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Anyone else feel this way?

IcyMist December 12th, 2020

In every relationship I have in the end no matter what I end up thinking well it's going to end at some point. Then I think well if it's going to end what's the point in trying? So then I give up and often do everything to jeapordise it. Does anyone else feel this way?

Orangeoak1845 December 12th, 2020


I am currently in this boat and have been there many times. My partner has started distancing physically and emotionally and I can't help but be sad and it pushes them farther away. And when I try to ask what's happened to make them feel different they act as if I've made it up and it pushed them further away.

I'm sorry you are going through those feelings I understand the hurt and grief. Sending hugs ❤️

tluper6491 December 12th, 2020

Yep, but I don't do it actively. Likely due to a combination of fear of being hurt/rejected and just plain being the dumbest human being alive I inevitably screw up everything and make things worse for myself.