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Something funny I've noticed

AutumnEagle September 30th, 2016

So, while I keep doing my best to take care of myself and learn about my depression, I've been able to articulate more of why I cannot tell other people. It may sound dumb and weird, but bear with me:

In our society, there is an unfortunate stigma against mental illnesses, which is prepostorous because the brain is an organ too and like other organs, it can get sick. I had to teach myself this, but now that I know it, it seems like common sense. To others, I guess it isn't. *shrug* While I have a loving family, I know if I were to tell them, one of two things will happen; one, they will have negative reactions to it and not support me, two, they will overwhelm me with what they believe is "best" for me, whether I want it or not. I do not want either, as I do not wish to be abandoned, seen as someone I'm not, and I do not want them to throw me into a corner for me to fight my way out of. Either way, the end result would be a disaster I wish to avoid. Also, my depression is something I need to learn about at my own pace. I need to take things slower when it comes to taking care of my depression. When I found out that was wrong with me, I was frightened. I lived in fear from everyone I knew from peers, friends, and family. I disapeared for a while, which of course had and even still has negative effects to this day. However, after about 2.5 years of it, I've come a long way and learned a lot. I'm proud of that.

However, I've figured out something about vulnurability and opening up. However, sadly, it isn't with other humans. I still have hope for that, but as of right now, I just can't really. Animals however, like my cats and my dog, is another story. See, animals are always honest. Any love and kindness given to them is given back in return. In my experience, animals, cats for the most part, but also dogs, have always been there for me. They've accepted me as I have accepted them. Without them, I'm not sure how I'd be able to be vulnerable at all.

I told ya, weird, but true. I got two kitties on my couch with me and a dog on the floor not too far away. Nothing like the purrs of a kitty to make the depression go away. :D

AndrewACT September 30th, 2016

@AutumnEagle there's nothing wrong with taking things at your own pace. I always tell people that it's good to take baby steps; just be sure to celebrate each one. I'm sorry you feel like you can't tell your family, but if you think they wouldn't understand then im glad your coming here to talk to people who will.

Chimmysmallz September 30th, 2016


It doesn't sound weird at all. Animals don't judge and their love is unconditional. Human beings are not perfect and they tend to run away from things they fear like mental illnesses.

I am glad that you have your amazing pets with you. Take very good care of them in return and you can always talk to us. <3 *hugs*

GentleRayn511 September 30th, 2016


I understand where you're coming from, my parents didn't understand and didn't support me while other members tried to make me do what they thought would help. I love your explanation of the brain being an organ and getting sick just like the rest of the body and one of my favorite qutes about the stigma, etc is you wouldn't tell a person with cancer to just get over it.

I feel you are quite strong to have already been dealing with this for 2 and a half years, so congratulations and way to go, I'm so proud of you. I also think animals and pets are a wonderful, helpful coping mechanism when we can't rely on our human family. Pets are loving and all accepting of us. Keep on keeping on, hun!

Phthalo September 30th, 2016

I guess a big reason why people don't understand is that they believe in a soul/spirit, so the idea that you can't just pray mental illness/disorders away, the idea that all your thoughts, feelings, and emotions come from a physical organ in your body...involving neural pathways and chemicals and hormones... is not even in their worldview to begin with. Which is understandable, I used to think like that for most of my life. I used to think that being thankful enough and praising a god enough and surrendering to a said god enough would fix me. But it didn't. And telling some that that is your only option is harmful and dangerous...

heartfulHeart81 September 30th, 2016

Pets are really helpful. A lot of the time they can sense when you are feeling down and try to get your attention. It also gives you something to care for and non judgmental company you can talk to and get affection from.

Erica October 1st, 2016

@AutumnEagle Not weird at all! Animals are used for comfort a lot as they are always kind, love and never judge! I hope one day you'll be able to open up to your family/friends as a mixture is always nice but one step at a time. Two kitties and a dog, busy busy! Best of luck with your journey and battle with depression heart.

Mrcheeku October 4th, 2016

@AutumnEagle I completely agree with what you said. With animals and pets, one gets unconditional love. It's quite amazing the love and care they shower for us. And yes, not many people can relate with mental illness. What amazes me the most is when they tell you to "snap-out" of depression. I am so glad that u have made so much of progress. Keep it up!!!! <3

AutumnEagle OP October 13th, 2016

Thank you all. You are truly kind. I have more than 2 kitties. They all help me with everything, as in their eyes, I'm a stupid human that cannot do anything without supervision. Haha. With all of them, any and all love and kindness is given back ten-fold, which is something truly beautiful in this world, as for other humans, it's quite impossible to predict, as some will take advantage of that, then expect from you even with they've hurt you and do not deserve it. I just wish that more humans could be as kind and compassionate as animals can be. One day, I'll be able to open up to someone like that. For now, I will just have to keep living my life and doing my best.