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Believing, Trusting too much on the internet, social media, closed ones, professionals, anyone, except self

mikenaiwc February 15th, 2019

I have been thinking...
As per title...
What do you (anyone) think?

internet - dogmas, diets, reports, scientific research, government research, this good that bad
social media - self-accounts, self-trained dietitians/nutrionist, recovered souls, instagram, pinterest, youtube, podcasts, 7cups...
professionals - psychologists, psychiatrists, dietitians, ED-Trained clinics, counsellors

Although I am supposed to self-judge, but I can't. I just wanted to hear comments/opinions.

DavidEss February 21st, 2019


it's not so much who you believe, as who you trust.

mikenaiwc OP February 21st, 2019


To be honest, David, I lost "everything". My thoughts, choices, decision, beliefs, trust, faith...

DavidEss February 22nd, 2019


My suggestion to you would be to start with your head, as it sounds like you have lost trust in yourself.

Decide on someone who has never let you down - a big ask - and make notes of any suggestions or guidance they have given you.

Using your own head, pick some of that advice and work it. Is it good? Can I continue to trust it? In that way you will gradually relearn where solid ground lies.

How does that sound?

mikenaiwc OP February 22nd, 2019


My suggestion to you would be to start with your head, as it sounds like you have lost trust in yourself.

Point well noted...

Decide on someone who has never let you down - a big ask - and make notes of any suggestions or guidance they have given you.

Not sure David...

I just kept listening and listening.

One moment can be this person, another moment can be another. It kinda felt challenging to differentiate between right and wrong...

Using your own head, pick some of that advice and work it. Is it good? Can I continue to trust it? In that way you will gradually relearn where solid ground lies.


Let me see if i can keep the questions above in mind, and constantly remind myself to try ask myself...

How does that sound?

I am not sure David. (Likewise, I am challenging (asking) myself to even think about them)

Its like another round of if this is a source of information, kind of thing.

I appreciate your thought

DavidEss February 22nd, 2019


Well, start with me. Do you think you can trust what I say? What evidence do you have? Might I be trying to manipulate or scam you? Might I be genuine but just wrong?

This kind of questions.

mikenaiwc OP February 23rd, 2019


Hmm david. let me try to absorb and ponder about it...

LovelyRose77 February 21st, 2019

Your post made me think of something a therapist friend told me about social media. Friends from my old life were posting a lot of distressing things on my social media because of their politics, judgements, etc. It caused stress for me every time I logged on. My therapist friend said, "Don't let anyone on your page who you wouldn't invite into your house today. After all, you're inviting them into your space every single time you log on." Think of social media as an invitation into your home, your space, your energy. Now, when I log on, I smile because I only see what truly lifts me up and makes me feel positive. Just my thoughts on social media...

mikenaiwc OP February 21st, 2019


Your post made me think of something a therapist friend told me about social media. Friends from my old life were posting a lot of distressing things on my social media because of their politics, judgements, etc. It caused stress for me every time I logged on. My therapist friend said, "Don't let anyone on your page who you wouldn't invite into your house today. After all, you're inviting them into your space every single time you log on." Think of social media as an invitation into your home, your space, your energy. Now, when I log on, I smile because I only see what truly lifts me up and makes me feel positive. Just my thoughts on social media...

Yea... I remember reading from somewhere like it is allowing someone to "occupy" your brain... "rent free"...

Pains, grudge, thoughts, problems, etc...

But somehow, i cant let go...

Its like a learnt "bad" beahviour

LovelyRose77 February 22nd, 2019


You're right that it is a learned behavior, and even an addiction for some. It was so hard not to comment on someone's post who made me angry. I knew if I posted, I'd be obsessed with checking for replies. I had to remove the person completely to avoid the problem. My peace is worth so much more. Months later, I'm so glad I did it.

mikenaiwc OP February 22nd, 2019


You're right that it is a learned behavior, and even an addiction for some.

Well.. i do not know for my case now...

It is almost like a fear now...

It was so hard not to comment on someone's post who made me angry. I knew if I posted, I'd be obsessed with checking for replies.

Well, usually this behaviour is quite common i say/think?

Because, it usually gets a person (usually a motivator or so) "engrossed" to want to reply...

Hence the obession to constantly check for updates. (just like 7cups now... i kept refreshing to check notification...)

I had to remove the person completely to avoid the problem. My peace is worth so much more. Months later, I'm so glad I did it.

Wow... must not be easy...

For me (last time) i had to remove/restrict myself from the "app" etc...

It then kind of felt better...

But does not stop my mind to keep thinking about it once or so.. in a while.

Its like me "banning" self from EDMW (Eat Drink Man Woman)...