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Accontability thread - week 30/2024 (July 22-28)

Turtleonmyleftarm July 22nd

Hi everyone, 

For the past couple of weeks, Phoenix22k, enigmaticOcean8813, and I have been messaging each other in this community to support one another and share our daily progress (or doubts). Unfortunately, after two weeks of continuous replies, we realized it was becoming a bit challenging to keep track of all the responses and posts. When replying to a specific post, the response appears directly underneath, while replying to the main topic (accountability) pushes responses to the bottom. Although this system makes sense, after many replies, especially when using the 7Cups app instead of the desktop version, it was becoming difficult to follow all the responses. There was a real risk of missing something important and not providing each other with the right support and responses.

Therefore, we've decided to create a new post for each week. By doing this, and seeing new accountability posts regularly, we also hope that others might see them and want to join our support group. I imagine the previous post, with so many replies just among us, might seem intimidating and not leave much room for new contributions.

All this long (and boring) introduction is to say... Welcome to the new accountability thread for week 30/2024, from Monday, July 22nd to Sunday, July 28th.



Phoenix22k July 22nd

Yay! This has been so wonderful and I'm grateful for all those out there reading and supporting. It's just so nice to realize .. I'm not alone.

Accountability 7/21

Was a good day for the most part. Breakfast was bland... Then I had coffee... Bland .. gum... Oh no. So I took an at home COVID test which was positive. Other than taste and smell and feeling tired though I feel fine. I got a doctor's opinion and fortunately as I'm not a high risk factor they recommended rest and monitoring symptoms for a day.

Otherwise, my meals were all healthy and I kept them down. In a sick twist... Not being able to taste anything didn't cause nearly as strong or triggers 😅.

Had a pretty good week last week with my diet, emotions, and recognizing temptation vs. actual hunger.

Plan today, 7/22 is to rest, recover, and have nutritious meals.. even if I can't taste them.

One day at a time.

enigmaticOcean8813 July 22nd


Great leadership!!! I can't stand using the phone app for this very reason.  I wish I could at least provide a review - a modern app would allow us to stay in close contact, whereas the current app is a disincentive for me.  This is a good solution.

Kudos!  My update - not so good - will follow in a bit.

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 22nd


Thanks 💜 but it was actually Phoenix's idea. 

I just implemented her excellent suggestion!

I look forward to reading your next post. 

Mine will arrive in a few hours 

enigmaticOcean8813 July 22nd

Accountability 7/22.

Many thanks to @Turtleonmyleftarm for the idea of a weekly thread.

While the smartphone app is really handy to have to stay in constant contact with my friends, the user experience is not the same as a desktop or laptop, so a new weekly thread will make it easier to keep track of and not lose important information.

I hope that others will join in as they follow our daily and weekly challenges.

I must have missed a couple of reports from you, @Turtle, in the last couple of days. For this, I apologize for not responding. I see this morning's report from @Phoenix22k that yesterday was a good day, relatively.
I am sorry that you had a positive COVID test, but these days COVID isn't what it used to be, I suppose.

From what everyone tells me, a mild case can be not much different than a cold or a flu.
My wife and I have been lucky that we have escaped COVID completely since 2020. Hard to believe.

Anyways, I am dictating this accountability report because I have such trouble typing at times, and that's just a consequence of my neurological problems, pothing to do with anorexia.

I have been trying to eat a little bit more, taking in more protein in the form of more chicken, which I hadn't normally eaten. It causes constipation, which I have been battling for weeks. 

There's more chicken in my future tonight. ☹️

I have doubled up on protein powder shakes. One complete one in the morning, and then one that I space out over the rest of the day, per the primary care doctor's recommendation. Spacing it, she believes, will help increase stomach size and increase appetite.

That's nice, but it doesn't necessarily mean that I still don't have a problem with food.

