My 7 Cups Dream Journal
Entry 1: The Boxes of Cats
It was a little strange but what I remember most is visiting a house that was in my old neighborhood that I’d recently moved from (it really wasn’t, so dream logic) but I came back to collect something I left or my mother left.
It was very sad and the people who were there now were sort of okay with me wandering around and looking. I kept noticing the signs that I’d once lived there (painted over places that still revealed chipped paint and stuff I recognized from my apartment).
Then I looked beneath a couch or table and found boxes full of kittens. Two boxes were full of meowing kittens in water that the new home owners had no idea were there, and one more box held a very dead cat that was an older one from a previous litter. All of the kittens were starving without their mother and I knew that it was the reason why the older one passed.
The new owners suddenly smelled the dead cat and I took it upon myself to get rid of it. When I came back an hour later all of the kittens were gone, and when I was walking past another house I could see all the kittens. They’d all grown up into adult cats!
My job development appointment wasn’t much. We went over what the future plans for the start of January would be. I mentioned that I hadn’t been able to get my wisdom teeth out and I was frustrated that things have stalled, so I’d continue with our appointments but tell her when something changes.
Now I have to prepare for therapy tomorrow.
Hopefully the therapy session goes better. This particular time of year is the hardest for job searches that exists because so few people are around. The wisdom teeth issues is a waiting game this week as well. By the end of the week you might know more. @integrityblues
That’s true. I’m just stressing out.
I made sure to rest and relax for the rest of today. I made myself a nice 4 egg scramble with Swiss cheese and canned diced tomatoes for lunch after the meeting and had boxed Mac and cheese for dinner. I just did a lot of reading too.
I have a Starbucks reward for a baked good that I’ll pick up after my therapy is done.
So something stupid happened. I got to my appointment and my therapist was late, so I asked the people at the window what was happening and they called her then used the intercom but assured me that she was there.
I waited around because it was warm in the waiting room and I had a book to read, but when the hour for my appointment was nearly over I just got up and spoke to them again. They said that they were sorry and they’d email my therapist and cc the supervisor so they’d know I was here for the appointment. They also left a note for my therapist to call me and reschedule for a new meeting.
I left and it was a cold ride home on the bus. I stopped to get my free pastry, got on the last bus, and went home so I could change into my warm pajamas and have soup. Later on I’ll make another scramble with tomatoes
So sorry to hear about the therapy mix up. I know how you have to prep yourself for those appointments and then to get stuck waiting is hard. Unluckily, I think we balanced ourselves out today. My therapy appointments are now telehealth (which I dislike as a forum but my therapist switched during COVID and we have been together a long time). For the first time, I forgot I had an appointment. I got out of the shower and went to check my phone and realized I was 10 minutes late for the appointment. So I got a rushed meeting. It went fine, but I have decided the last day of the year isn't the best day to have an appointment anyway. I find the idea of 2025 scary with the political situation and my dad getting older fast. But maybe it will go better than I imagine.
You did all sorts of great things in terms of eating to make the day pass faster. The scrambled eggs and pastry sounds lovely. We did chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries in the new air fryer.
Onward into next year. May we stay focused on kindness and hope. @integrityblues
I dreamt that my mom visited me but in order for her to come over the extended family on my dad’s side had to come along. I was panicking and telling them and my mom that they have to be on their best behavior since my reputation here was as a nice quiet woman who doesn’t drink or do drugs, to please not cause any trouble.
They did something that made me so uncomfortable and we started fighting till I finally started demanding that they leave my house and leave me alone, that this wasn’t what I wanted that I just wanted my mom.
Did you have a good 1st day of the year? Mine was okay overall as my visit with my sister went as well as I could have hoped. We tend to not do well but this time there was a smaller group without my parents so we didn't fight too much.
Sorry about the mom dream. It really speaks to the conflict between wanting her but not her chaos.
