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Meds only worked for a month...

CaptainHowdy July 1st, 2016

Hello, before I state my full question I have some disclaimers. I am not going to mention the name of my med, nor do I want anyone to mention theirs. I understand that no one is a dr or is fully capable of telling me the best route to take with my health and medications. I am purely looking for opinions and personal experiences, so I would appreciate everyone keep that in mind when posting. I understand everyones experiences with meds will be different.

Thank you in advance.

Question: I was put on a new med and for the first 3-4 weeks it was like heaven, it helped alleviate my problematic symptons beautifully. But towards the end of the month it seemed to go downhill, and now after almost 2 months I feel llike I am right back to where I started with the symptoms. In your opinion or experience would you say that the med isn't right for me or just needs to be a higher dose?

Mods: If I have broken a rule in anyway by posting about this please feel free to remove post and accept my apologies for ignorance.

IronicSarcasm July 1st, 2016


I used to take anti-depressants and I had the same experience, amazing first month and then I plummeted and it became a chore to take them in the end, stressing me out further.

I asked for a higher dose but because of my age (17) I was refused it until further notice x

CaptainHowdy OP July 1st, 2016

@IronicSarcasm Sorry to hear about your experience, I hope you can get the doses sorted out soon. :)

IronicSarcasm July 1st, 2016

@CaptainHowdy And you!

CaptainHowdy OP July 1st, 2016

@IronicSarcasm Thanks, I go for a follow up in a few weeks and will def be asking for an increase so I'll update the post as things change I guess. :D

derailments July 1st, 2016

I have had this problem in the past. They would work for a few weeks and then everything went back to how it was before.

The only thing that has ever been really effective is increasing the dosage. It takes a lot of trial and error to figure out what works for you. It's been about 6 or 7 years in my recovery journey until my doctors finally worked out some meds that have been effective. That plus therapy has been pretty helpful, since meds can only do so much it's important to do some of the work on your own as well.

I hope it all gets figured out soon <3

CaptainHowdy OP July 5th, 2016

@derailments I'm glad you found some that worked for you. Thanks for the reply. I guess it's just part of the journey.

FlamingosWearLipstick July 3rd, 2016

I'm sorry your meds are wearing out on you. I've had the same problem with both anxiety and bipolar meds. Started on them and felt AH-MAY-ZING. The bipolar meds were prescribed for some physical health issues, with the side benefit of helping my mental health, and the physical stuff even felt incredible.

Until it all stopped working. So we upped the dose. Which stopped working. So we upped the dose. Which stopped working. Ad infinitum.

I'm now at the max dosage for all of them. But I see my new psychiatrist this week, so I'm hoping we can try new meds now, since the current ones aren't working, for the anxiety, the bipolar, or the physical health things.. (I've been asking my old psych and my old doc for the physical stuff for new meds for MONTHS.)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us.

CaptainHowdy OP July 5th, 2016

@FlamingosWearLipstick Fingers super crossey! I know they mentioned before adding one to what I have so maybe that with an increase can be like the supporting boost. Best of luck on your end too...also, Flamingos are awesome. ;)

July 3rd, 2016


It really depends on what type of med were you on (antidepressant, anxiolytic, mood stabilizer, antipsychotic).
If it was anxiolytic, it does happen with them; That's why you can get addicted to them, they stop working after some time and then you need more and more, and that's why people don't really need to drink them for too long.
Sorry if I mistaked the type, I just gave you my experience and the opinions of my psychiatrists, they think that anxiolytics shouldn't be used for too long.

Whatever type of the med was it, you need to tell your doctor about it, no doubt about that.

Wish you luck :)

CaptainHowdy OP July 5th, 2016

Thank you for the reply, I suppose I should look into the different types....I never really pondered on it. That is very helpful!

CaptainHowdy OP July 12th, 2016

If anyone is following this I have actually decided to discontinue the meds. It's hard to explain but they've made me happier on the outside but sadder on the inside and it's very concerning. Also my dreams are becoming more and more lucid and disjointed. I feel it's best to stop them and maybe persue another avenue. Thanks for everyones comments.

July 12th, 2016


Did you talk with your doctor about it ? What he/she thinks about that ?

CaptainHowdy OP July 13th, 2016

@alexlove I sent an email as a heads up for our appt tomorrow. I hope to taper off of them with dr support. I'll be open to his suggestions but I feel the imperative need to get off this particular one.

beautifulFlower44 July 12th, 2016

I feel as if my meds are no longer working or actually making me worse. I'm in the process of coming off of them.

CaptainHowdy OP July 13th, 2016

@beautifulFlower44 I wish you the best of luck in doing so, I hope you take it slow.