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My little disability space [TW]

AvyIsKing December 16th, 2023

Hi! My name is Avy. I'm 15 years old. Basically I am going to use this space to rant about pain, the affects of my disability, and weird little things about it no one notices. 

Let me explain my story a little bit:

So in 2021 I was playing soccer and I got stepped on, and then stepped on again early 2022. I went to my doctor and she sent me to an orthopedic doctor. That was when the surgeon said he was surprised I hadn't been to see him sooner. Because of my injury I ended up with severe tendinitis and arthritis in my foot. I was sent to physical therapy. Through months of intense physical therapy 4 times a week and going to the surgeon every 3 weeks, he figured this out. I have naturally high arches, it runs in my family. But for some reason the tendons in my foot stopped growing when I was about 7. Which explains why my feet have always hurt. As I'm getting older and taller it's getting worse and one day the tendons in my feet will snap. I also have tri-pod foot (that's what he called it) from my heels being misaligned. Basically only 3 really small points on my feet ever touch the ground. Not even my toes 😨. I've gone through 2 pairs of inserts, I do physical therapy every dang day, and nothings working. Basically now my only option is surgery. Since I've been limping for 2 years my knee has been affected and so has my hips. This whole process has been really isolating and discouraging. I kind of just want it over. 

Anyway lots of weird things happen so I'll share them here!

Tinywhisper11 June 24th

@AvyIsKing oooo! Teach them dodge ball, and how to build a raft ❤😁 have fun ❤ I love you ❤

AvyIsKing OP July 2nd


okay just 

today i went to the dr to discuss my surgical plan. that's not what happened. first they sent in a freaking resident who looked at me said ur fine, maybe arthritis, and he rambled some more but at that point i had just shut down and my mom was like uhm heck no, get her real dr in here. 

so my real dr came in and was like oh yeah im totally doing surgery but FIRST u gotta get another test done first to make sure it isn't a certain condition. they think it totally might be this condition which is neurological which means i cant be a surgeon and might never be able to work. i feel so useless. 

i gotta see a brain dr and get a crap ton of bloodwork. basically they told me to wait. 

im almost at 3 years im so tired 

Tinywhisper11 July 3rd

@AvyIsKing 😥 that really sucks, sorry sweetie. Haven't they done enough tests yet😮 so if it turns out to be that condition/illness do you know what that will mean? Will it attack any other parts of your body?? It's a very sad situation. I understand how frustrating this all is. But try not to looose hope, hugs you tightly ❤❤

Tinywhisper11 July 11th

@AvyIsKing hey sweetie, are you doing ok??? Remember I'm here for you, and I love you ❤


AvyIsKing OP July 11th


Yeah I'm ok. Just been handling a lot and mentally I'm in a bad bad place rn. But basically if it is the condition thing they think, yeah it will affect other parts, and it's probably already spread to my hands. The Dr's haven't called yet. I'm just tired aha

Tinywhisper11 July 12th

@AvyIsKing gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ keep fighting through, your doing amazingly well. You can do this ❤

LoveMyMoonflowers August 19th


hey mop <3 i hope it's ok to tag you here. Tbh I've not been around here much lately… i don't come on most days like i used to. On the days i do come i just lurk in forums a lot and don't say much in rooms.

But i do think of the people here and they pop into my thoughts 💙 And i've been thinking of you lately and realised you haven't really posted in this space for a long while. Which is ok of course, no pressure to do that. but it worried me a little… i know you have a lot of things going on in your life and life can be *** and difficult and unfair. Your one of the bravest strongest people i've ever known mop. although i know we haven't talked in a long time, i still think about you and i've been alittle worried lately. I just wanted you to know someone is thinking of you and hoping your doing okay. Me sending hugs to if okay 💙 I’m so proud of you for coming this far, even if your just surviving, i’m proud of you and i’m sending the biggest hugs and loads of love to you. I miss you so much and i hope we can talk again soon. Love you mop 💙 i miss you.

- Funni / Ni 

Tinywhisper11 August 31st

@AvyIsKing hi hope your not hanging around here on cups anymore, is because you've made a full recovery, mentally and physically ❤ I hope your out in the world, and I pray your happy ❤ I love you ❤