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Tips on being happy

IcyMist April 2nd, 2021

What do you do when nothing makes you happy? Or you just can't think of anything to cheer yourself up? I feel like I haven't felt real genuine happiness for such a long time. Appreciate any advise.

Fatiima132star April 2nd, 2021

Try focusing on yourself, work on yourself start going to the gym and do some changes in your life


I’ve found that focusing on yourself and/or introspecting tends to make things worse (at least for me). Doing kind things for others takes me out of my head for a little and brings me to the present moment.

amiableBlackberry92 April 3rd, 2021

Dear icy, I understand your pain. Joy has left my life as abuse and tragedy has plagued me. It have CPTSD as a result. I see a therapist,very helpful btw. I cannot give up as I have kids and I cannot disappoint them. I can't let them down. I can say my fight has been so incredibly painful. I see therapist,joined a gym, use art as meditation plus meditation music . I am trying all I can to find happiness. Be so careful as your vulnerable to bad ppl now. Spending time outside and seeing birds and animals help. But I haven't found joy, hope or purpose. Friends are helpful but I only have one. It's why I'm on 7cups , i need more support . Keep trying ,take action one step at a time. You deserve happiness. Best to you ABB

April 3rd, 2021


I am sorry you did not feel genuinely happy for a long time. We all have ouw own ways how we deal with things and what will make us happy. For some people being around people make them less Lonely and in turn can make them happy. For some people, being alone and spending time with yourself can make them happy. So it's really something individual. Some of the common ways can be to be self-aware, to know what we love to do and what can make us feel joyful, being Grateful for even those small little Happy moments, grateful for even those bad Experiences Because it taught us something, taking proper methods for self care and ensuring our well-being.

I know sometimes nothing makes us happy and we don't feel like doing anything but also know that only you can make yourself feel better and it's upon you if you wanna get stuck in that situation or want to move ahead. And I can understand it can be frustrating and upsetting to not have felt genuinely happy for a long time.

I hope you find out some way! Take care of yourself. ❤️

rosehi80 April 29th, 2021

@IcyMist Sounds like depression, which I am most familiar with. Seek a counselor you feel comfortable with. Tell them everything and see what they say. If they suggest finding a medication doctor, that's ok too. Sometimes we need meds. Take good care of yourself (body, mind, spirit). Try to do one thing each day that you love.