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One Sided Friendship?

cloverisconfused December 28th, 2023

Hi! This is my first post here. I hope everyone who reads this is having a wonderful day, and if you're not I'm sending virtual hugs <3. I was just hoping to make a thread where I can vent a little about a friendship problem I'm having and maybe come back and update later. Advice/comments are welcome if you have them, but please be gentle :) 

Ok, here we go. First off, here's some background for context. I honestly only have a couple of friends who stayed in contact after high school. I commute a fair distance to my university every day, so although I've made some very casual friends there, it's been hard to foster anything more than that. My job is one that is mostly executed alone, but there are coworkers who I am friendly with. But really, it's just the three or so friends from high school that I feel close to. One of the main ones was a friend I'll call Alice for the purpose of this thread.

Alice and I have been friends for nearly 8 years now. For the most part, I really enjoy our friendship. We have similar interests that I don't share in common with almost anyone else, and we've got a lot of common history to bond over. She shares things with me about her life that (according to her) she doesn't share with anyone else besides her therapist. I'm so glad she feels safe enough around me to do that.

But the thing is that for a long time, especially these last couple of years, I've really been feeling like the friendship is one sided. She always vents to me, but there's only been a handful of times where she's given me a chance to vent to her. I'm almost always the one to initiate contact or to try to arrange time to spend together, or to remember birthdays and things like that. Because of that, I feel like an afterthought in her life. I was really lonely, and it felt like I wasn't getting any support or acknowledgement from her.

The final straw for me to fully realize why I wasn't happy was honestly really small. I sent Alice a text asking how she was, nothing else, and I didn't get a single response for almost a week. When she finally did text me, she completely ignored my previous text and just boasted about a small victory in her life. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for her. But I felt unimportant. And after she finished being excited over the thing in her life, she stopped texting. It feels petty to care about, but she didn't even ask how I was doing.

I was so tired. I spent senior year of high school feeling incredibly lonely but doing my best to cater to her needs at the time because she was going through a rough patch. Unfortunately that included leaving her alone to sit in the band room with a bunch of her other friends because hanging out with me and the rest of our friend group was "too exhausting". I didn't want to be selfish and petty, but I was and am still just tired of it all.

So, I figured I'd stop contacting her. I'd let her come to me so I could take off that mental weight. I told myself that if she wanted to talk to me, she would. But almost three weeks and I still hadn't heard from her at all. It's like she forgot about me. But with Christmas coming up, and the fact that I would honestly feel terrible if I ignored her on the holiday instead of sending at least a "Merry Christmas", I did just that. Early Christmas morning, I sent her a "Merry Christmas".... and nothing. So late that night, I gave in and I asked if she was okay since I still hadn't heard from her.

She did eventually get back to me with the excuse that she'd been "so distracted by family she forgot to even look at her messages". Honestly, I would get it. I don't blame her if that's honestly what it was. But this is a pretty regular thing, and I had seen her like things on social media during that time anyways, so I know she at least had access to her phone and the time to scroll. Just apparently not to respond to me after three weeks of nothing. 

But her response didn't do much for my resolve to let her come to me, and I kept the conversation going for a few texts (aka me asking how she was and how her Christmas was, her giving a vague "mostly good", me asking if she wanted to talk about it, her responding "eh it's all good", me saying something along the lines of "i hope it gets better", and then nothing). 

I've been chatting with listeners here and I finally mustered up the courage to decide that the next time we spend time together, I'm going to confront her about it. I'm going to tell her how I've been feeling, and I'm going to tell her that unless things change, she can't expect me to keep putting effort into this friendship. 

I've made the decision to do that, but I just feel so insecure about it. I'm worried I'm blowing all of this out of proportion. I'm sure that this entire post has been biased towards my side of things, so I'm worried that even if people who read this end up supporting me, it'll be wrong and it'll be my fault. I'm worried I'm just being a baby about this and what I really should do is man up and stop being weak. I'm worried it's all a skewed perception on my part because I honestly do have bad self-esteem. What if because I'm so anxious, I'm overthinking everything and in reality she's doing nothing wrong? Plus, this is a friendship. Is it normal to get so fired up over a friendship? Is there something wrong with me?

