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What's wrong with me?

theashofaflower July 22nd, 2016

It began a year or two ago when I suddenly started feeling extremely suicidal. That's all I ever thought about and I could never find away around it. I was terrified that I would kill myself, but even more terrified that I wouldn't.

Now I'm a highschooler and the feeling passed for quite some time. Don't get me wrong, I'm still horribly pessimistic and wouldn't exactly mind if I died, but I don't encourage it.

From time to time I experience such strong urges to kill myself that I have no idea what to do. I simply find a spare room or go outside if none and cry. I don't quite understand why I get these urges. I suppose I hate myself most of the time but I don't get why it comes so randomly.

I don't get it. Am I depressed? Do I need help? Is this normal?

funnyEast3015 July 22nd, 2016

@theashofaflower Hi. I've been trough a similar experience. I know how hard can be and what it may cause you in the future. But i learnt in the hard way that the first step is to recognise you are not okay. And it's a really hard step. Sometimes it helps a lot to talk to somebody or in other cases you need a specialist. In both cases I'd would like to help. Find something that you really like and make it inspire you. For me, it worked. Hope you feel better. I send you a hug in distance wherever you are.

theashofaflower OP July 22nd, 2016

@funnyEast3015 Thank you, your reply actually made me smile. I am trying to focus on writing and literature, which inspires me, but sometimes it all seems sorta worthless or unachievable.

I also don't know if this is really depression. I mean sometimes I can be perfectly happy, or at least normal. And I don't think it interrupts my daily activities. Maybe some of these things are because I'm a teenager.

funnyEast3015 July 22nd, 2016

@theashofaflower see! You've got something you want to improve. I know the feeling. Sometimes I would dance like crazy cuz I was happy and in other moments I'd cry with the most pesimistic thoughts in my head. And you know what? It's perfectly normal to have those days. No one feels great all the time. I used to cry all the time. I wanted to die really bad. Until one day I woke up and stopped. I was bullied during highschool, my boyfriend broke my heart, my parents argued all the time. You know what? I made the pain go away. How? I remember i said to myself "i'm going to be my own hero" . Since that day I learnt how to be alone without being depressed. It took a long time. But with time, I met new people, went to different places. You gotta know this, you're not alone. I'm here for you. I'll help you with anything i can. Remember this, you are worth it. You are alive. Make this life count.