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It's happening again

sunnyangel3333 August 5th

Is it silly that needing to study EDs for an exam is making me feel awful 

i recently, due to intense happenings in my life, have started struggling with EDs again - and then other stuff regarding eating too. I didn't eat for a few days on end for at least a few weeks, and then started eating so much i got sick. i still had not recovered from the issues i had from back in 2020 and before, being very skinny because of it all. in between i had insecurities abt my weight, but now trauma and heartbreak have triggered it again, now i keep flip flopping between either eating nothing or eating till i'm sick, and i'm even thinner than i was before 
now i need to study EDs for an exam tomorrow and feel like garbage- 

KristenHR August 6th


I don't think it's silly at all.  When we struggle with an issue and then we need to address it, it can be triggering or overwhelming.  How did you do with studying yesterday?  How did you do on your exam today?

sunnyangel3333 OP August 6th


the studying went ok but i really struggled to pay attention, and the exam was also ok, but it was a 3 hour exam and a very long paper, so i'm completely wiped rn but i'm starting to feel a little better

KristenHR August 6th


I'm glad it went okay.  Sounds like you might need rest after that long of an exam!  Do you have anything that helps you to regenerate after a really long exam like that?

sunnyangel3333 OP August 7th


watching something corny or talking to friends, since friends are busy i just watched something :3

KristenHR August 12th


Sounds like you handled it well.  Great job!