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Fibromyalgia possibly

SuperWhoLock88 March 27th, 2016

I literally spend every day in some level of pain. I refuse narcotics to help because of addiction issues. I've been tested for a wide range of things like arthritis, lupus, gout, and even diabetes plus so much more and none of it rings the bells. My mom has fibromyalgia and my so similar that at this point I don't think it could be anything else. Some days are just so hard. I do take Aleve to help with the pain and honestly I have a high pain tolerance so I can function and 99% of people have no clue about it. But sometimes I just really need some place to whine to so here's this post. Anyway thanks for listening

1AMERICANHONEY June 5th, 2016


I can relate. I fibro and RA.The RA died not shoe up on blood work. Mine on xray and on a different blood test. It is no fun. My husband tells me I'M not sick. I'm so over it.Thsnks for listening. HOPE you find relief.

1AMERICANHONEY June 5th, 2016


Spell check .the RA did not show up on blood work.

Jen1981 July 28th, 2016


I understand completely. I have been trying to find answers for over a year now. Pain every day. No explanation. I go to a neurologist and rheumatologist soon. Hoping to get some answers. Wish you well.

HopeLost1970 March 24th, 2017

@Jen1981 Same here. Saw the Neuro on Monday. He didn't find anything but thinks some of it could be from emotional trauma. I've got another 5 months until I get to see the rheumatologist. My husband insists I'm faking so I get no support. I hope we all find some answers and relief soon.

Jameel March 27th, 2016


This is hard and I know it, espicially people not taking notice or being helpful.

I wish you the very best..

chickensalad December 16th, 2016

I can resonate with this. I have been in physical pain since my teens and every doctor comes up with a "new" diagnosis. I've been diagnosed with DDD, lyme, lupus, RA, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, low testosterone as well as UNdiagnosed with all. I stopped going to the doctor about a year ago because I was so fed up with being treated like I am a hypochondriac or med seeker (even though I had blood work showing my levels are off). Its like no doctor wants to actually find the answer.

Sorry for going on a rant on your thread. Its just a sore spot for me (ha!). I know how you feel with the pain.. and when you don't physically feel well, you don't mentally feel well either.

Cranberry6511 February 15th, 2017

I'm diagnosed with fibromyalgia, if anyone wants to talk, I'm willing to share my experiences.

Nonimparamai March 30th, 2017

This thing with people not believing you is so annoying. Like why on earth would you make up something like this. And like I have the energy to fake anything anyway. In general I just stopped trying to talk about it with anyone because it's just both physically and mentally draining and leads nowhere anyway.
Sorry for the rant. Also, kinda not sorry. This makes me really sad sometimes.

Kaosazure April 10th, 2017

I was diagnosed last October with fibromyalgia finally. My mother was diagnosed at my age and she went through what I did which is lots of doctors, meds, therapists, medical procedures that failed, therapies that failed, lots of ER visits, being treated like a liar and a drug seeking 👩‍💻 patient., endless days and nights of pain, loosing friends, jobs and your family's faith in you, and lots of years and hopelessness.

Its been a long journey and it's not over yet. I've been fourtunate to have found the right doctors and to have a husband who has never given up on me. Keep looking for answers until you know you found a diagnosis that makes sense to you.

Denile was something I wrestled with because fibromyalgia is a life long chronic condition with no cure. Pain that never completely goes away no matter how well controlled it is. And the current treatment of exercise and diet to treat pain isn't easy at all. It can be managed but will never go away.