I just don't know what's right anymore. I feel stupid, weak, and clingy. I've made the decision to talk it out but since I can't actually see her until after the new year due to personal circumstances, I have to wait for a while. I'm fairly sure I'm going to chicken out in that time. 

That's partly why I'm making this thread. I hope there will be people who will take the time to read this long and exhausting post to tell me what they think is really going on, and to keep me motivated. If you've read this far, thank you. I'd very much appreciate if you could let me keep you updated, but I understand if you don't want to do that. Thanks again for listening to me rant, and I hope you have a wonderful day <3

cloverisconfused OP February 24th


I'm sorry. That's a lot to deal with. To me, it seems very passive aggressive if she knew you were going to see it. It's one thing to vent online to someone you know is a third party, and quite another to vent online in a space where you know the object of your attention is there. It's inconsiderate and not solution oriented. 

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I honestly think the best thing to do would be option two. She's shown she isn't interested in a conversation, which is something you need to feel comfortable in the friendship, and she also doesn't seem interested in accepting your apology. I don't think she's worth putting your effort into to be honest. 

I'm sorry this is all happening the way it is. It really is sad and frustrating, and I'm sure it feels helpless. I wish I could go smack some sense into her for you lol - but since that is not on the table, let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I'm sorry it's like this :( 

Adam10999 February 24th


I also can't help but feel helpless or stupid for... idk, not being able to just make my own decisions?

Adam10999 February 24th


I hope you know I meant that as "I don't feel confident in my ability to advocate for myself" and not as anything like you making decisions for me.

Overthinking probably, but wanted to make that crystal clear so there's no doubt or overthinking on your end.

Adam10999 February 24th


Now that I've had a bit to think about things and focus my thoughts onto homework for a bit...
Option 5 would be to simply ignore it and not do anything until she talks to me directly.

Now would be a really good time for that 'truth fairy' to come out and tell me what exactly Alice wants from me /  for me to do. Sadly though, asking her that myself would just cause more harm.

cloverisconfused OP February 24th


Yeah. Option 5 or option 2 are your best bet, I think. Unfortunately I don't think there's much you can do right now that will be helpful/productive. That's so frustrating though, and I'm sorry

tobyisnotawaffleboi February 23rd

@cloverisconfused hey i rlly relate to this i wish i culd have friends 

cloverisconfused OP February 23rd


hang in there!! 

Adam10999 February 25th


Such a great time right now wanting to throw up, and shaking so bad you'd think I was freezing cold.

She knows I pay attention to everything, so a friend of hers sent a message in a server I'm in, saying "There is no reason for you to be asking me to forgive you, because you hurt me. Doesn't phase you. Why would it? For what you have done... There is no forgiveness"

I'm going to try to finish what I wanted to get done on my homework for tonight, and then I'm going with Option 2 because otherwise it's just going to go farther and farther until I end up doing Option 1. Honestly though, I'm not going to be friends with her anymore regardless, and it sounds kind of stupid, but I'd rather she feel better after our friendship is done.

After I send her the reply, I'm just going to think as rationally as I can and do what I feel is right - and I'll let you know when it's all over, and the gist of what happened.

I feel really bad for bring your mood down because of this too... my mood being this disrupted is already more than what I wanted, let alone for other people to be affected as well...
Talk soon friend <3

Adam10999 February 25th


I've actually decided against sending the apology, because since our fight she's just been telling me to "chill out" or "not stress" - but stressing is all I've been doing, and sending the apology goes against her telling me to calm down.

Based on her friend's message, I set my status to something like "I wasn't asking for forgiveness. I never meant to hurt you, and I'm sorry that I did. I'm sorry for all that I've done, and it certainly does phase me" and when she logged on, hers was something like "stop f***ing assuming s***, dumba**"... So if I'm not supposed to assume anything, then that might mean that her 'tell' and her friend's message weren't meant for me and I'm just overthinking yet again, but then I'm also assuming her status was meant for me and not someone else too, which just puts me in a loop of confusion.