For example, last night, I went to eat half a piece of cheesecake, but skimmed off the whipped cream, which I don't like. Ate the cheesecake and left the crust. There's no reason not to eat the crust at my weight. Of course, when I weigh myself this morning, my weight is down from yesterday.

Not feeling great today. Some kind of a headache and I don't know what it's from - I think I overslept.

I think we all did pretty well last week, even with the challenges that we face individually and collectively. 

I think @Phoenix22k summed it up pretty well in this statement, recognizing temptation versus actual hunger. I would love to know, personally, what temptation is. I would love to know what hunger is, for that matter. I guess that's because my stomach is so small. Maybe after I get through this period of trying to enlarge my stomach, that I'll have a better idea of what it will be like.

One day at a time is true.

I wish you all the best.
Until tomorrow.

Phoenix22k July 23rd


It sounds like you're introducing more proteins and food into your diet which is great! I'm sorry to hear that it does cause digestive issues, but hopefully you can find an alternative that works. While I'm not plant based I have heard several stories about how the diet has changed people's lives and health.

Excellent work with the cheesecake as well! Compromising to please your mind and body I believe is a huge success.

Hopefully.... You didn't curse yourself and your headache isn't COVID related! Perhaps try some extra water, I find that extra caffeine and or dehydration sometimes causes my headaches.

Best of luck Tuesday!

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 22nd

Hi Phoenix and Ocean,

I am sorry @Phoenix22k for your Covid symptoms. I hope it remains mild and that you will feel better soon.

I also hope that since you don’t feel the real taste of food, it will help you with binging, and that once it all passes you will not feel the urge to taste more food. I am cheering you on and praying that this negative situation will turn into a positive one and will give you the chance to learn something more about your hunger clues.

Speaking of hunger clues, @enigmaticOcean8813 I didn’t know you weren’t feeling your hunger clues. In spite of my condition, I am actually hungry all the time but force myself not to eat. I didn’t know you could actually not feel hungry, had it always been like this? Or did you start losing your hunger clues after some time or after other of your surgeries and issues?

Anyway, great job with the added food and chicken. Not the tastier meat I am afraid, but it should be easily digestible due to your IBS… Keep it up! And great job also with the cheesecake. Even if you didn’t eat all of it, I still see it as a win! Cakes and sweets are always difficult for us to accept so I think you did great. Even if it wasn’t a “conplete” step, a small step is still moving you forward.

And here’s my accountability for Monday 22nd.

Rest day for me from my training. Ate what I was supposed to eat, except for a little bit of oil I didn’t add to my plate tonight, but I restricted just a tiny bit (like 5 grams). Still a win if I think about all the other things I ate and if I compare myself to weeks ago.

Tonight I had my session with my psychologist and now I feel drained and exhausted, it’s always like that after therapy, I don’t know why. I already prepared breakfast, mid-morning snack and lunch for tomorrow using all the ingredients and quantities, so more than half of the day tomorrow should be good too. I find that preparing things in advance doesn’t make me sway from the plan so I keep meal prepping daily.

I think these could be my 5 cents for today. If you haven’t yet, maybe give a try to meal prepping!

Phoenix22k July 23rd


Nice work Monday! I think the oil addition in itself wasn't a major thing to add, but I know how even these small deviations may trigger your brain so I'm proud of you for adding it and sticking to the day!

I meal prep all my breakfast and lunches for the week and it really does help! It was typically dinner when I didn't plan that I would have more temptations. I've worked on this and have started writing out at least what I plan to have for dinner.

Kudos for your therapy session as well. Mental workouts are often just as hard as the physical. I hope it was productive and helpful for you

Keep it uppp!

Phoenix22k July 23rd

Accountability 7/22

Yesterday turned out pretty well. I slept quite a good bit and also kept down my healthy meals. Taste seems to slowly be returning. My thoughts around food definitely lessened because of the sense deprivation.

Overall I'm finding more strength in being able to control my eating. It is still rather hard at times but I keep focusing on my small victories that I had and telling myself I can do it.

