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Is it normal for a person to feel suddenly depressed on daily basis?

Leucoryx June 23rd, 2016

I tend not to over think things but every now and then I suddenly fall into depression mode, I usually have these feelings ever since i know myself, there is no real reason to it and I can tell the difference between when I`m depressed, manically depressed and normal. I`m usually a happy guy, I work out, I lead a healthy lifestyle and I`m not seriously affected by my depression or whatever.

But sometimes I ask myself wouldnt be fun if I could die today? =) Other times I just lay down doing nothing. I would normally snap back to my usual self after couple of hours or so. It`s depends really.

So I was wondering is it normal for a person to carry these feelings on daily basis?

theashofaflower July 22nd, 2016

@Leucoryx when you have these thoughts, is it extreme? Do you have plans to kill yourself or is it just a quick thought?

JBlue June 23rd, 2016

It doesn't sound like having these thoughts is disrupting your life in any serious way, which is what I think matters more than whether or not other people normally have such thoughts. As long as you are safe from doing anything rash when you have these thoughts, and they do not interfere with living a healthy life, I wouldn't worry about them.

derailments June 24th, 2016

I wouldn't necessarily say it's "normal" especially when you have thoughts of dying, and tend to have symptoms of depression some days (in your example, staying in bed all day). But as mentioned it doesn't seem that it's affecting your basic functioning as a human being. It sounds like you take care of yourself and do a great job at it.

Depressive symptoms suck, and falling into them is never fun. But continue doing what you're doing and I think you'll continue on the right path.

CarpetLovesU July 22nd, 2016


Blazing hell! You are not alone in those thoughts :o

Darn, it gets so weird--like, almost walking into mist ("lemme see how close to the tracks I can am i thinking?")

What helps you?

It's just a mystery. I don't really wanna solve it until everything that's causing it is clear...