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Overwhelmed with everything.. :(

holypen1 December 15th, 2017

I don't really know what to do anymore. I feel so alone with my problems and myself and I am really helpless

It's been like this since years and December is always the worst - Although I love winter because it's so cozy with the snow and everything.

I feel like I'm not the person I used to be and I have so much more in me. But self confidence issues and procrastination are slowly destroying me. I always have so much on my mind of what I want achieve, but in the end I will procrastinate and postpone everything. I also feel stupid and compare myself to others.

"I'm not good enough", "Does he like me?", "am I weird? " these questions are constantly on my mind and I just feel so anxious.

I'm really hoping for some advice, insight and maybe some tips to find a good listener.

Thank you all..

JamieSclafaniLMSW December 16th, 2017

@holypen1 wow it sounds like this time of the year is really tough for you . Try to build some coping skills : deep breathing, mindfulness, journaling

holypen1 OP December 16th, 2017

@Jamie0906 thank you for your advice Jamie!

JamieSclafaniLMSW December 16th, 2017

@holypen1 no problem 😃 keep me updated on the progress

holypen1 OP December 16th, 2017

@Jamie0906 hm do you have any good internet resources about the skills you mentioned?

Thank you for your offer. How can I keep you updated? 🙈

JamieSclafaniLMSW December 16th, 2017

@holypen1 feel free just to post an update on here. You can start with mindfulness: 5 things you see 4 things you hear 3 things you feel 2 things you smell and 1 thing you taste. You tube should have some relaxation videos with calming music :)

aheartofglass December 16th, 2017

@holypen1 Wow... I relate to this so much, in my own kind of situation. Have you tried to reach out to anyone about this? Your parents, friends, adults?

holypen1 OP December 16th, 2017

@aheartofglass no, I don't have anyone to talk about it and I also don't want to bother friends. That's the reason I'm seeking advice on 7cups..

conscientiousPineapple1782 December 16th, 2017


Hope you find solution, nothing comes from prusher...I find myself hard to figure out how to deal with it.

conscientiousPineapple1782 December 16th, 2017


I am so much biting myself for not being good enough.

holypen1 OP December 19th, 2017

@conscientiousPineapple1782 same here :/ you're not alone!