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Is tinnitus a disability?

User Profile: Emm22
Emm22 January 18th, 2023

I have tinnitus, its where I hear a super loud high piched noise in both ears and it makes it hard to listen in conversations and I have to have them repeat alot.

User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie January 18th, 2023

@EHarding23 Informally, yes, if you find it hard to take part in conversations, or if it causes other problems, then it's a disability.

The formal, legal definition of disability depends on the local laws where you are. Here in the UK, for example, severe long term tinnitus would be regarded as a disability, as far as I know.


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User Profile: Emm22
Emm22 OP January 18th, 2023

That makes sense, thank you

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User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic January 23rd, 2023

@Emm22 Hi, I know having tinnitus can be very frustrating, but I hope you have had it checked out as there can be lots of causes and many with fixes too so don't suffer in silence (bad joke there) but ask for help from someone. I hope it improves for you soon.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

User Profile: SilentSerenityy
SilentSerenityy February 2nd, 2023

@Emm22 As with many conditions, there are numerous prerequisites for determining whether a condition is a disability or not. It appears tinnitus can be deemed a disability, but determining if it's a disability for you is subjective. Someone may have tinnitus and find that it doesn't majorly affect their life, whilst someone else may find it really disabling. Either way, we welcome all people who have chronic health issues here. :)