My first day of the year was spent mostly lying down and playing Genshin Impact on my phone. I had some peanut butter this afternoon when I noticed I was hungry, then later in the evening I got up to make dinner because I was very hungry, wobbly on my feet, and had a headache. I made whole wheat penne pasta with jarred sauce and had hot chocolate for dessert.
Today was my dad’s birthday.
He’d have been 60 years old, and this morning I told my aunts to have a nice day and do nice things for themselves because it was my dad’s day. I’d mentioned that I’d be doing one of his favorite things on his special day, and it so happened that one of his favorite things was eating (and maybe sports or fighting video games like Tekken or King of the Fighters from what I recall of him when I was young). I have a habit of doing something similar for my friend who passed away: on her birthday I’d make her a pineapple upside down cake or go out to Starbucks for a Blonde roast and get a glazed twist or maple bar. I even watch Gone With the Wind or The Wizard of Oz
I didn’t really have much that I thought my father would like since it’s the beginning of the month, but I follow the idea that my dad would like pretty much anything- he liked most foods so none of us could settle on something as his true favorite (and the lack of contact meant we didn’t really know anything else) for his celebration of life. I think my aunts decided on lasagna and cheesecake for that.
My whole wheat penne was good, a little plain but I’m sure he’d understand because I hadn’t had much money.
I’m going to try and bake cookies tomorrow. I’m going to try and take some with me to the gamers group as a nice thing but also as a test for myself. That I’d be bringing something that everyone might touch if they want cookies. And if I do it I’ll take another step and accept the offer of a cup of coffee which I never do because I’m scared of using things that people touch.
Ugh. I had a mixed up mess of a dream. I had a pet cat but was going to have to have my apartment treated for pests like cockroaches but couldn’t let management know I had a pet. So I was trying to get my friendly neighbor to hold on to my cat till the treatment was over and I’d aired out the apartment. Then the dream shifted and it was about these attacks of bugs that would sting or kill people but the ones I caught in a large jar of water with a sealed top looks like fruit flies with very tiny stingers. I kept having to reattach the lid of the jar because it was coming off, and I thought it was because of the bugs, but I kept thinking that they were only pretending to have drowned since cockroaches can survive being submerged in water for long periods of time too.
I woke up so cold because the temps were in the 40’s. And I’m now considering not even going out to group because even with my heated blanket and the heater on I have no desire to go outside. I’ll move baking cookies to later on.
Yep, not going out today. It’s too cold and I just want to sleep Thursday away so pay day comes faster.
I also remembered one part of my dream but I don’t know where it occurred. The dream took place at the beginning of the month so I’d tried calling my mom. She answered and we had a nice talk about me having to have a neighbor look after my cat.
I can understand the desire to stay warm in the cold spell. But do make sure that you keep eating something and that you move around a bit even if you are cold. Not doing those two things makes the depression worse.
I think that the whole wheat penne (especially nice that you bought the whole wheat version) is a good way to celebrate your dad.
I love the plan that you came up with for the gaming group. It's okay that you weren't able to follow through with it today. It can just as easily be a plan for next week. We can hope that it will be warmer. But you had some great ways of testing your limits a bit. Keep doing things like that!
I made some turkey thighs and broccoli for dinner. Food is a bit of a challenge at the moment because my sister bought way too much food before she left to go home so she left it with me. Then my son moved in with all of his food supplies too. So we have way too much to eat and it is very disorganized. I have trouble closing the freezer. I keep thinking that it will all go bad before we can finish stuff. But I am going to try to keep getting through it. Tomorrow I will make a cauliflower dip using my immersion blender.
It’s been a chilly day and would have been a good day for chili if I’d remembered to buy some chili seasoning.
I’d stayed in bed until the afternoon and then started baking cookies. They came out a little weird. I’d used apple sauce instead of butter, stevia instead of sugar, and must have over mixed the dough. The cookies were chewy but not like a nice soft cookie. More like bread so I must have added too much air to the batter.
