better and that you will have better days. 

D86 OP April 9th

Thanks for replying. I talk with a therapist every few weeks. It’s somewhat helpful. I would prefer a small group of close friends to talk with instead. I just don’t know how to make friends at my age anymore. Most people my age are married with kids and I’m struggling just to find a job that pays a living wage. I don’t consider myself dumb but I don’t think I’m super smart either. I don’t know why I can’t get anything but rejection email. I spent a ton of money on a data analytics bootcamp and haven’t gotten a single interview out of it. Reading books has never been enjoyable for me due to my dyslexia. I like going to coffee shops but going alone just makes me feel sad. I would just like one genuine friend I can meet up with from time to time

yesiamHuman4855 April 10th

Hi D86,

I am hoping your journey is getting better.

have you tried volunteering? I work at a soup kitchen once a week. I see mostly the same good, but needy people every week, and the same volunteers. It takes time, to learn what people are going through, and to find healthy, common things to all about. But with effort it does happen.

i used to work for a big corporation that promoted volunteerism very much. It taught me so much. How to give back, and find the right place that appreciates my talents. Not all places are equal. Groups and social setting may also be ways to meet folks. But I will say, as I grow older, and in state of the world I occupy, it is more difficult to start up conversations. These things take practice. Keep trying, please!
