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friendship rarely last for me

User Profile: hopefulencounter
hopefulencounter January 20th

I don't know why is it so hard for me to maintain friendship. I always try to be good with my friends, I helped them, I always replied to their messages.. I joke with them, but what usually happened is that that friendship doesn't last for long. And that made me feel like a bad person, weird person πŸ˜•.. I feel too scared to trust new bond now, I'm afraid they'll just leave me again in the end when they already feel bored of me. Maybe it's just me who overthinks too much, but maybe it's true. Idk, my negative thoughts win a lot..

User Profile: frothyFriend147
frothyFriend147 January 20th


The same thing is happening with me as well. Idk why friendships tend to end soon πŸ˜•Β 

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User Profile: hopefulencounter
hopefulencounter OP January 20th

@frothyFriend147 what's for sure is that sucks πŸ˜”

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User Profile: frothyFriend147
frothyFriend147 January 21st



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User Profile: hopefulencounter
hopefulencounter OP January 21st

I hope things will get better for us

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User Profile: hopefulencounter
hopefulencounter OP January 21st

I hope things will be better soon for both of us πŸ«‚

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User Profile: HappierAni77
HappierAni77 January 21st

I am someone who constantly face that, you put all the efforts, and in the end they are like yeah we are just friends, not that close or so. It's frustrating, you lose confidence and morale. But time is the biggest healer and trust me you WILL meet people who are never gonna take you granted and love your company. It seems like a hoax at first, but honestly, once you start diverting your overthinking and stop looping the bad scenarios or the past, gradually you'll overcome this sick feeling and as I say, you will meet your peeps, just some people meet them bit later. You'll do good! :)

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User Profile: hopefulencounter
hopefulencounter OP January 21st

aww thank you so much for telling me this. I'm the type of person who always replied to chats 😟. It irks me when they suddenly stopped replying made me overthink a lot. I really want to leave this friendship group, but everytime I want to leave, they told me to stay.. but then ignored me again, I'm so confused. I do hope there's still chance for me to meet better people πŸ™

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User Profile: HappierAni77
HappierAni77 January 21st

@hopefulencounter I am overthinker too, a total maniac to be honest. The best that works for me is talk to someone who is completely unrelated from your social circle about completely random things, you won't even realize that you have already entered an engaging conversation and your mind was off that troubling topic. Although it may kick in back again once that breeze has left, but consistency of such breezes (in the form of ways you distract yourself, could be anything) everyday will do wonders and you'll be in much better place with much better people.

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User Profile: hopefulencounter
hopefulencounter OP January 21st

@HappierAni77 thank you for your advices, I really appreciate it 🫢.Β  I'll definitely try your advice, I think I really should step away from them. I believe maybe they're good, but I just feel the best I can do for myself is to stay away for now 😟. It's silly, I kinda hope they'll stop bothering me one day πŸ˜‚..Β 

Β I'll just ignore online friends, and talk with my irl friend :]

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User Profile: HappierAni77
HappierAni77 January 21st

@hopefulencounter Glad I could help!Β πŸ’– Let me know, if you are struggling, I may not be able to help or advise, but I will surely lend an ear to you~

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User Profile: hopefulencounter
hopefulencounter OP January 21st

@HappierAni77 ok, once again thank you. Have a nice day/night 🫢

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User Profile: amarillowhite
amarillowhite January 21st


It sounds like you are care about being a great friend already, you don't seem at all like a bad person. Relationships are complicated, and I think part of the reason many of us are feeling lonely is because our society is becoming more independent, but also less sociable. I don't think you're the only one feeling like this. I personally know wonderful people who just don't have much luck making friends. I hope you keep trying and find someone you can establish a good friendship with.

3 replies
User Profile: hopefulencounter
hopefulencounter OP January 21st

@amarillowhite thank you for your kind words 😭 I really appreciate your words! I agree with you, people are more independent now.Β  I'll continue to believe I still have a chance to meet better people in the future πŸ˜”πŸ™. It's really tiring when I tried to build a friendship but then they left..

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User Profile: amarillowhite
amarillowhite January 21st


I understand. I had this person I really wanted to be friends with, when we were together I thought we had good chemistry, but then they wouldn't reach out to me. I felt very sad, I thought there was something wrong with me. Looking back, I think they did like me, they just weren't open to making more friends.

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User Profile: hopefulencounter
hopefulencounter OP January 23rd

@amarillowhite I've come to realize that it's okay if they want to leave, let them be, I don't deserve to feel so down because of them. It's really tiring to chase for their attention, that's why I will now stop. I must prioritize my happiness and well-being, no need to force friendships now. We deserve better 🫢 sending hugs for you πŸ«‚

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I can feel so much