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daily headaches

MerciIsScreaming May 13th, 2016

I legitimately have headches every day, some days worse than others. They're not migraines, just headaches. I've been to doctors and what they have to offer is either an explanation, an "I don't know", or an expensive treament. I know one rreason for these headaches, but I don't think that causes all of them. I've tried meds, both prescription or drug store pain relievers. None of them really help. I used to love reading, still do, but with these headaches its so hard to read, especially since reading books makes my headaches worse. Some days I can just go about my bussiness and ignore the ache, other days it literally stops me in my tracks. Even on those days I still have to do my daily stuff. My mom also has this but its chronic migraines. I don't get migraines often. I feel bad for the people around me because I compain about my headhcaes (I try not to complian though). It makes it hard to function sometimes and do anything, except sometimes its so bad I actually cry, and get tempted to go to the hopspital, but damn thats expensive too. Having this definitly doesn't help with my depression. I'm kinda at my wits ends with this.

I hope everyone is having a good day :)

Chocip May 13th, 2016

@MerciIsScreaming I'm not a medical professional but have you tried having your eyes tested for glasses? Came to mind because you mentioned you love reading and now it's become difficult, perhaps there's some eye strain?

MerciIsScreaming OP May 13th, 2016

@Chocip yeah actually I have glasses and my eyes are a main reason for the headaches, i don't know what its called exactly, but its some sort of deficiency, it has to do with eye strain, the treatment for it is super expensive though.

ButterflyFly May 14th, 2016


I totally understand. I have had headache issues for about 20 years or so. I have tried so many things!!! I have a combination of tension headaches and migraines. They can be pounding or even just an all over pressure. Sometimes I feel like I just want to drill a hole in my head to let pressure out! It almost feels like the veins at the base of my skull are filled with burning acid and they are about to explode! It drains my energy and adds to the depression. And you have to keep going like the energizer bunny because life won't stop for you! I wish I had answers for you...of course then I would have answers for myself. Just know that others feel your physical pain, too. No one should have to suffer like this! Depression and headaches? It makes living so hard.

Kasualk91 May 20th, 2016

@MerciIsScreaming. This was my last three and a half years of hell. First off if your're having headaches every day don't hesitate to complain about your pain. Headache is a vague term that doesn't convey the suffering you feel at a given moment. There are so many different types of headaches the word detracts from the acuteness of your experience. Some headaches don't seem to go away no matter how many Advil or Tylenol you try.

Don't hesitate to go see a neurologist, make sure headache are all that's going on.

Maybe it could be New Daily Persistent Headache.

At the end of the day you are your own biggest advocate. The right people an help a big deal.

Good luck and here's to a pain free tomorrow

LemonSea May 14th, 2016

This must be very challenging on you. I get headaches and/or migraines almost every day myself, and it can be so very draining. I hope that a medical professional can help you with this. From personal experience, staying hydrated, keeping your stress low, and getting encough rest can help take the edge off. I hope you heal soon :)