Oh and I didn't even know there was a desktop 7 cups! I'll have to look into it.

Hope you all find success and peace today.

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 23rd

Hi @Phoenix22k,

I am happy to read you managed to rest and eat well. Our bodies really need  this to recover, even if luckily covid isn’t as bad as it was a few years ago…

You’re doing great focusing on the little daily victories, and you definitively can do it!!!

Looking forward to reading your next accountability post and hopefully seeing your health is improving.

Sending love!

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 23rd

Accountability for Tuesday 23rd 

Had quite a "strong" start of the day with a technical run workout. Same as last tuesday, so 2 km (1.24 miles) of warm up, 8 sprints of 200 m (0.12 miles) followed by 1 minute of walking, and finished with 2 km (1.24 miles) of recovery run. My time, pace and heart rate all improved, so it's the confirmation my body needed the fuel to work properly. I needed the food to function. 

I also feel less tired, I don't feel weak or have dizzy spells during the afternoons. 

So it's a win.

I look at myself and see I am already fuller. My belly is all I can look at. 

This is definitively NOT a win.

But my passion for sport is what's pushing me at the moment to try and keep this up. 

My psychologist yesterday told me to try and trust my body and give it time, that it's probably inflammation and bloating caused by the different way I am eating and stress. 

I had hoped all the new food would go to my muscles and not anywhere else, b ut it seems my body had different plans. 

Anyway the feeling of being able to improve is nice so I'll try and remember this feeling everytime my brain tells me I am fat or that I should not eat... 

enigmaticOcean8813 July 23rd


I am so impressed with your passion for sport and your discipline with your running workouts. I have seen in my own case that my workouts at home have gotten less and less over the past few years. I still have some small workouts each day, mind you, but they are simpler and simpler. I think it's a great win and I applaud you on your technical run workout for today.

I think it's good that you have something like the sports pushing you and giving you motivation to keep going. It probably helps provide some motivation in eating and maintaining a proper diet, but I suppose this is something you have and will explore with your psychologist.

The one thing that I have added to my diet that I read about recently is collagen peptides. You can find them in many different forms. Collagen peptides are the basis for forming muscles and bones. I thought in my case, because I am so far underweight, that is something that I should add, but I wanted to share it with both of you. Maybe it's something you wanted to look into.

There are some formulations where you mix it with room temperature water and then you can add it to other drinks. Right now, I'm taking a collagen peptide drink that has minerals and I just add cold water and drink it throughout the day so I make sure that I get my 20 ounces in. At least I make sure I get something in there. I don't know if it's making a difference, but I know I'm not getting any worse.

Not much good to report here, but I'm so glad and my hat's off to you for the strong start today and maintaining the passion for sports and maybe give some thought or look up, see what you can read about collagen peptides.

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 24th


Hi! Thank you for your kind message!
I am impressed you still have small workouts everyday, no matter if they’re simple. The important thing is just keep moving, as it is really beneficial for our bodies and overall health. And with your spine issues etc. I think it must be very important that you keep it light and safe, but at the same time that you keep doing it. So great job to you too!


I had never heard about collagen peptides.
Next week I have the first appointment with my new dietician (the one from the ED recovery centre) and maybe I’ll try asking him/her if it could be something worth adding for me too. Thanks for sharing the information! 

enigmaticOcean8813 July 24th


Here is a perplexity search on Collagen Peptides

Based on the available research, collagen peptide supplements appear to be generally safe and potentially effective for certain uses, though more high-quality studies are still needed:


Collagen peptides are considered possibly safe when taken orally[9][11]. Studies have shown they can be safely used in doses up to 10 grams daily for up to 6 months, with side effects being rare[9]. No serious adverse effects have been reported in clinical trials[12].

Potential effectiveness:

- Skin health: Some studies indicate collagen supplements may improve skin hydration, elasticity, and reduce wrinkles in older adults and those with dry skin[9][10]. However, larger trials are still needed to confirm these effects.