I had some of them then threw the rest out because it just didn’t taste good.
Im sort of glad I didn’t bring those cookies to group but I’ve got a week to try again if I still want to bring cookies.
I hope that your food storage challenge doesn’t cause too much trouble.
Sometimes it is good to see how food experiments turn out. At least you got up and tried. My cauliflower dip went pretty well I think, but I have a feeling most people thought it was hummus rather than cauliflower before they tried it.
Do you have any good plans for the weekend? @integrityblues
That’s true.
Cauliflower is great at mimicking all sorts of foods. My favorite was when my friend made cauliflower fried rice and I literally couldn’t taste the difference.
My plans for the weekend are trash day tomorrow because New Year’s Day landed on a weekday. I’ll shove the cans off the curb tomorrow morning before I leave to see my mom. I’m going to text my neighbor and ask him to haul the empty cans back in while I’m gone, but I’ll take care of the sweeping when after I’ve gotten home and rested for a little bit.
I’ll get some laundry done on Sunday if the laundromat isn’t too busy.
I just really want a hug from my mom and to see that she’s okay since she’s still not got a phone and my younger sister isn’t answering. Between the difficulty off my father’s birthday, the therapy mistake, and a bad morning I just need to see my mom.
I had a pretty upsetting morning because when I left to get some medications refilled I’d noticed a small dog running across the street and saw a guy in another fenced yard freaking out and looking for it. I tried to get his attention but then jogged after the dog to see if I could catch it or see how far it was going. It was so fast and I had to go back and get the guy’s attention to tell him which way the dog went as I was in no shape to catch the dog myself. I followed after the dog because I felt unreasonably guilty for not catching the dog in time when it went past me.
I followed after the man but once he got to the block I spotted the dog taking a turn around he promptly threw himself onto the ground and wailed when the dog wasn’t there. I told him that he could look down the street the dog ran down and he got up to look some more.
I cautiously followed since that direction would take me to my pharmacy and I was honestly worried about both the man and dog. Once he ran into another group of people doing yard work and asked if they’d seen a dog run past. They did and pointed the way it went and the man immediately threw himself onto the ground again and began yelling about the lost dog. Another person came out of their house to see what was wrong I told her that he’d lost his dog.
I saw him a few more times on my trip to the pharmacy. At one point he’d went to get his car and began circling the few blocks over and over, calling for his dog and stopping to ask the homeless people and pedestrians if they’d seen the dog and when everyone told him no he’d begin screaming in his car, hitting the steering wheel before driving away.
It was very sad. That dog had no collar, obviously no tag, and probably wasn’t microchipped. He was in so much distress as he was questioning people he couldn’t even give a description of the dog (a small breed that might have been a Yorkie, light and dark brown fur, named either Lily or Libby).
I’m afraid that the dog had made it to the nearest busy street and was hit while running across. I’m not thinking about it as much right now but it was worse earlier this morning.
After that event I did my job development appointment (nothing really happened) and after I rested a bit and restarted watching Squid Game season 1 because I’d like to refresh my memory before starting season 2, I left to get my Target orders and got a Caramel Macchiato on the way home.
I am sorry about your dog incident. You did nothing wrong. The dog would have been too fast for almost anyone and you didn't entirely know it was missing at that point. But it is hard to see someone in mental distress like that. I am going to hope that the dog is just fine and back home now. That is equally likely.
It is good that you are going to go see your mom. A hug will do you both good. Hopefully there won't be too much drama, but focus as much as you can on the good parts of your visit. You deserve that.
It sounds like you are getting lots of other good stuff accomplished this weekend. I have been busy prepping my next semester and taking down a few holiday decorations.
I went to see my mom. The trip was so long and when I got there I had to knock on her window with my cane. My younger sister saw me with a coffee and a sandwich and my mom came out to let me in through the gate. In my mom’s apartment my sister was sitting on the kitchen floor crying about not having a gender?
