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Feeling Stuck?

Luchelle November 28th, 2018

Hi everyone.

I'm not trying to self-diagnose myself or anything. I just wanna know if it's worth pestering my mom to take me to a professional. I think that there's something wrong with me, I'm not entirely sure though.I know I'm not like the rest of my friends and family and other people.

So here are some possible depression symptoms I noticed: I've been feeling down lately (and by lately I mean around 3 years), accompanied with hypomanic moods. My poor appetite is getting worse as time goes by, I constantly forgot to eat because of it. My appetite is so poor that I literally force myself to eat every single day. EVERYONE noticed my weight loss; I lost 3 Kg within a month. My sleep routine is okay but the quality is crap, I wake up everyday feeling like I haven't slept at all and my muscles are all cramping (well at least it's improving since I try my best to relax). The things I used to enjoy are fading away, I used to love playing outside (but now I feel anxious whenever I go outside), I used to love reading (haha I can't even concentrate on reading a paragraph now), I used to love coloring things (Idk why but I feel anxious whenever I draw and colour), I used to love hearing music (I still do but it's fading away and I'm scared that it will), and lots of other things.

I did see a therapist, online. Without my parents consent haha. It was a free trial so I can't see him anymore (therapists sure are pricey). He said that I maybe suffering from anxiety, but well, I lied to him about having suicidal thoughts, I was super nervous that time because he was a complete stranger online and overseas, and I didn't tell him about my symptoms.

I feel like my emotions are stuck. If emotions are like running engines, then mine must be rusty and falling apart; barely intact. Like it decided to fall into a deep slumber or something. Oh, I haven't mentioned my 24/7 tired body and my lack of concentration. My suicidal thoughts are seeping back again too. Like everybody said about depression, it's like there's something pulling me back, drowning me. Of course, I feel okay sometimes, as if nothing ever happened, but even on those moments, I feel like there's something inside of me, something lurking, clinging, waiting to strike me again.

Sometimes I think to myself "What if I'm not actually happy at that time? That I was just in denial? After all, I still don't feel the enjoyment like I used to when I do the things I like"

All comments are very appreciated.

I would love to hear what you think about whether I have depression and go seek help or is it something else. Feel free to ask me anything too.

Thank you for reading.

ArcaneHermit November 29th, 2018


I think it's definitely worth it to talk to your mom about how your feeling, let her know you need help. I'm not diagnosed with anything yet, but I also have issues with quality of sleep, loss of appitite, inability to concentrate on books/movies/games that I used to enjoy. Try writing down on paper all your symptoms for when you talk to your mom, and for when you get to talk to a professional. I found that helped me my first time talking to a therapist in office.

Luchelle OP November 29th, 2018


Thanks for the reply, it's just, it seems really hard to tell about these things to my mom

ArcaneHermit November 29th, 2018


I understand, I struggled to talk to my parents about it when I was a teenager. In fact I didn't finally talk to them openly about my mental health struggles until I was an adult. I found that, even though they didn't fully understand it, or know what to do about it, they wanted to help. Sometimes the hardest part is reaching out.

Luchelle OP November 30th, 2018


If you don't mind me asking, what happened when you didn't reach out to your parents as a teenager? Did you regret not opening up sooner?

ArcaneHermit November 30th, 2018


Well, for me it started when I was about 12. The longer it went on, the more withdrawn I became. I stopped talking to friends, stopped talking to my mom. By highschool I was skipping classes so much I was beginning to fail. I eventually dropped out. So yes, I do regret not reaching out much sooner. I'm 30 now, and I feel like I lost out on my best years.

Luchelle OP December 1st, 2018


I'm really sorry to hear this! But I'm glad you're receiving treatment after all of that. It must be hard regretting it D:

I'll keep in mind to ask my mom one day. Well, I actually did but I think she forgot about it haha. I didn't mention my symptoms tho, I only said if I could see a psychiatrist or perhaps a psychologist so it was partially my fault.

ArcaneHermit December 1st, 2018


You started, that's still a first step! Let yourself be proud of that, and keep going. Believe it or not, the regret isn't that bad, at least not anymore. I've been through a lot, but it also led me to my daughter, and I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Luchelle OP December 3rd, 2018


Thanks :3

Aww I'm glad you net your daughter xD

Luchelle OP December 3rd, 2018
