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Can't stop binging

1frenchgirl September 27th, 2017

I couldn't stop binging everyday since a week. I'm so mad at myself but I have hard time managing stress when my toddlers are excited and demanding.

HannahCaradonnnaMSW October 17th, 2017


I'm sorry we left you hanging here. Yes, toddlers will make life harder and perhaps binging is way for you to cope with the chaos in your life right now. Some questions that pop into my head are: Are you taking any time for yourself away from being a care taker? What other coping strategies have worked for you in the past? Do you have support from others like a partner or parents or friends?

FewProudandEmotional October 17th, 2017

I can't either and I even gained 10 pounds within the last two weeks because of it. It makes me wanna pull my hair out ugh. but know this: you can start over, each morning.

krose3 October 17th, 2017

I understand the binging, once my dietician said to eat protein first in a binge even though I'd never normally reach for protein rich food as I'm particularly obsessed with sugar, but it's meant to help you physically feel fuller and more bored of the same texture/taste etc quicker and it's usually healthier as far as binges go... I'm sorry if not helpful at all x

Autismaunt14 October 18th, 2017

something that helped me back when i was bingeing (now im at the other side of that due to health reasons) was using a app ive posted about several times, called Recovery Recorod it helped me to actually see it typed in the app and what i was feeling when i ate at that time, and it now how differnt programs for each ED that gives 3 goals and 3 skills to work on each week. just something that had helped me, it is a android and apple app.

HannahCaradonnnaMSW October 18th, 2017


That's a great tip. I'll take a look at that for recommending to clients :)

Autismaunt14 October 18th, 2017


You're welcome, theres also option that if there your clients they could invite you too (has to where invite members of medical team)