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20 Thoughts To Help Relieve Anxiety and Depression (collected)

Upbeat September 12th, 2015

Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as being able to remake ourselves. ~Gandhi

For a majority of my life, I struggled with depression and anxiety. Id sometimes go for weeks without leaving my house or communicating with friends and family.

Like most people, my mind would race a mile a minute with depressive and anxious thoughts:

Why couldnt my life be better?

Everyone else has more fun and a better life than me.

I should be like this or that.

If only I had a little more money…

Then, my world collapsed. I lost my job, my girlfriend, and a large chunk of friends, all at once. The questions and doubts crept in and kept swirling around my head for months. I was in a complete tailspin.

I was on the verge of breakthrough though; I just didnt know it at the time.

One day, I decided Id had enough. I put on my imaginary lab coat and got scientific.

I dissected what was triggering my depression and concluded that a major contributing factor was my inner voice.

I had to change it somehow. I needed to reorient my thoughts to be more positive.

I tried a bunch of different things: reading books, going to see motivational speakers, talking with friends and family, exercising, taking vitamins, everything except drugs. But nothing worked. In most cases, they made me feel worse. I just couldnt shake it. I needed something else.

I decided to fight fire with fire. Whenever I felt myself slipping deeper into this funk, Id write down reasons why I shouldnt feel that way.

And guess what? To my surprise, it worked. Really well, actually! Now, if I feel myself slipping, I think the following 20 thoughts to help me avoid falling into a funk. I hope they help you as well.

Please note that depression and anxiety isnt something you can just talk yourself out of. While it helped me, this might not be the case for you. This is definitely not a substitute for professional help.

1. In order to have good things, there must be bad things.

Without one, the other couldnt exist. So instead of lamenting the bad and celebrating the good, celebrate both. Celebrate the bad because it will eventually be good. And celebrate the good before it goes bad.

2. Youll never be perfect—just like everyone else.

3. People are mean or angry or sad because they need to be at that time.

Just like a lightning bolt, it seems very intense and like itll last forever, but its only temporary.

4. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

You dont ever want to find out what thats like. Eventually, itll go full circle and turn into something bad.

5. You cant control everything and everyone.

So why bother trying? Just flow with it. You cant change the way things happen, but you can change your reaction to them.

6. Money and wealth are not the same.

Money can only buy stuff. Wealth is something money cant buy. Money is fine jewelry and nice cars. Wealth is a full belly and a house full of loved ones.

7. Youre exactly where you are right now because thats where you need to be.

Youll only understand why in hindsight.

8. You dont want or need to know the future.

Have you ever played a game with an inferior opponent? After a while, its obvious that youre going to win every time. Then you stop playing. The same would be true if you knew the future. The fun is in the not knowing. Embrace it! Let life surprise you!

9. No one will remember the little flub you made in the office or at home earlier.

If no one else is beating you up about it, why should you?

10. Life doesnt assault you or throw curve balls at you; you get what you give.

Think you deserve better? Give better.

11. If you dont like someone or they dont like you its because you each see yourself in them.

12. Right now, at this instant, you have everything you need to be happy: Air in your lungs, blood in your veins, and lips to smile with.

13. When things break and need mending, it gives us something to do.

14. Everyone makes mistakes.

Even people you perceive to be perfect. Theyre the furthest from it.

15. Success has no standard definition.

The beautiful thing is you get to define it for yourself.

16. Life is very simple.

We just insist on complicating it.

17. You dont need something to be happy. You need someone—and that someone is you.

18. Just like you look up to someone, someone out there looks up to you. Act accordingly.

19. Theres a lesson hidden in everything.

You just have to find it.

20. Other people have had your problems before and managed to overcome them. You can too.

I hope this helps you on your journey to becoming a more positive, whole person. Something as simple as writing down your thoughts can have a major impact on your life. It did for me. :')

Catalyst1234 September 12th, 2015

This really hit home for me ....and at the perfect time, too. I have been struggling with a good amount of anxiety (negative thinking) lately. A big thanks to you kash. :)

Upbeat OP September 12th, 2015

Catalyst, I'm so glad that this will able to help in some way during a difficult time. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any specific questions or thoughts. I'd be happy to lend a hand wherever I can. *hugs* heart

Catalyst1234 September 12th, 2015

You are very kind and generous kash. Thank you ❤️

littleSail6744 September 12th, 2015

This article is a life saver. I just book marked this to help me on days when I feel as if I can't go on any longer.

Upbeat OP September 12th, 2015

Just know that it gets better. It really does. Time and a little patience with yourself goes a long way. You are never alone. Please also know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. *hugs tight* heart

littleSail6744 September 12th, 2015

Again, thank you for your care and concern! It's so nice to know that people actually to care. I'm very grateful for your hugs... Even a virtual hug is as equally as comforting as as any real one. It means a lot to me. I hope you have a wonderful day, and stay happy and safe kash!

AnnaZr September 12th, 2015

This is great! Thank you for sharing with us! laughyes

Upbeat OP September 12th, 2015

You're welcome, Anna. Thank you for the very kind words! :)


Princesssuhaana September 12th, 2015

I love the 12th point. We ignore simple things in life. Like we are healthy. We have roof on our heads. Clothes to wear. Thanks a lot for this. Needed this one..

Upbeat OP September 12th, 2015

I hope that helps! Be strong and embrace this time. It's happening for a reason, it's something you've got to go through, like I did too, in order to ultimately become better and happy. You are wonderful and capable of making it through. And I'm around here to support your success. Sending you loads and loads of hugs! You deserve it for fighting so greatly. heart

@Princesssuhaaana :)

NewRomantic677 September 13th, 2015


awesome article!

Ila September 13th, 2015


I can relate. Rational thinking is one of the things that helped me most with depression.

I'd like to share this one: "You carried on so far, you're strong enough to keep on doing it. "

Thank you for this awesome post, I'm sure it will uplift people a lot <3