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I wanna isolate myself from everyone again

AngelWytch December 7th, 2020

Not sure if this is the right part, but I need to get this off my chest.

I've been here before and yall really helped me get back to a point where I could work on myself, but lately I've not been wanting to help myself very much. I love drawing, and had gotten back into it only to just stop again, I dont wanna work on my personal projects with my religious practices, I just...wanna sleep and not be bothered anymore. I still love my fiance and friends, but I just wanna hide under a rock and never come out. It feels worse than the last time I had to fight with my depression, and I dont know how to break free or at least get to a point where I want to care about something again. I want to spend mor time with my fiance, I know this is hurting him too, but I just dont have enough energy to do that and have day to day function it feels like. I dont know what to do and would appreciate some kind of advice or a point in the right direction?

Gale1032 December 8th, 2020


Wow, can I relate to you! Depression can be so crippling. It's so important to educate those around you about the symptoms of depression.

if you had diabetes, you'd explain what foods you needed to avoid etc. Same with depression, it's not just a mood.
Also medication and therapy can really help. Online support is wonderful too.
Depression can be recurring. I've dealt with it multiple times and learned how to cope over the years.

It's made me more genuine, empathic, and less judgmental.
Im so glad you are reaching out again. 💙

7motivation December 7th, 2020


Instead of giving specific advice for you...
here are generic strategies perhaps worth considering..
for anyone with depression concerns...

Regarding isolation... the internet has lots of ideas like this...

Regarding checklists for depression...

Here is an example checklist...

Here is just the diagram for the link above

Here's another...

Some top things to do are perhaps...
- get daily fun physical intense activity often in the day starting early (like walk or dance-exercise),
2) STRETCH - frequent stretching feels good and is good for the body... helps in many ways
3) POSTURE AND BREATHING - make sure posture is always good so can breath properly, not shallow
4) NUTRITION - eat healthy every day (get all needed nutrients... eat balanced diet of healthy foods, replace bad foods)
5) HYDRATION - stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking sips of water often, starting early and ending late
6) SLEEP - get 7-8 hrs of actual sleep time daily on an identical sleep/wake-up time schedule each day of the week
7) STAY BUSY DOING USEFUL THINGS IN REAL LIFE - avoid excessive time just thinking or not being productive
8) REACH OUT AND GET HELP AND SOCIAL CONNECTIONS - get effective help and social support and talk-time

Regarding good habits for depression...

Regarding eliminating bad habits for depression...

Please forgive any typos above.

Nondualmindfulness December 11th, 2020

@hey I'm really sorry you going through that I just wanted to let you know that I totally identify what you going though what has really helped me is meditation