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Binge-Restrict Cycle

affableRaspberries4672 May 16th, 2023

Hi, so for a while I've been having this rrly unhealthy relationship with food. I switch between restricting myself from meals to becoming overwhelmed and binging having trouble stopping. Then I become guilty and restrict again, it feels like a neverending cycle.

zaatarHoney May 16th, 2023


Hey there, thank you for having the courage to share about this here with us. I'm hearing you've been suffering through this cycle for a while now and how painful this must be to be going through the motions of this binge/restrict pattern. My heart goes out to you.

Being able to receive support offline can be so crucial in our healing journeys and I'm wondering who you would be able to trust to talk to about this, whether a family member/friend/doctor? ♥︎

affableRaspberries4672 OP May 16th, 2023

I haven't told anyone at the moment because I feel too ashamed. But I'm working on it.

zaatarHoney May 16th, 2023


That's completely understandable. It can be so intimidating to share with others what we're experiencing, especially offline. By visiting us and opening up here about it, your bravery is already shining through. ★ I'm wondering, what has been most helpful to you so far in terms of support lately, or what have you found helpful in the past?

affableRaspberries4672 OP May 19th, 2023

@zaatarHoney I don't have any in- person support but journaling and writing helps.

zaatarHoney May 19th, 2023


Writing and journaling are such great ways to create a space for yourself to show up authentically, or in a way we feel safe to be more true to ourselves. In a world where we often say instinctively "I'm fine, and you?" even when we're not - writing and journaling allow us to be real with ourselves which is so significant because we all need the spaces where we can take our mask off and acknowledge "You know what, I'm not fine. I'm struggling today."

Learning and using coping skills and the ways of supporting yourself is so intuitively brilliant especially when you've been facing this battle on your own for as long as you have.

I also appreciate so much that you've been open with me here. Have you been writing lately? If you'd like to share anything here, you're more than welcome to! I love poetry/stories/lyrics... all things art. ☺️

affableRaspberries4672 OP June 2nd, 2023


I took an internet break so sorry for the late reply but I actually do have quiet a few poems though most are quite sad. But if you still want to hear one I can share one :)

zaatarHoney June 3rd, 2023


Hey there! No need to apologize, internet breaks can be incredibly helpful in an overly-digitized world. :) Welcome back. & If you'd like to, yes, most definitely!!

jrk27 July 10th, 2023


I see it's been over a month since someone has been on here. I struggle with restrict binge purge. I am reading Brain over Binge. I watch Youtube videos. I KNOW restricting leads to binging. I do it when my family goes to bed after 9p. I don't do it for long. It seems to last about 45 minutes and then I am full and disgusted. I zone out. I need to try to make myself aware while I am in it and see what is happening and talk to myself and see where that leads. One youtube suggested make a video of yourself in the morning encouraging yourself and/or being tough on yourself with straight talk..then watching it when you feel like binging. Would love to hear from others.

KristenHR July 22nd, 2023


I'm glad you are sharing. I see I'm late to this thread, as I didn't realize a newer post was on it. This can be very isolating.

Have you found anything that has helped?

Something that my therapist once shared with me about a setback, when ED (Eating Disorder) kicked in, was to give myself permission to start over immediate with the next meal. It has been a life saver in not carrying on the guilt and shame over the course of the week or however long until getting back on track again.

StressedGirl July 16th, 2023

I used to have this problem (still do).

KristenHR July 22nd, 2023


Thanks for sharing. You're definitely not alone with this. Have you found anything helpful in dealing with it? Have you been able to identify any of the triggers for your binges?

I'm glad you have posted.