- Joint health: There is some evidence collagen may help improve symptoms of osteoarthritis[9].

- Bone health: Collagen supplements may potentially support bone health, though more research is needed[11].

- Muscle strength: While collagen does not seem to improve leg muscle strength, it may improve hand-grip strength[9].

Important considerations:

- The FDA does not regulate collagen supplements, so quality and contents can vary between products[11]. 

- Many collagen supplements contain additional ingredients beyond just collagen peptides[10].

- The body breaks down collagen into amino acids, so targeted benefits to specific areas are not guaranteed[11].

- A balanced, protein-rich diet combined with exercise may support the body's natural collagen production without supplements[12].

In conclusion, while collagen peptide supplements appear relatively safe, their effectiveness is still being studied. For specific health goals, it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen. A nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle remain the foundation for supporting the body's natural collagen production and overall health.















Phoenix22k July 24th


Awesome workout and stats! A definite win! Are you looking into doing any 5k races or anything near you?

I am still proud of you for sticking to your diet and navigating these challenging emotions. Know that you are not alone when looking at the mirror... We often see things that nobody else does, or even cares about, but it is still tremendously hard. It's also frustrating when you are doing everything "right" but maybe have one extra glass of water and it changes your image of yourself.

In time I do think that your body will get more accustomed to your diet and eating more, and perhaps it will retain in other areas such as muscle tissue, which also may be being built and perhaps be a reason for inflammation? I'm certainly not a doctor but seems to make a little sense.

Anyway, I'm happy for your victory, and just want you to know that the mirror is my enemy too and you are not alone.

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 25th


Hi Phoenix,
No at the moment I don’t have any goal or competition planned.
At the beginning of this year I did a very nice run in Venice, it’s called “Venice Night Trail” – 16 km and 51 bridges. There was the competitive race that started first and then, a little later, there were us 'ordinary' people with no results in mind, running or walking. I was still new to running and had never run such a long distance, but the city was so beautiful and the people around so engaging that I ended up running almost the whole distance. Then there were “traffic” jams in some of the narrower streets due to the large number of people, which forced us to stop or walk, so I could catch my breath. I won't hide the fact that I wouldn't mind doing it again next year, and this time being one of the first to start (so I’d be in the competitive race), so that I wouldn't find myself in traffic jams and could finish with a good time. But it’s going to be next April, so I’ve got plenty of time to train.

At the moment I can do 5k in under 30 minutes, and I am not far from 10 k in 1h, I think I should be able to do it in a couple of weeks (depending on the weather mainly. It’s so hot and humid here these days that it really slows you down)

Phoenix22k July 25th


That sounds like a beautiful race! And under 30 min for a 5k is great! It always depends on the course. I think that would be a nice little extra challenge for yourself if you need it. I wouldn't worry about joining the "competitive" slot too much unless you really wanted to. I find it just as enjoyable to do the open races, less pressure haha.

Really cool! I'm in the USA so not quite as picturesque as Venice for the most part.

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 25th


The competitive part is just to be able to start a little sooner and so not getting stuck in the "traffic" of people. This year I had to stop for more than 10 minutes in a very small alleyway because there was too much people 🤣

Phoenix22k July 26th


Oh my goodness YES! That is also why I sign up for the earlier times in my races! It gets especially bad for the obstacle races when people stop and stare at them. Which I understand, and I get it, they can be intimidating. But not worth adding another 30 minutes to my time.

It has been so refreshing chatting with you. I see many similarities in our personalities and habits.

Keep growing each day!

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 26th


It’s great for me too!!!
I think we’re really a good match and I feel so lucky you saw my 1st post and decided to reply to me.
Sometimes I feel you’re the only one that can actually understand me since we have such similarities, other people would not understand or would judge what we do (like waking up before dawn to train).
I am grateful we found each other and we can help each other

Phoenix22k July 26th


It has been really great! Although our situations may be different, I find we have similar thoughts and challenges.