No idea what she was on about.
My mom got a new phone ten days ago but didn’t remember our numbers, so I gave her mine, my older sister’s, and both my aunts numbers while I was there.
While I was there I made sure to hug my mom a lot and was reassured after confirming that she was okay, that she had a phone, and that we’d be able to have our calls once a month. As I was chatting with my mom, my sister began talking strangely going off on a rant about how she’s been cheated out of the money we were supposed to get when our grandpa died. That was years and years ago in 2001! And as she continued ranting she was getting more and more paranoid. Every other exchange she’d ask if the police were coming.
I had to patiently listen to avoid a true fight and also not trigger her further- I’d read an article a month ago when preparing for any sort of interaction and one of the bits of advice was to not challenge an unreasonable statement or belief- like when she asked if I’d known to come today because she’d searched for me online.
We were talking about the dog I’d seen get out, the one I’ve been sad about, and she asked me if I had a dog. A white one. And I told her that she was thinking of my old friend’s Jack Russell Terrier. Of course I loved him and I’ll always miss him, and when I said that years ago he’d had a big stroke while my friend was stuck in the hospital and that her brother had no choice but to hide the fact that her dog needed to be put down (since she was going through the end stages of renal disease and sometimes wasn’t very lucid). That I’d spent a week saying nothing to save her more heartache and then she died. My sister had the nerve to tell me that my friend’s brother lied to me and if I wasn’t there to see my friend’s dog get put down it could be the case.
I corrected her but she continued to say similar things and said a lot of crazy theories about our father having another daughter by one of his sisters, that our father was killed instead of just overdosing and his eyes were taken.
Eventually she and my mother argued about a lighter, my sister demanding that my mom give it to her when my mom was busy, then she demanded money for the bus then took the dog. She ran into someone and she let him walk the dog and my mom got scared that the man was going take the dog away and my sister would forget and attack the man.
We speed walked to catch up to them and took the dog back after I promised her that the dog would be fine with me. Yes, he got under my feet while I was walking him back slowly so my mother could catch her breath and I dropped my cane. He was fine and I paused several times to check on him and give him reassurance and petting.
We eventually got back, I used the bathroom, and then went home.
It was a longer trip home because the train was on a delay.
Im sorry this is so long.
Don't worry at all about the length here. You needed to get it all out. You did an awesome job handling everything. You remained calm and collected. Good job.
Your sister sounds seriously mentally ill and delusional. That makes that household really, really tense. I totally get why you worry about your mom in such circumstances. Hopefully your sister can get some mental illness triage soon. Some medication is probably the only thing that would help her at this point.
So what is your best move at this point? Keep that tension from impacting you too badly. Remember that you are only going to be in contact once a month unless your mom agrees to separate from your sister entirely. That part is on her, not you.
You got the hug that you needed and a telephone number. Those two things make it a successful trip. What kinds of things are you going to do now to bring yourself back to a more normal state? Those items are what you need to focus on. @integrityblues
I spoke to my psych nurse aunt and she’s unhappy about it but has about the same thing to say about it as I do: my mother is allowing my sister into her apartment, takes that treatment and risks eviction.
Yes, this whole situation is upsetting but I don’t see how she’s ever going to get the mental illness treatment she obviously needs.
I’m trying to not think about it too much.
After my call with my aunt I called my mom because she never got back to me yesterday and I honestly wanted to check on her. Also my aunt was asking me if I’d seen my sister wearing the shoes she’d gotten for her or did I think she lost or sold them? I knew that the blanket I’d washed and given to my mom a while ago had been taken away from my mom and lost by my sister. When I was told that yesterday in the conversation with my mom, and my aunt said today she’d gotten mom a blanket for Christmas too, I had to stop myself from going through my bag of spare blankets I’d never used and choosing a new one or a couple to wash, dry, and take to my mom. Maybe even give a specific one to my sister. But then I realized I’d just be giving more things that would be given away or lost. It would just be pointless.
