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The loop repeats 🎶🎶 (vent)

rainmakerhere November 19th, 2023

So. I might (might) have just gotten to my highest weight of <edited for weight by KristenHR> after a week of binging. Now I'm a freaking hippo even more than I was before (not even sure I can write this here lol).

Aand I may have just taken <edited for # by KristenHR> laxes just to make myself feel better (can I write this?).

Isn't it just amazing? :D

I don't know what to do anymore, not even sure I want to do anything at all. Maybe life is just living through this sh1t and everyone just pretends they don't feel it. Who am I to judge?

Michelh1996 November 20th, 2023

@rainmakerhere Sorry to hear that you're struggling with this. I can relate very much to having these cravings and then overeating and feeling very bad about it. I find myself trying to compensate or look at my weight a lot as well. 

Seems like the best way to get rid of these cravings is to give in to them instead of fighting them all day, which isn't that great. I am still looking for ways to actually fight them and beat them. You should know that even if you don't give in to one, there might a next one, but at least you can close one for the moment instead of giving in. I am still looking to find ways to do that, but that's where I am at the moment in terms of realisation of the situation.

Maybe it also helps for you to brainstorm on what triggers these cravings and overeating and then how you might stop one of them. I am also very interested as well. Hoping for the best and wishing you a lot of strength to deal with this and move forward!

KristenHR November 21st, 2023


Binging is a challenging cycle in itself.  It is so difficult to get out of the cycle.  I'm really glad you are posting about it.

Have you ever asked yourself what you need when you go to the cupboard when you are having cravings?  Outside the urges to eat - what is it that you are really needing at that moment?  Comfort?  Are you bored?  Lonely?  etc.?

Has there been anything that has been helpful when you haven't been caught in the cycle of binging?

I know it's really challenging to stop the cycle, yet I believe it's doable with support, help and the hard work that has to be done internally.  It's not a straight and narrow, and it's not a short road.  But a doable one with a lot of rocky times.