I hadn't used this community before and it's just a great coincidence that I looked into it at the same time as you

Hope you're getting in your nutrition today!

Phoenix22k July 24th

Accountability 7/23

No major changes on the COVID front. I slept rather well, woke up and got in my Workout (Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps) and my usual 1.5 mile run. To still feel fine enough to do this with "covid" well I can thank my body for the discipline and great heart/lungs.

Taking the next few days off from Summer School teaching. Partly, because I want to enjoy more of my summer break, and I also don't want to risk getting other people sick. Only next week remains so I figure I will return to it at that time. 

Some other emotional challenges came up today though. My sister invited me to an amusement park with my nephews and was wondering why I didn't want to join after summer school. (This was before my Covid diagnosis). I told her I would think about it, but likely wouldn't stay long. I tend to enjoy my "free" afternoons, and since I get up at 4:30 to workout, then would have work until 3:00, I really didn't want to go to the park for another three hours, I just want to go home and relax. I bring this up because this happens rather often. Not just the park, but other events ect.

I do not have kids, and am unmarried, and genuinely enjoy my independence. I also take pride and love my Morning workouts, which are also why I don't like to be out late. While I love my nephews and family, part of me feels bad for not being with them more.

I just am wrestling with being "justified" in how I like to take care of my body but that it sometimes comes at an expense to others. Am I selfish? I know it is something I need to work on finding balance and acceptance with, so hoping to think this over today.

Anyway, Diet was a success again! Just trying to figure out "who" I am and want to be

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 25th


Hi Phoenix,
Good to hear Covid isn’t impacting your life that much and that you’re still able to do what makes you feel good (workout, run etc.)

And great job with your successful eating day!!! Kudos to you!

I don’t think you’re selfish for choosing to put yourself first.
You love your sister and nephews, that’s absolutely clear to me (and I am sure they know this too).
But we only have a specific amount of “strength and resources” we can count on, to live our lives in a healthy and satisfying way.
If our jobs and other activities already drain quite a lot of that, it is only wise that we decide to save that remaining energy.

Imagine it like money. You don’t want to spend all your money everyday, otherwise once you’ll really need something extra you’ll find yourself having none left.
This is hard for me too, I really do see a connection between us here, as I am the first to avoid going out, eating out etc, so I feel a bit hypocritical writing this. But maybe putting it in writing will help you and help me to realise this once and for all.
Maybe we need to try and find a little bit more balance. We should save our energy/strength/resources most of the days, and then once in a while we should get out and use a little bit of that “money” we saved to enjoy ourselves. BUT only if that really is an enjoyment for us.

I was thinking, would there be any other activity that could be more enjoyable for you that you could do with your sister and nephews, that will not make you stay up late and will still be a good thing to do together, instead of going to the amusement park? Like a early afternoon show at the cinema or something like that?

Phoenix22k July 25th


I really appreciate your approach and views on my energy/resources. Part of it is also recognizing that we all have different values and are at different stages in our lives. I am putting a lot of energy and effort into healing right now, and am trying to focus on that. My sister is a great mom and her values are her kids for right now which I also get.

She is aware somewhat of my situation, but as most people I don't think they really "get" how challenging the day-to-day can be. I know she does appreciate when I am there, I just want to work on being there more. I'll have to try and think of some more opportunities that would fit both of our schedules. Maybe when she sees me putting forth this effort she will have a better idea that I want to be there, but have to be careful with how I spend my time right now.

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 25th

Accountability for Wednesday 24th


Don’t have much to say about today.
I ate what I was supposed to eat. I went to the gym during my lunch break and trained well. Afternoon at work was a nightmare due to a product defect that came out unexpectedly, but I think we came out of it very well. The only issue is that I’ve got a few colleagues that are always negative, always complaining, always thinking they’re the only ones doing thing right and everyone else (especially me) do things the wrong way. But you know what? They can go and f themselves, I am fed up of their behaviour and I don’t want to have my days ruined by them.