When I called my sister picked up and after saying hi I waited politely for her to pass mom’s phone back to her because of course my sister is getting her hands all over that phone to use as much as possible, I just hope my mom isn’t letting her take it when she sleeps outside.
And as I spoke to my mom about my cousin’s new son (a fact I’d forgot to share yesterday) and that I’d chatted with my aunt this morning, my sister was just ranting in the background.
The tension was very thick and so I suggested that she get rest, stretch out her legs because that was such a punishing walk we took, and of course pet the dog, but she said that she wasn’t allowed to pet the dog. My sister had said she’d better stop which is just cruel to both the dog and my mom. That dog loves my mother and she loves him too.
Im concerned even more for my mom so today I focused on myself pretty hard after finishing the call.
I want to lose some weight this year, like 77 lbs so I’ll be in a better BMI to reduce the health risks that keep mounting as I’m fatter and to find clothes that fit much better. I hold too much of my weight in my gut which isn’t good at all. I’m like a diabetes time bomb.
I want to exercise more and eat more vegetables. I’m even planning on rewarding myself for every 7 lbs lost. No food rewards, just nice things like bubble baths or seeing a new movie/reading a new book. Of course the last prize will be something like a new pair of jeans.
Tomorrow I’ll get a nice load of laundry done and try to do more cleaning up inside the house since today I did most of the sweeping up outside in spite of the wind, but I was so tired afterwards I only did the minimum inside.
Ok, so now that you have talked to your mom you don't need to call back for a while. Pull away a bit even though you are worried. You need to do it for your own mental health and so you can focus on those things for you. A stronger you is better for your mom. Your aunt, you and me all agree that it is your mom's move next. Until she is willing to change the locks and force your sister out so that your sister can get the help she needs then nothing can be done.
So let's focus on the exercise and the better eating. Those sound like excellent goals for the year. I will try to write about any time that I eat something healthy to give you ideas. That didn't happen tonight because we went out to eat, but by tomorrow we will be back to leftovers, etc. But the exercise is also great. I will admit that over the last several years my own mental health has really been transformed by simple daily walks outside. I carry my phone and aim to get 3000-4000 steps each day. That is actually a really small amount because you are supposed to 10000 but it is what works for me and I know it makes me better. Not only am I getting physical exercise, but being outside puts me in a better mental spot most days. I was really amazed that something so simple worked for me. That step count may be high for you at first, but even if you got 1000-2000 and did it every day I think it would help. The key is being consistent. @integrityblues
I don’t plan on contacting my mom again until February 1st for our next monthly call. When I spoke with her during our visit she was adamant that the way to help my sister would be to talk to a lawyer and get this money our grandfather wanted to give us but we’d been removed from the will by our grandma when she had the power to do so. It’s so disturbing how my mom and sister are so focused on getting something that probably doesn’t even exist anymore, and hoping that it will solve their problems.
My mom’s goal of getting my sister into a rehab probably isn’t going to happen, so I doubt she’d even bother to change the locks and kick her out for all the trouble she’s caused.
The dieting/exercising thing has begun. I’m looking at new recipes, I’m going on my Eat This Much app to get ideas for things to make that fit what I want (higher protein, less carbs). Like tomorrow I’ll go to the store to pick up ingredients for the week and things for a veggie scramble for breakfast, avocado lettuce wraps for lunch, and salmon with sautéed garlic spinach for dinner.
I burned my thumb while taking stuff from my oven and have a big blister. It doesn’t hurt as much as before but it definitely slowed me down. I took a short walk today but skipped my laundry. I was lucky to even get myself in the shower to feel human and wash my hair.
I ended up pedaling on my little pedaler as I watched tv to meet 30 minutes of physical activity.
I got to about 2,630 steps today. 3,000-4,000 is a good goal and usually gets me to my basic goal of burning like 100 calories. I rarely ever hit 10,000 steps but that’s the step goal on my fitness pal.
