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Food Coma or Lethargy after meals

mikenaiwc January 22nd, 2019

As above, been experiencing food coma's after meals and has been impacting my lifestyle/work/motivation to do work or live life...

Have tried so many different options, diets, dogma, all the recommendations (i.e. balanced meals) and did not work out...

And to recover from it... i have to usually wait for hours and hours... and have to stay in the lethargic mindset...

Does anyone experiences this issues...? (I understand forums/online reads does say something similar... but does not usually last for so long)

Hellooonurse February 1st, 2019

@mikenai22 consider a low carb or ketogenic diet. I was having issues with post meal lethargy and falling asleep after eating and discovered that I had insulin resistance related to Polycystic ovarian syndrome and that my body just wasn't using carbohydrates properly. Once I went on medication and started a low carb diet these issues resolved. I would recommend talking to a professional like a doctor or nutritionist to make sure you don't have any underlying medical conditions before trying a new diet.

mikenaiwc OP February 1st, 2019

Hi @Hellooonurse, i understand and read before about the possiblity of insullin resistance (despite all the complex carbs...) and the need to discuss with doctors/dietitian before attempting any form of diet(s)/lifestyles. Only main concern is whether all the issues i been experiencing has any relation with the disordered mindset and eating behaviours...

But then... nothing has been helping so far... other than the recommended diet lifestyles.

DavidEss January 27th, 2019


recently I've been looking at ayurveda, which tries to balance the body by first ascertaining the body type, then suggesting the foods required to bring it into balance. So it isn't a one type fits everyone system, which most diets seem to attempt to be.

there are all kinds of online quizzes. If you think it might help it could be worth you going to see a practitioner and getting an accurate diagnosis (although both my wife and I got the same answer as from the online quizzes.)

mikenaiwc OP January 27th, 2019


recently I've been looking at ayurveda, which tries to balance the body by first ascertaining the body type, then suggesting the foods required to bring it into balance. So it isn't a one type fits everyone system, which most diets seem to attempt to be.

there are all kinds of online quizzes. If you think it might help it could be worth you going to see a practitioner and getting an accurate diagnosis (although both my wife and I got the same answer as from the online quizzes.)

Hi David, thanks.

Finally... a response regards to one of my most painful topic.

I read about the topic once. Which attempts to "balance" whatever that a person's body is lacking of.

just that... my whole bland simple plant food diet now (for quite some time) may not be able to gel into this...

DavidEss January 28th, 2019


Pleasure, and I hope it will be useful.

You know, I completely get that you are walking a tightrope already, but you can examine ayurveda without actually changing anything.

At some point, you might give it a try by, say modifying the doshas using herbal tea, for instance, and get into it very gently.

mikenaiwc OP January 28th, 2019


to be honest, I took some time to re-read again. (kinda briefly)

I saw some of the teas and diet recommendation

however the teas, herbs recommendation are kinda costly to get them shipped over to singapore.

diet wise... I am already at a kinda bland diet

whole food plant based... with occasionally cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric.

by the way... mine was categorised as vata (more dominated), kasha

DavidEss January 29th, 2019


Thanks for following up on my suggestion anyway.

I used to have one of deep-fat fryer's, oops, sorry, deepak chopra's books on ayurveda but I can't find it at the moment.

I was typed as pitta vata. So I need to incorporate more kapha in my diet to maintain balance, I think that's how it goes.

You will be able to find some pitta and a little kapha spices to round out your diet, I'm sure.

Good luck!

mikenaiwc OP January 29th, 2019


Thanks David for your encouragement. Appreciate it very much.

(I'm just a little concerned if it might just be another health fad...)

Been exposed and reading too much on the internet.

DavidEss January 29th, 2019


This particular health fad has been going a long long time!

Some say 6000 bce.

mikenaiwc OP January 29th, 2019


woa, that is sure long...

anyways it is kinda rude of me to fall it a fad

but at my situation now... gotta be careful not to keep jumping from one to another...

DavidEss January 29th, 2019


Oh, absolutely. I have no idea if it will be helpful, but wondered if it might be worth a try.

mikenaiwc OP January 30th, 2019


well, one thing for sure is that it defintely sparked some reading thoughts of mine... (kinda... triggering me to keep continuous reading... - my entire day)

mikenaiwc OP January 29th, 2019


Perhaps part of it is because you view your food as bland and simple?

Possible, you/I attract what we feel and think right? (law of attraction)

Is there a medical reason for your food to be simple and bland?

No. I just only wanted it to be this way.

Easier to prepare (Microwaved)

Whole food, lesser effort to prepare, save time, save money, freezable and in a way (eating disorder thoughts) healthier/cleaner?

I only thought sometimes it is easier to digest. (Especially when i puree it with my blender)

I know it is kinda inspired from YouTube (Possible Health Fad) Whole Food, Plant Based Diet

Just because food is 'plant-based' doesn't require that it be either of these things - infact much of Indian food (where aruyvedic concepts come from) is plant-based as well. Maybe finding some more exciting plant-based options would help.

I saw quite a few of them, but they are more on the "spiceful", "heaty/hot" types.

Plus... I felt that it is not worth it to prepare... just for self.

If you (like many) were to recommend "meal prep" style like making a larger batch and can be lunch/dinner the next day... I duno if it is a good idea...

I hate doctor's message of eating balanced bowl, must be rotating dishes... cannot always eat the same food... poor nutrients..

Alternatively, perhaps your lacking some nutrients -- if you're eating plants-based, it's possible that you're low on B, which is difficult to get without animal products, and some people have difficulty absorbing regardless. I'd recommend that you go to your dr and have a blood panel done. Low levels of B12 can not only cause the kind of lethargy that you're describing, but also depression and other neurological issues like confusion and trouble concentrating.

I hope that helps and you start feeling better soon!

Actually I did a blood test for B12 and Iron and the result was back within recommended levels. Although that was during late Aug 2018.

I understand about your concern (as i saw about the possible deficiencies) for vegans/vegetarians/plant-based diet.

Been "cheating" my way through to get as much B12 as i can...

- Eggs (yea, yea... i know it is not plant-based)

- Marmite

- Tempeh

- Milo (very recent introduction, although i seriously hate the aftertaste, plus it is not plant/vegetarian/vegan friendly)