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Food Apps?

redLunch4107 August 22nd, 2018

I have this app that counts calories and tracks the nutrition ofthe stuff I eat... it also tracks exercise. I dont know if its good for me to have or not. It makes me feel fantastic when Im below my calorie count but on days that I binge or even eat more than I was planning, its awful. Plus, everytime I eat anything, all I can think about is how high the number already is. But its helping me find healthier alternatives so... is it good? Is it harmful? I dont really know. This morning I binged and I entered the foods I ate and the number is horrendous and my head is just buzzing with how much weight Ill gain from the sugar. Its only the middle of the day and I only have [edited by Anomalia to remove calorie specifics] left today, and Im way over on sugar because of the binge. Its so discouraging, but maybe thats kind of motivation I need to avoid binging in the future?

Bloom97 September 6th, 2018

@redLunch4107 I think it's kind of funny because I used to do that as well. I personally wouldn't recommend using the app because it really does mess with your mind.

I think two summer's ago I used it but I became super obsessed with it, I made sure to always burn over (a super high number in the hundreds) a certain number of calories, which meant i spent more than 3 hours every day exercising. And then I always ate so little, like it's actually kind of ridiculous thinking back on the calories. I legitimately didn't really eat any full meals for around 3-4 months, I found it easy cause my parents were working the whole summer and I'm the oldest sibling my younger ones wouldn't have noticed.

My point is that it spirals alot and when it came for me to go to university I could barely eat anything without the need to exercise or to get it out, plus once you break the diet you gain it back tenfold. It's what happened to me, which ruined my self esteem alot as I'm genuinely not a slim person, I'm actually very very big (im not being body dysmorphic) I ended up bigger than I started off.

In the end the struggle is a lot to deal with and it's honestly better to not use the app, tracking makes you feel like the numbers are so big when they aren't that bad.

If you are like I am and actually need to lose weight I understand why some people would say 'it's fine cause I'm fat anyway'. Just cause you are bigger doesn't mean you should use such extremes. Its dangerous.

Bloom97 September 6th, 2018

@Bloom97 sadly I'm a hypocrite and still use the apps though... But I'm actually a bit more in control than before

summertimeSamness August 24th, 2018


Recovery Road is a good app because it focuses on tracking behaviors and not calories or exercise <3<3<3

redLunch4107 OP August 24th, 2018


Thank you 🙏 ♥️

romanticthi3f August 28th, 2018



I've tried a fair few food apps and I've found calore counting apps are an absolute no-go for me. All they do is create immense guilt and shame.

I can completely relate to how discouraging it can be too when you go over your recommended calorie intake, but at the same time you know personally that it wasn't a good idea and I feel like you don't need an app to remind you of that?

Anyway, the app that I can recommend is called YouAte. This one is a photo based app (or you can write text). Instead of calorie counting, you say whether or not it was on path or off path. You get to decide what's on and off path for you and that's what I like about it. You can add little details to your meal (optional) about why you ate (i.e. hungry, stressed, tired), where you ate (i.e. standing, work desk), etc. It will also tell you how much you're on path or off path so you can start to compare how much you're changing each week.

Hope you find one that works for you


brightbubbles88 July 17th, 2020

i've found recovery record super helpful! (it sends you meal reminders, doesn't track calories and allows you to be more self aware of thought/feeling/behaviour patterns) heart