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Life is going wrong…

ThePeacefulOliveTree May 9th, 2019

People here is more caring then the rest of the world, so here I am.
(A little backstory: I've experienced a trauma that changed my whole life three years ago. And it's still affecting my life. My emotional healing speed is slow and unsteady.)
The thing is, my only problem is not just the things going on my head. My mom has been diagnosed with depression and she was going pretty well actually. But now she's taking more medicines and it makes her aggressive. She's always complaning about what she's going through and it makes difficult for me to deal with my emotions at home. At school, my friends are totally not understanding. When they know something is going wrong with me, they don't talk with me and they basically don't care. One of my friend was so supportive, helping me and being kind, but she is not anymore. I don't have the comfort and the support I need. I feel like I'm going crazy. My anxiety level is usually so high and it gives me headaches and stomachaches which makes everything harder. I sometimes lose control of myself and reality,which is pretty scary.
Everything is going wrong. Any advice?

164 July 27th, 2019

@RE you shouldn't worry about it so much...just do something that you are passionate about. Distracting yourself from the stress is the thing that can help you...find something that you are passionate about

ThePeacefulOliveTree OP June 28th, 2019

@dorothyjonson37 Thank you, I should definately try that!

ArtOfCaring June 28th, 2019

Hey there @ThePeacefulOliveTree,

It sounds like so much is going on for you, and all at once and I'm really sorry about that because it must be really and intensely hard for you to deal with all of this so much on your own at home. While it may seem like that, I'm here for you, and so many other people here on this site that you'll come across.

I'm sorry to hear that your mom's depression has sort of started stagnating due to her medications, rather than it improving. I know you mentioned earlier this has been hard for you. It also sounds like, all of a sudden -- it feels like you've been losing your friends, and you feel like because of that, you have no one to be there to support you and care for you. I'm sorry about this as well. Unfortunately, it's normal to have friends that get distant or even come and go. While I know it seems like everything is falling apart, remember -- what you think and feel is what you feel, they're not proven facts. There's nothing proving that the rest of your life is going to be bad. Maybe this will be a time where you end up growing as a person, maybe even meeting and making newer friends. Maybe you'll learn ways to help your mom with her depression during this time so mentally you both feel great.

I wish I could magically fix all of your problems, but sadly I can't do that. As far as your mental wellbeing: try meditating, try getting enough sleep, eat a good meal, try journalling (I recommend an app called Jour for iPhones / iPads), and drinking plenty of water.

I wish you the best of luck, and again I'm sorry for everything that you've been through.

Take care.

: )

ThePeacefulOliveTree OP June 28th, 2019

@ArtOfCaring It really makes me happy that you took your time to write an answer :) Thank you.

blueCurrent8734 June 29th, 2019

Hi I'm Natasha and I'm new I suffer from depression but my parents think it's just hormones.

DonneMoi June 29th, 2019

@ThePeacefulOliveTree antidepresives are often energizers so that they combat the lethargy or as they say bring "the ballance". It may be many things, your mom taking overdoses of prescription, or the prescription is not fitting for her and needs to be changed or the dose prescripted too high.

If not very careful with medication, often depressed people can become apparently aggresive the new energy is not channeled by a therapist to good things and they still are stuck on the causes of depression. While depresssd it was normal to think all the time of the causes of depression (stuck), but with new energy and no counseling, thinking about the same causes leads to anger and irritation...

Also medication can lead from depression to bipolar if not monitored and adjusted immediately and propperly.

I am not a doctor, so please do not take my word for it.

I am sorry about your mother and it is not your fault...😔 we all have to cope with what life gives us...😔



ThePeacefulOliveTree OP June 29th, 2019

@DonneMoi I totally understand what you're trying to talk about. High dosage may be the reason she is agressive, but I feel that I'm one of the reasons of it too. I lost my control of my movements, I can act really selfish and rude to people around me without knowing because of my anger to myself. The whole situation has been repeating for nearly 3 years, which became pretty annoying and tiring for me. But still, I try my best!

DonneMoi June 29th, 2019

@ThePeacefulOliveTree it is the stress too, a normal person gets stressed under ubnormal circumstances...maybe also it would have helped if financially you could be apart, maybe she needs someone, maybe you need someone and you both stand in the way because of financial constraints...but once again...such is life...😔

ThePeacefulOliveTree OP June 30th, 2019

@DonneMoi I wish I had that chance, but unfortunately I don't. I have to find a way to make things work for both of us…

DonneMoi June 30th, 2019

@ThePeacefulOliveTree i know...few of us do...😔 i wish you well and may you find ballance🤗

tobyspurs July 6th, 2019

Help me.

My brain is getting bad again. I self harmed tonight for the first time since October. My brains attacking me. I need help. I cant handle this

DonneMoi July 6th, 2019

@tobyspurs i will take your hands and hug you...😔😔😔look at me, i an suffering every single day but not self harm...self harming means you become a double victim...i wished i could helpyou...i have my scars fromsurgery or accidents but never self harmed...i wish i could help ylu...really...

tobyspurs July 6th, 2019


I can't handle my brain. Its trying to kill me. My demons have become unchained. I can't handle them. I just want it to all end

DonneMoi July 7th, 2019

@tobyspurs youjust need a friend...😔

ThePeacefulOliveTree OP July 7th, 2019

@tobyspurs I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. Honestly? I understand you. And I'm not even saying this to make you feel better. I experienced the very same feelings too. You have to calm down and find someone, literally anyone who can support you and not let you hurt yourself again in this hard time. If you have no one, you can talk with any listener in this website, they all have trainings, they won't judge and just listen. And if any time things get serious, please reach out to your local hotline. I hope you'll feel better as soon as possible. My prayings are with you.