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Nightime Blues

hopecounts October 12th, 2018

Is it just me or is the night the worst? I'm struggling to go to sleep not because of my normal insomnia but because I know that going to sleep means waking up the next morning and starting the whole process again of coping with depression. I'm so tired of presenting a front while I am really just miserable.

I used to just show my emotions. If I felt crappy, then I acted sad. But then either 1 of 2 things would happen: no one would notice (or atleast say anything to me about it) or people would say something dismissive about me being depressed.

Society as a whole seeems not to know how to handle people who are depressed!

Anyways, I've strayed from my post but my question is this: How do you prep yourself the night before to deal with the stresses and depression that awaits you the next morning?

ThisIs543 October 13th, 2018

@hopecounts Good question....

I have a bullet journal, so I usually try to make a list for the next day. Not a huge list, just 4 or 5 things I want to focus on at work, and 4 or 5 things at home. I include self-care items on that list, whether it's meds, knitting or taking a shower as soon as I wake up. Making a list helps me feel more in control. I also write in a journal, which I think of as emptying my mind of the things that have happened and the things I worry about.

I definitely tend toward the blues at night, so my routine has gradually developed to focus on things I know help me stay on track: watching comedies, practicing guitar, playing with my pets. My bed routine is pretty strictly at the same time nightly, mostly because every time I stop following it I feel myself slipping.

Sundays are the hardest evenings for me, so on top of the usual things, I rotate between different things that keep me from spiraling: two biggest being cooking food for the week if I have energy, or participating in a guided chat here.

hopecounts OP October 14th, 2018


Wow! What great advice. Thank you!

AbbyHarris1976 October 14th, 2018

Mine tends to happen more often when I get up in the morning ... and then I need to load up on coffee to wake up. I dont know ... maybe Im hypoglycemic in the morning because I tend to have more energy after having my breakfast.

Last night, I had a bad dream, though, where I was trying to explain to coworkers about my best friend C passing away and was trying to hold back tears in front of them.

hopecounts OP October 14th, 2018


Yikes. Sorry about your dream. That dream sounds too much like my reality.

I can't relate about mornings although I do have a hard time getting out of bed. My mornings tend to be really rushed. I should add breakfast to my list of things to do and I hope you find things to keep you busy in your mornings. I do a lot better when I keep busy.

AbbyHarris1976 October 15th, 2018


Most of my blah mornings are the ones where Im getting up to go to work ... not too surprising. 😀 I dont like to rush in the morning, so Ill get up a couple hours before I have to leave.

It was kind of weird that I had that dream because I had already been through the awkward moments of telling my coworkers about CM passing away but it was still unsettling nonetheless.

ThisIs543 October 14th, 2018

@AbbyHarris1976 I do remember reading that major depression is usually worst in the mornings.

I think I just tend especially toward rumination when I'm tired.

AbbyHarris1976 October 15th, 2018


That is interesting ... I wonder if its because blood glucose drops overnight

smppalos October 15th, 2018

@hopecounts I feel the same. I try to reach out to some friends but I feel like they are not even trying to understand or they are not interested. I too have a hard time sleeping. I even take a shower before I still can't relax.