I think as of right now things are at least calmed down enough again to have some semblance of conflict resolution. I feel so stupid for all of this because I feel so scared to send her a message and have her be 100% upset with me, so instead we're playing these indirect 'games'. I feel so immature and unable to handle the simplest of things like communication... and then feeling that way makes me feel like I'm just doing it to get attention, which makes it even worse and it just cycles on and on...

idk anything anymore...

cloverisconfused OP February 25th


Excuse my French, but Jesus *** Christ. If she has a problem with someone she needs to resolve it directly, instead of leaving it out there for anyone to assume and then refusing to elaborate. Whether her problem is with your or not, I don't know. But you've done your part by apologizing and being open and willing to talk about stuff. She's obviously angry at someone, but she won't tell you whether it's you or not and is instead being straight up aggressive. At this point I think whatever mistakes you have made are basically irrelevant. I'm sorry all of this is happening. I hope you know that you've done what you can, and you deserve for others to do the same. You don't deserve these indirect mind games, and you definitely don't deserve "friends" who will talk to you like that. 

I know it's hard, but I hope you can find others who will value you and want to work with you when problems come up. I hope that eventually you can bring yourself to leave this behind, because from what I can tell it's simply toxic. 

Until next time, my friend :)

Adam10999 March 2nd


Another week done... nothing new about the situation has happened, so that's good.

Just got done with a bunch of homework for the week, and stressful classes... now to start and finish writing a 4-page literary analysis essay over the weekend... yay me 😭

One more week and then I get to have a week off for Spring break! Hopefully I won't have to do any homework and I can just relax.

How have you been friend, how was your week?

cloverisconfused OP March 5th


Hello dear friend! I'm glad it's been a relatively uneventful week for you - it sounds like you needed a break from all the drama. I hope your spring break is going well! I've been good overall. I haven't heard from my Alice, but I've been pretty good at letting myself ignore that so I'm doing ok. I got a date on thursday, and we're going on another one tomorrow, so that's exciting! I've never dated anyone before, so this is all new and overwhelming but it'll be good for me. 

how have things been?

Adam10999 March 5th


Sadly Spring break for me starts after this week... lol
Hopefully I won't have to do any homework.

Super glad to hear you've been good! I know letting yourself ignore it might not seem like the best, but I'm really proud of you for not letting it bother you!

Dating is exciting!! It's kind of surprising that no one's asked out out before... you'd think with how wonderful and compassionate you are, but it's never too late right!? Second date is a good sign too, so I really hope it works out the way you want it to! Sending you all the best of luck!!

I myself have never been asked or asked anyone out on a date, but it's what it's and I figure the right person will come along eventually. That and I just don't really know where to even begin, let alone anything past maybe getting the words out HAHAHA 😂

Saturday's essay procrastination was CRAZY, but I ended up getting it done Sunday though. Just finished watching Antman Quantumania which was a nice break from all the homework I've been doing. I really don't watch any TV and really not even movies very often, but I am a fan of the Marvel and DC movies, among others. Back to more homework tomorrow, but I should be able to get some gaming in before class on Wednesday.

I wish you the absolute best of luck and great time on your date tomorrow!! I'd be interested in knowing how it goes! Also, you don't have to get into any details if you don't want to. It's just nice to hear how your doing, and hearing that you're doing well lifts my mood too <3

agiosemi104 March 6th

@cloverisconfused you're not alone. I'm in the exact situation as you are. I decided to stop talking to her, and move on. I'm sad now but maybe time will pass and I could see someone truly a friend who genuinely want both giving and receiving.

Adam10999 March 6th


That's a really difficult thing to do, but I'm glad you did what was best for you!

cloverisconfused OP March 7th


I'm glad you were able to relax for a little bit! Good luck with all your other homework - I'm rooting for you!