Dinner is always the meal I restrict a little bit. Yesterday I was supposed to eat 100 g of mozzarella cheese, and only ate 70 g. But I ate everything else, and all the meals, so the restrictions are really limited and small lately, I think it’s still a win.

Hope I’ll keep up with this trend.

Sending love to all of you!

Phoenix22k July 25th


Big wins for Turtle today I would say! Sometimes the days when there is "not much to say" are good!

Big victory going to the gym during your lunch, a very productive way to spend your time, especially with the more proper nutrients you have been having. It sounds like your workout game is improving and you are feeling better about this!

Ah the negative colleagues... I'm sorry to hear they impacted your day but am proud of you for how you handled it and did not let that ruin your diet. Those types are in every work space and I do my best to avoid them and just ignore their remarks. Sometimes I feel "anti-social" but it is not worth my sanity to hear their constant complaints. I hope that your supervisors see your quality work and perhaps reward you for this.

You are making such big strides and have so much courage! While you did not eat all 100 g, yes I think the 70g is reasonable, but I don't want to get you in trouble with your dietician either :)

Hope you have a great day and that work goes better! Take out your frustration with an extra lap!

Phoenix22k July 25th

Accountability 7/25

Another rather good day. Sense of taste and smell slowly returning. I had a talk with my sister about yesterday and she was understanding. I did say that next week I will go to the amusement park with my nephews, even if it is after work. I know I can do it, and once I do I will enjoy it, part of it is just getting over the fear of what food will be there ect. But I'm going to take this as a personal challenge and opportunity to grow.

Was able to get some work done from home and do some cleaning. Oddly enough this often helps curb my temptations. These too have been less which is nice, I don't feel myself battling them as much.

Diet was good, and I'm looking forward to my new yogurt treat mid-day now as well as dinner. In the past I used to be more "afraid" to eat as I had difficulty stopping, but I'm getting better at recognizing these feelings.

Have a great day everyone!

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 25th


What an amazing post!
It made me so happy reading it. I don't know what made me happier. Knowing that you're feeling better, or that you're going to the amusement park, or the fact that your eating habits are getting better and that you're now enjoying your mid-day yogurt treat and dinner and you're getting better at recognizing you hunger clues and binge feelings. 

I am so proud of you!!!!

Phoenix22k July 26th

Accountability 7/25

Yesterday was good again. My body/mind seems to be getting better at recognizing when I'm full and not going for seconds. I just need to get over the feeling of feeling "fat" after eating a good meal, especially in the evening. What I have noticed is that even this "feeling" has not really impacted my image or scale. So... it is all in my head.

Trying to work on comparing myself less to others. I do not use social media much, but when I am out and about I find myself being judgmental or wishing I had a certain look. I should instead focus on the journey that I am on and be satisfied with the progress I am making. But I can't help to always look in the mirror and feel like my face/cheeks are puffy, or I wish I had bigger arms/chest muscles ect. My workout plan is solid, I'm in great shape all considered, I just need to embrace that and continue to believe in myself. 


Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 26th


Hi Phoenix,

It’s amazing how many steps ahead you’ve done in such a small period of time.
I am so proud of you for being able to recognize your hunger clues and understanding when your ED voice is trying to trick you.
You are such an inspiration for me, we’re both struggling with our body image but I am sure that if I were to see you I would only see a perfect person and that I’d consider your body to be perfect. So whenever your head tells you you’re not perfect or you catch yourself comparing your body with someone else’s, please think: “Turtle would see me as perfect, I am perfect”. 

