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just a rant i guess

reliableOwl4649 October 11th, 2020

this is not going to make any sense at all because i’m really not feeling great today and i’m just saying words at this point but i wanted to get this out somewhere

im really starting to realize that i might never get better from this. ive been dealing with this for years and i don't think it's ever going to stop. the more i think about it i've realized that i don't think i’ll ever be able to recover. ive considered recovery a lot over the years but no matter how much thought i give it it always seems like a bad option?? my eating got really bad again about 4 months ago and i feel like i can't try to recover after only four months because for some reason it makes me feel like i'm weak and i need to deal with it longer before i can recover. i know it's been four years and i deserve to recover but i just can't think of any reason that i should?? i haven't been losing weight and it's only been a few months of it being really bad again so i don't know i just feel like i shouldn't recover? i don't deserve it yet. but i know that i'll never feel like i'll deserve it so i’ll probably never end up recovering and this will end up killing me so i just don't know what to do. life is short i don't want to spend every single day obsessed with how much i've eaten and worrying about whether or not ive gone over my calorie limit. i just don't know what to do :( i don't deserve to recover but i don't want to be like this anymore

TheMadHatterWasHere October 11th, 2020

@reliableOwl4649 It's not about what you deserve, it's about what you need. And if you have been going at it for 4 months it's totally valid! YOU are valid! I have been going at this for 2 years now, maybe more, and I WISH I had stopped earlier, and gotten some help. I have had an eating disorder for almost 11 years now, and I have been on and off through the years. I had a recovery period 3 or 4 years ago, but 2 years ago something went wrong, and I was back in the "game".

And it's only NOW when ppl tell me how little I eat and stuff that I have realized that I should get help. I should do that for myself. I have my first talk with a new therapist in two weeks, and I know I will need that, if I'm gonna get out of this.

So please do some selfcare and get yourself some help. Just bc you are not loosing weight doesn't mean you aren't suffering. Doesn't mean it isn't dangerous.

7motivation October 11th, 2020


Here are some ideas that may or may not apply to you (they're not recommendations, just ideas).

I designed meal plans for myself based on nutrition level analysis using free web app I designed my meals so they give me the target nutrition I need and not too little or too much. All within safe ranges.

Then I always use those meal plans so I know what I'm going to eat all day. That daily consistency really helped me stabilize my situation. It also made it easier to shop and improve my meal plans more and more.

I use a food scale and measuring cups and measuring spoons so I always eat the planned amounts.

My meals I designed so I am getting all the daily nutrients I need from real foods I eat. I eliminated all non-real food (heavily process foods that comes in a box and doesn't look like a real food like a vegetable or bean or seed).

I eliminated as much sugar as possible by changing what I bought. That really really helped reduce strange sensations of hunger for no reason.

I also reduced by fast carbs each meal so within limits that don't spike blood sugar and cause blood sugar crash and hunger later. That really helped too.I eat food with protein early in the morning so the digestion is slow, not fast like from cereals or baked goods.

I eliminated all flour products because they are fast carbs. I replaced them with slow carbs or other types of foods.

I don't eat any junk food, no snack foods or baked foods, no foods that come in a box.

I eat all real food. No added sugars.

No fruit juices. I drink mainly water.

I avoid fruits and get my vitamins from vegetables and other foods instead so I avoid the sugar from fruits.

I use a lot of frozen vegetables of different types, and dry red lentils, and barley, and rolled oats, and canned salmon, and sunflower seeds, and other healthy foods that provide more than all the nutrients I need daily per analysis I did on

I cook a lot of the foods in batches and put them in the refrigerator the night before. That lets some of the foods with starch turn into resistant starch which lowers their calories and glycemic load and makes them better for the gut microbiome health.

I spread out my calories all day long so my blood sugar levels stay steady all day.

I drink sips of water every now and then (I have a water cup always by my side, with a stainless steel straw and yellow rubber tip). I drink tap water that I leave in a pitcher overnight so the chlorine evaporates so it tastes just like bottled water then but is essentially free from the tap.

I get good sleep each day of the week and go to sleep at consistent times at night and wake up at consistent times in AM.

I get lots of physical activity daily and try to spread it out as much as possible, especially after eating. That is supposed to help train the muscle cells to burn sugar in the blood properly rather than become resistant.

All that worked really really well for me. It's easy to do daily now that I set it all up in advance. Now I just repeat.

And it's very inexpensive yet very healthy.

Please forgive any typos above.