Hair loss...Possible TW
I've struggled with eating disorders for many years. I was doing well for a couple of years however a little over a year ago, I fell into a relapse that's purely restricting. For the past four months or so I've noticed I've been losing much more hair than typical. It's progressively getting worse to the point of very thin hair. It's worse in certain spots and it's very noticeable. I have long curly hair and cut it a week ago becuse it was more obvious with longer hair. My hair is the shortest it's been since I was a young kid. I feel even uglier than I normally do. Has anyone else gone through a similar experience to where it is noticeable? Some spots are so thin you can see scalp. My doctor is aware of this and sadly it's due to malnutrition. I'm trying hard to incorporate more food. I feel so ashamed of myself.
Hi, I also deal with hairloss. It's so awful. I'm so sorry you have this too. Makes you feel so crappy. Being a woman I think it's even harder. Mine is ptsd stress and hormonal age etc. Related. I use some minoxidil on mine. But it takes months to start to see any new hairs growing . Very frustrating. I'm trying different shampoos , less harsh ones designed for hair loss. It's a battle , one of many I am dealing with. Just hang in there. I did go to a dermatologist for advice. Minoxidil/rogaine comes in a foam which is easy to work with. I hope this helps. I feel your pain. 💜
Hi. Thank you for your response. It's so awful and does make you feel crappy. I've also been trying different shampoos that are less harsh hoping I'll see a difference. Nothing seems to be helping. Maybe I'll try minoxidil and see what happens in a few months. Thanks for the suggestion. Hang in there too💜
Hair loss is so common nowadays because of various reasons and malnutrition is one of them. Malnutrition could be because of any deficiency in body, wrong eating patterns, taking in lesser calories than required or fad diets.Consult a Dietician. Say No to Diets. Adapt a Healthy Lifestyle. Stop Drinking. Have Eggs. Go for Kiwi. Have Iron Rich Foods. Include Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Have Enough Zinc. And last have confidence in your self, people see your beautiful spirit not your hair. If people stay away from you because of your hair then you should stay away from them. Be happy the way you are and in what ever shape you come, you are a beautiful when you were born and will during your entire life.
@JSA18 You can also eat biotin. It's good for nails and hair I have very thick hair, bc I eat biotin, even if some of it falls out occacionally.
Hi. I take biotin. It doesn't help
@JSA18 I'm sorry. I hope you find something that helps
My husband had this. We immediately began to look for a way out of this situation. On Canadian pharmacy we read that you need to eat healthy food, exercise regularly and take vitamins. After a few weeks, the hair almost didn`t fall out and it's really very cool
Don't feel ashamed of yourself - eating disorders are very hard to deal with. I've personally experienced dealing with hair loss, but I can tell you it's reversible provided the right diet in recovery! Good luck and stay strong.