enigmaticOcean8813 July 26th


Hi Phoenix, thanks so much for sending me the message. For some reason, I haven't been seeing the community messages that there was activity I really haven't had the chance to check.
We've been getting our house ready for sale and there have been showings and on top of it, my wife and I are planning a trip to get together with our kids and grandkids and so life has been pretty hectic but I do have a few minutes to check in and I want to thank you so so much for thinking of me and reaching out.
I am so pleased to see that you've had a couple of good days that your sense of taste and smell are slowly returning that you're managing your food temptations that you're able to be with family. I mean these are all really good things and I'm headed into a very similar period where I'm going to be with our kids and their children and I'm going to have to manage food that is more than I want to eat and really probably just don't want to eat.
I've had my ups and downs here. I still am struggling but I'm holding my own. I'm not going to have a computer with me so I'll be battling the smartphone app which I hate and I'll do my best to stay in touch with you and Turtle during the few days that we are away.
We're leaving tomorrow and I'll try to check in when I can. All the best.


Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 26th

Accountability for Thursday 25th


Quite a good day today too.
I started my day with a 5 am run. The first km was quite difficult since the day before I went to the gym and my PT went quite hard on leg exercises. So I told myself “just 5 k today, don’t exaggerate as you risk injuring yourself and you don’t want that. So listen to your body”. From the 2nd km on, legs started to feel better and move faster. So my brain went “you’re only going to do 5 k, so we can try to keep up a slightly faster pace”. Long story short, if we take out the 1st km and we consider it just a warm up, I basically smashed my PR on the rest of the run. I don’t think I would have had the energy to do more than 5 k, but I really happy for how they turned out. And I closed my training with a slow and relaxing walk with my dogs before heading to work, so perfect start of the day.

Had all my meals as planned, including dinner which I didn’t think I would have been able to do, since I was home alone. When nobody sees me, I tend to eat less or do something quick and incomplete since it’s just for me (I cook very well if it’s for others, but not if it’s just for me – it’s like I am not worth doing so much for my own). But I was strong and also ate 83 out of 85 grams of bread as indicated in my plan. I had never gone above 70 grams before.

I spent the night cleaning, tidying up and listening to a podcast, which might seem boring and obsessive but for me was actually a perfect night!

enigmaticOcean8813 July 26th


Hi, Turtle. I'm sorry I've been away for a few days. We've been busy getting our house ready to move, and we've had some showings. And on top of it, we're going away to see our children and grandchildren for a few days. So I won't be in close contact for a while, but I'll do my best to check in with the two of you.

I am just so impressed with your exercise and diet regimen that I wish I had the energy and probably the age and stamina to keep something like that up. The one thing that you wrote that really struck me was that you had all your meals as planned. And maybe it's the planning that's important, which I don't often do.

And yesterday, I really fell off the wagon. For two days, I had been doing pretty well, and so myself put on a little bit of weight. But when I stepped on the scale this morning, I was all the way back down to where I was originally. So it's like starting over again for me. But I know carbs are important for running, so eating 83 out of 85 grams of bread is important.

And hats off to you for a perfect night. It will be hard for me to be in touch. Maybe just a quick note at the end of the day, because I will be at my son's tomorrow, and I will have to use that awful phone app. I won't have a laptop with me, but I will be thinking of you and your really good progress.


Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 27th

Hi Ocean!

No need to apologise! It’s great you’re busy (it takes away the attention from our bodies and food thoughts) and I am happy you’ll be visiting your children and grandchildren for a few days, it’s lovely you have the chance to spend a little time with your loved ones.

I am glad you managed to put on a little bit of weight, please do not see the fact that you’ve lost it as a negative thing. Our bodies change day by day, the best thing would be checking the weight after a little bit of time (like once a week or every two weeks) and see the trend rather than the exact number. If you only focus on a day’s specific weight you might stress yourself and as a result even lose some… So please don’t weigh yourself too much, and rather focus on how you feel. How are you feeling recently? Any change on that?

Phoenix22k July 27th


Thanks for sharing Ocean! I completely understand when things come up and if you are not able to comment each day. When/if you are able your input is always welcome! 