As for my date... it was fine. It started out really nice, and he was super sweet, bought me flowers, etc, etc. But at the end of the date he started saying some low-key racist things and the n-word multiple times (he's not black) so I was feeling a bit uncomfortable. That combined with the fact that I was kind of on the fence about whether I actually liked him or if I just liked being liked was enough for me to decide to break it off. We've only gone on two dates so I figured it would be a bit cleaner of a break than it is. I told him I just couldn't see us working out long term even though he's a good guy, and that it's not fair of me to waste his time, but he doesn't seem to want to let the conversation drop. I feel so bad because he keeps sending me videos and texts talking about how much he liked me and how disappointed he was and how I was the first girl he ever considered being serious with. I feel so guilty but at the same time I can't just lead him on. So hopefully that resolves soon lol. 

But anyways... I hope things are going well for you! Keep me updated - I enjoy hearing from you

Adam10999 March 7th


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad you're following your heart and mind though - that's definitely the way to go, and I think you made the right choice if that helps. I also think it's perfectly reasonable to give it a day or two, and if the messages/videos don't slow down or stop, it's perfectly reasonable to bring it up again to reinforce your portrayal of your feelings.

I really enjoy hearing from you! Was hoping to mess around with my friend's computer and get a new operating system installed and everything updated tomorrow, but she forgot to bring it with her to campus today - probably for the best since I do have a decent bit of homework to do tomorrow. If she brings it on Friday then I'll be able to play with that this weekend and have an excuse to maybe go hang out with her for the day next week during Spring break lol! I'll take any excuse I can get to spend time with my friends!

Keep me updated too - lovely hearing from you as always <3

cloverisconfused OP March 8th


Thank you! I know it was the right decision but you know how it is - you get caught in your head and question yourself even if the other choice was ridiculous lol. So thank you for saying that :)

Oh cool! That would be fun! I hope that works out, I think that would be really good. I'm glad you're able to see your irl friends - in-person connection is really important. 

I still haven't heard from my Alice. I said that a couple times ago but it's been more than a month now but... idk, I'm a little frustrated and hurt. Plus with the dating thing I think it reminded me how important my friends are and everything. Like everyone makes this big deal out of love and romance but platonic love is often tossed aside. And I guess it's a bit emotionally safer, in a way. Plus I don't think I'm ready for romance at this point in my life. I'm sure one day I'll be in a better place for it but I'm so emotionally exhausted most of the time that romance is just too much. So it's got me thinking about my friendships. Because of that I've been thinking about Alice a little bit more so I think that's part of why I'm feeling a little more sensitive to it the past few days. But I think I just need to focus on other things in my life and if she doesn't ever come to me... then she doesn't come to me. And that'll be okay in the end because obviously she didn't want to continue the friendship and to continue under those false pretenses wouldn't be good for either of us. 

It's lovely hearing from you too <3 talk to you later

Adam10999 March 8th


That's certainly a lot to think about, and a lot of thoughts on your mind. I agree that friendship connections can certainly be overlooked and/or undervalued, and I try my best to show love to the people I care about so that they don't have to question that very much or at all. I'm sorry you're feeling frustrate and hurt - as you've told me, it's perfectly normal and okay to feel that way since she hasn't reached out yet. I hope it works out for you both <3

Being emotionally exhausted too - it's more than okay to rest and let yourself rebuild and relax. My advice would be that it has been a month, so it might have just slipped her mind for the time being, or she's not sure how to word things, or she's scared. I think a follow-up at/near the 5-week point would be more than reasonable to see how she's feeling about it all, and if she maybe needs a bit more time to work things out on her end. Friendships are built on communication and comprehension - you can't listen if they don't talk, and there's no sense in talking if they aren't going to understand.

Best of luck with whatever you decide on, and I hope you are able to get some rest and relaxation <3

Adam10999 March 12th


Hey friend! So I got my friend's computer up and running - and all fixed since it kept running into a couple issues. We hung out yesterday and just relaxed - we watched Kung Fu Panda, played a card game, ate good food, and then watched Master of Disguise. I also got the rest of my homework done this past weekend, so I officially have like 6 days completely free with nothing due, so I can actually relax and enjoy myself!!

I hope you're doing Fantastic!! Anything new going on with that guy? I hope everything worked out well with that! Talk soon friend <3

Adam10999 March 22nd


First week back from Spring break is almost over... thankfully it's been a light week.

