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I can't stop gaining weight

Menoeceus June 3rd, 2017

I've had problems with overeating and weight gain my entire life. I have lost and gained large amounts of weight many times. A few years ago I lost 80 pounds, then I gained 140 pounds. Last year I lost 60 pounds, only to put it all back on again. My mother passed away three months ago, and since then I have gained 30 pounds. I'm single, I don't cook, so I'm always eating out. It's hard to find food that is decently healthy. Eating has become a coping mechanism for me, and when I am struggling I feel a very strong urge to eat food that I know I shouldn't. I'm new to this sub-community, and I wanted to introduce myself. I can't imagine that I could ever have a romantic relationship looking the way I do now, and I'm afraid I'll be alone forever. I'm 36 years old, and I'm worried I'll never find love, or start a family, because of my weight.

JamieSclafaniLMSW June 4th, 2017

@KittysPetJoey it sounds like you have been through a traumatic experience with grief. It might be a good start to address those feelings as they may trigger the overeating.

Menoeceus OP June 6th, 2017

@Jamie0906 Thank you, I appreciate the insight.

CrazyCupCakes December 13th, 2017

Hi Kitty,

I noticed this post was a while ago.

How are you doing now? Are things any better?x

Menoeceus OP December 23rd, 2017

@CrazyCupCakes No, they aren't. I've been seeing a dietician, and I'm starting EMDR therapy with my counselor after the new year to work on some past trauma issues surrounding my body image issues. I think these things will help me, but we'll see. Thanks for your concern.

CrazyCupCakes January 1st, 2018


I'm thinking of you. Especial over Christmas and the New Year as there's so much junk food and temptation all over the place. I know that it's so difficult but you are stronger than you think.

This year us our year. We start to recover and grow stronger and healthier...I know it x

balanceinhnl December 28th, 2017

Hello there :)

How are things currently? Do you feel better now?

Menoeceus OP December 28th, 2017

@balanceinhnl Hi, thanks for replying. I was doing better for a while, and I was eating a balanced healthy diet. I haven't done well since Thanksgiving, though. It's been hard now that it's cold and dark all the time.