I’m so tired and hope that I’ll be able to do more tomorrow like finish the laundry, tidy up, and prepare for my Zoom tomorrow.
You are right that your sister and mom are living in a dream world in regards to the money. My guess is that your mom is there simply because being with your sister all the time keeps her from thinking clearly herself. February 1 sounds like a good reconnect point.
I love all the food that you are imagining. It sounds very good. We had some really nice grits (easy to make and cheap) with some roasted tomatoes, onion and eggplant the other night that was quite good. Roasting veggies in the oven is especially nice, cheap and easy as long as you line the pan with parchment paper first. It makes them taste better somehow.
You are getting a great amount of steps and keeping active! Always remember that things like laundry count as exercise too. The key is trying to limit any "I am too tired to move" kind of days. You are going to be able to do that especially if you keep up with just a bit of walking outside which is of course better mental health wise than the laundry. @integrityblues
It was a bad day today.
I did hardly anything of true value aside from walking to the library to return a book and to the store for none of the groceries I listed yesterday because while it all sounded good it just felt like so much effort. I picked up some salad bowls to at least get some vegetables in but also got microwave meals like I shouldn’t.
I took 6,976 steps today but strained my ankle a bit on the way home with the groceries and burned around 202 calories.
I was so tired when I got home that I had to lay down. I didn’t bother to do any pedaling since my legs were sore.
Your foods sound very nice. I also like roasting veggies in the oven too, my favorites are Brussels sprouts, zucchini, and bell peppers with onions.
Halt! You absolutely did a great deal of value today. You got more steps than me for one thing. You aren't aiming for perfection here. You are aiming at getting moving more. You are doing that.
Ok, so the groceries sounded like too much effort. I get that. It can be hard getting started on the healthier stuff. But salad kits aren't a bad thing if you don't put on too much of the dressing. There are also healthier versions of frozen meals. Just look for the meatless ones. Many of them taste pretty good. Having one of those a week isn't a bad thing either. But maybe plan on one more ambitious meal per week right now. That way it won't feel overwhelming. You can also do it when you feel up to it during the week. You can grow from there. The Brussels sprouts, zucchini and bell pepper with onion sounds great. Actually the thing with the tomato that I made called for zucchini, but my son was more likely to eat the eggplant.
I still haven't done particularly well food wise myself this week (though I do have some good things planned that I bought food for today). We just had some frozen broccoli and french fries (left over from my sister) in the air fryer tonight. Edible but not particularly nutritious or exciting.
You are actually doing just fine. You can do this!
Thanks bestVase. I can be very hard on myself.
It’s been pretty stressful the last few days.
We’ve got some pretty bad wildfires in my state and I’ve been nervous keeping an eye out for notifications about the spreading fires or of new fires, the air quality, and worrying over my mom and friends and other family. So far we’re okay but the air quality isn’t good- I made sure to warn my mom to stay inside if she can because of her COPD.
I’m going to try and get a little sleep in spite of my worry.
I got sleep but didn’t use my Pokemon Sleep app. I wanted to make sure I’d get alerted if another fire started near me.
I was coughing really bad once I got up and was also sneezing so much and so hard that it hurts my nose.
I dreamt that I was in some sort of role playing game like Final Fantasy but at some point I stopped my journey and went to the dentist who examined my teeth and they said I didn’t have any new cavities. I’d proudly told them that I’d been brushing my teeth between meals especially if it was sugary junk food.
I am sorry that you are near the part of the country with the fires. I know how hard it was with our double hurricanes a few months ago. The waiting and not knowing is the worst part. Just hearing about the fires (and politics in general) has made me down the last few days. We have certainly damaged our environment a great deal.
But we can just keep caring for each other. That is the key part and we are doing that. Things will get better.
Sending lots of hugs and peace. Keep eating okay while you are waiting out the fires, okay? It will help you have enough energy rather than focusing on junk foods. We did some cooked red cabbage and potatoes tonight.