Other than that, not a whole lot's been going on lol... How have you been friend?

cloverisconfused OP March 22nd


Hi! I'm so sorry I've been MIA. These past few weeks have been crazy. I'm switching jobs and dropping a couple classes and re-planning my degree plus my mom wants to take in foster babies but since I live at home still there's a LOT of hoops to jump through to make sure I wouldn't be a threat as another adult in the house. Plus all the other life stuff lol... but anyways I'm happy to come on here and see messages from you! 

I'm glad everything seems to have been going well! I love Kung Fu Panda lol so I hope you had fun. I've never heard of Masters in Disguise though... sounds interesting! I'm glad you had a light week after spring break, coming back is always tough. How have you been since? How's school? How are things with your Alice?

thanks for being patient with me, friend <3

Adam10999 March 22nd


Of course! Always patient! And I'm super glad to hear that you've been taking the time to focus on irl stuff and work on that stress! I can't even imagine handling all of that, but I know you'll figure it all out!

That's so sweet that your mom wants to take care of kids, and you living at home is certainly something that has to be taken into consideration. I wish you the absolute BEST of luck with your classes and degree planning! I know it'll all work out fine since you're involved!

I finished watching the other Kung Fu Panda movies again and they were definitely an enjoyable refresher since it's been so long since I last watched them. Master of Disguise is a lot of dumb humor haha, interesting too for sure. The ease back into things has been nice, although a campus-hosted service went down recently and will be out for the rest of the semester, so that brings up complications in the classes that need it... we'll have to figure that out now lol.

I've been doing alright, ups and downs mood-wise like usual, but mostly have just been dumping countless hours into games for the past week or two. As for school, I have a meeting with my advisor next Friday to discuss the option of either getting a co-op or planning for another academic semester next Fall.

Things with my Alice have been dead silent. She ended up streaming a few days ago, for the first time in a few months, but even though I'm still a mod in her stream I decided I'm not ready to even be a part of that yet. Hearing her voice or even sometimes seeing her name on socials can still spike up my anxiety pretty bad. I've been doing a pretty good job of not checking the little things though, like what she's doing/listening to, or social posts/likes.

I think I've finally come to realize my own saying that, she lost someone who cared about her, but I lost someone who didn't care about me - I'm not the one who got the worse end of the situation, so I shouldn't put as much value to it as I have been.

SO lovely to hear from you though!! I hope you have a Wonderful night!! <3

cloverisconfused OP March 23rd


That definitely does sound interesting haha XD but I'm glad you had fun! I'm sorry about the campus-hosted service thing, that's got to be a huge pain. I hope it works out soon! 

Gotcha. That makes sense. Well, even though I know ups and downs are just part of life, I hope you have fewer and shorter downs :) And i hope you're having fun gaming! Good luck with the meeting with your advisor on Friday! 

I think that's a good decision. I'm really proud of you, it seems like you're doing a great job at remembering to focus on other things in your life even if it's hard. You're definitely right - you're not the one who drew the short end of the stick here. It still hurts though, I'm sure, so be kind to yourself <3

it's lovely to hear from you too! have a good day! 

forcefulShip4663 March 24th

@cloverisconfused i have felt the same way with friend ships going on in my life I have had very few friends for as long as I can remember and during COVID I had no friends at all except family and I only have 2 or 3 friends I'm close to right now I have a really low self-esteem and I'm working on it and I was really toxic and guilt tripping to my ex boyfriend especially after I lost by best fried (my grandparents dog I was extremely close to) and my great grandmother my ex is giving me a second chance and letting me change I had a friend last year and she was really fake she never cared about what I was going through and I became friends with a autistic kid who became my best fried and I distanced myself from her because she didn't like him and one day he asked for her to move so that he could sit beside me and she said ew no so I snapped and stopped out friendship everything will work out everything always does.

cloverisconfused OP March 25th


Wow, that sounds like a lot. I'm sorry you've had to deal with all of that. I'm glad everything worked out though! Thank you for the kind words :) 

forcefulShip4663 March 25th


of course! thank you!