I just know from myself, like journaling, I get into a habit for awhile and then stop, and I wanted you to know your thoughts and journey are read and appreciated. I wish I could help more than just being some words on a page, but know that you are in my thoughts and I'm wishing you the best.

Good luck with the transitions this weekend. Try and focus on the moments you are spending with your family!

Phoenix22k July 27th


Awesome job listening to your body and resting! Ahhh leg day... I train those once a week and have come to appreciate it more, but not my favorite work out! So much strength is tied to our legs though so it is helpful. I'm glad you are able to build in relaxation/recovery naturally. "Listening" to your body is key, and it is a part that will help with your nutrition journey also.

As usual, I can so relate to the cooking. I really do enjoy cooking meals for others, I worked part time at a cafe and it's nice to see satisfaction and joy through others when they eat. I think part of this is because I do not quite feel that joy when I eat, or make them things I wouldn't eat, so perhaps I am living through their experiences.

Sounds like a good day. Keep thinking of how well you are doing and try to focus on one-day at a time! 

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 27th

Accountability for Friday 26th

No running or sports for me today. My body needed some rest, and I also had to do some errands so it was a different day than my usual Fridays. During the day I tried my best to stick to my plan but I was really busy so I didn’t have my snacks and also lunch was slightly off, but I told myself that I need to accept that not all of my meals can be perfect. For dinner I met with my parents for my mother’s birthday and we ate together and watched the Olympic opening ceremony. I didn’t eat much because I knew there was going to be cake, but I tried everything and didn’t stress out too much. Well, not as much as I would have done a few weeks ago (I still stressed, but a little bit less).

On a positive note, I still hadn’t bought my “treat” for being good last week and I bought myself a new pair of sunglasses 🕶️ and I am truly happy! Tomorrow I will go to the cinema to see Deadpool & Wolverine as a treat for this week

Phoenix22k July 27th


"Still stressed, but a little less", hey that is amazing! Learning to be comfortable with the stress I think is a big part of recovery, and especially not letting it ruin your day. With today being a recovery day for you I think you modified your meals accordingly and sounds like you made the right decisions there. Great compromise as usual!

I'm sure you look great with the sunglasses! When you put them on think about how you "earned" them, by challenging yourself and growing. That may help them feel even better!

I'm going to check out Deadpool as well! Though not until next week. I have 5 more days of summer school and figure it will be a great way to "end" that part of my summer. So no spoilers yet!

enigmaticOcean8813 July 27th

Well deserved and nice treat, Turtle! I forgot about the weekly treat pact we had made.

I am off to see family, I know eating will be off b but at least I have our group in my pocket 😅 to check in with.

Phoenix22k July 27th

Accountability 7/26

It was another good day. I'm feeling much better and have my taste/smell back! Also tested negative for COVID so I'll be able to teach the last week of summer school, and tomorrow I have a family reunion so I will not feel as though I'm risking everyone's health.

Great workout in the AM. I'm adjusting a little more to heavier weights to try and build some muscle. Part of this yes, is a goal to try and get a "look" but not entirely. It is also motivation to eat properly as I will need my calories and healthy meals to fuel properly. I also am hoping that since I've been binge-free for awhile that any inflammation/water weight will go down. I'll try and think of this as a healthy experiment.

Breakfast good, Lunch good, was able to fend off some temptation with old video games I used to play and reading, Dinner good. Though I just napped and rested afterwards until I formally went to bed.

Tomorrow, family reunion. I have my meals planned out for that and know there will be temptations but I am confident I can control myself. The challenge is usually afterwards... when no one is around. So tomorrow's obstacle, embrace time with my family, and RELAX afterwards in a healthy manner.

enigmaticOcean8813 July 27th

Great report, Phoenix!! How wonderful, I too am headed to a family reunion.

Tell me, when you talk About f temptation do you mean binging?