The fires and Santa Ana winds are terrible. I’m lucky so far because the fires haven’t reached my city but they’re getting closer every day.
It’s one part climate change and another part just how California is. All the droughts make it easier for us to become a tinderbox, the Santa Ana’s spread embers, and once it’s all burned away and the rains come we get mudslides since there’s no root systems to hold the dirt in place. Oh, plus earthquakes.
My mom can’t answer any of my messages or calls because the cell towers have burned closer to where she lives. I’m worried for her, but trying to not fixate. I have therapy over the phone today and I’m hoping the call helps or at least doesn’t drop because of the cell towers.
i had a salad bowl yesterday. I’ll have another today
May your luck continue to hold. There isn't much way to get in contact with your mom right now, so focus on you. The therapy appointment is a good idea. It is great that you are eating some salad bowls. You prepare well for things so you are prepared for whatever comes your way right now. Do lots of things to distract you and keep away from lots of news stories from other areas. It will keep your panic down.
Sending lots of hugs and peace this evening. @integrityblues
Thanks bestVase. Therapy went well, it was just hard to discuss all the things I literally can’t do anything about and have to focus on myself instead.
Theres a chance that the fire won’t reach my city but it all depends on the wind.
I eventually went to the store and got a cheap boneless prime rib and some bagged salad, a fancier one that looks fresher than the salad bowls I got. I just have to clean my cast iron, season it, and cook it. I’ll have to put on a surgical glove while washing because I’d opened the blister on my thumb and have a makeshift bandage on to keep it clean.
I very much know that feeling of not knowing. It is hard. Hurricanes are also based in the direction that winds decide to go and the waits are always tough. You are going to make it though. You are worth focusing on and nothing remains unknown forever.
The salad with cheaper steak sounds good. You are doing a nice job in keeping the wound bandaged. It will heal as well. Are you getting a good amount of water to drink? Got lots of distraction activities planned - reading some good books, etc.? Those are the things you can control.
I went outside on a short tour of an urban farm with a few friends today. It was really interesting because they gave us lots of little leaves to eat fresh from the garden - swiss chard, celery, purple cauliflower, nasturtium flowers, mustard and arugula. You begin to realize that there are so many kinds of vegetables that you have never tried before and they taste so much better fresh picked. It is also very rare to put a whole flower in your mouth. @integrityblues
The urban farm tour sounds like it was nice.
I was able to go shopping for shelf stable foods for my emergency bag if I have to leave for three days.
I got a whole case of water because I have to carry 3 gallons of water and it’s easier to carry if it’s in multiple smaller bottles instead of a huge jug. I got three days worth of canned foods (ravioli, beans, sliced peaches and fruit cocktail), pouches of tuna, peanut butter, and saltines. I chose things that had pull tabs on the cans because while I could bring a can opener mine doesn’t work very well.
Im not sure if it’s all necessary but I feel better now that I have it ready. Now all I have to do is prepare my rolling suitcase and backpack to carry everything.
Ive had plenty of water today and distracted myself with Netflix. I’m so tired but I’ll try and do laundry tomorrow when the laundromat isn’t so busy.
Those very much sound like hurricane rations. Having them does make you feel a bit better. For the water for hurricanes, I take all the plastic containers in the house, fill them with water and freeze them. It keeps things colder in the fridge and freezer much longer and gives us plenty to drink. But that is a different set of circumstances. You will have plenty of food and drink now for a while. The tuna can be great on salads and the fruit cocktail and other fruit isn't too bad for you if it is in fruit juice rather than syrup. It is also great to drink plenty of water to begin with.
You are as ready as you can be. Focus on the laundry and other chores. I think things will begin to feel a bit more certain in the next few days. I am hoping that you are nearly through the bad waiting period.
Is the air a little bit better now so you can get out and walk? @integrityblues