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mikenaiwc February 22nd, 2019

[+/-] I think I'm done.

[-] Nothing seems to work.

[+] I am living someone else's life.

[-] Never once mine.

[+] Everything is processed by the brain.

[-] None by the heart.

[+] Even this post. The way I write... somehow must rhyme.

[-] Hiaz, Why am I this way.

[+] What did I do wrongly in the first place.

[-] Oh well, forget about it. Who cares.

mikenai November 5th, 2021


maybe give me sometime. actually i asked for too much. aint anymore point to struggle living.

mytwistedsoul November 8th, 2021

@mikenai Of course Mike - there's never any pressure. I'm sorry things are so bad right now

You'll be in my thoughts

mikenai November 21st, 2021


Just thought I update again. Things are still the same.

Sorry twistedsoul. I try again another time...

I wonder if it is because i am... lazy or procrastinating.

mytwistedsoul December 16th, 2021

@mikenai Hey :) I've let time slip away from me again - I'm sorry about that. You've been in my thoughts and everytime I think about writing you - another day passed me by. I don't think you're lazy or procrastinating - you're depressed. It sucks the life out of you - I've been fighting it myself lately - I thought the anxiety was bad - but the depression - holy sh*t. Everytime I'd think I was crawling out of the pit - I'd slide back down even farther

Its ok to need time and energy to do things - to take what you have and take care of yourself the best you can

*sending you strength*

mikenai December 17th, 2021


I've let time slip away from me again - I'm sorry about that. You've been in my thoughts and everytime I think about writing you - another day passed me by. I don't think you're lazy or procrastinating - you're depressed. It sucks the life out of you - I've been fighting it myself lately - I thought the anxiety was bad - but the depression - holy sh*t. Everytime I'd think I was crawling out of the pit - I'd slide back down even farther

Its ok to need time and energy to do things - to take what you have and take care of yourself the best you can

*sending you strength*

something aint feeling right.

worse off this month.

something is really wrong.

nothing is going according to checklist/schedule/routine.

i am done for.

tanish0007 December 17th, 2021

Pls don't loose hope ..we are here to support u through difficult times.. Feel free to reach out to me and I will try my best to help u

mikenai December 17th, 2021


I appreciate the offer and trying my best to be grateful for.

I ask of you to allow me to... pause and think through...

something dont feel right

mikenai December 21st, 2021

I don't know why or what is going on. Been calling SOS hotline multiple times for mental support this month. Feeling off, failure, pointless, hopeless, not even sure what is going on or struggle to breathe live anymore. Maybe talking it out, despite no solutions help? or... i rather type... save my throat. I duno... extremely fatigued from anything everything.

mytwistedsoul December 22nd, 2021

I think it helps to let things out - instead of keeping it inside where it can fester. Sometimes it's easier to type or write or the words instead of saying them out loud

But you have to do what feels right for you

mikenai December 23rd, 2021


I think it helps to let things out - instead of keeping it inside where it can fester. Sometimes it's easier to type or write or the words instead of saying them out loud

But you have to do what feels right for you

thing is it aint easy everytime. though sometimes like you mentioned, better to be done.

plus worse, if i recalled i shared last time, a healthy habit commonly turns unhealthy on me.

mytwistedsoul December 23rd, 2021

@mikenai True and if it was easier everyone would be doing it. I guess maybe things need to be in moderation - when you feel like it and aren't forcing yourself

You set the rules of writing and it doesn't have to be here. There are other places. Penzu is one that's private or there's a few other places there or you could have a paper journal

mikenai December 24th, 2021


True and if it was easier everyone would be doing it. I guess maybe things need to be in moderation - when you feel like it and aren't forcing yourself

You set the rules of writing and it doesn't have to be here. There are other places. Penzu is one that's private or there's a few other places there or you could have a paper journal

Guess this balancing of moderation is one of my greatest problem.

I tried many free resources online, but couldnt find a better alternative. Went back to my original platform, but i havent been using for awhile.

mytwistedsoul January 6th, 2022

@mikenai Moderation is a problem with alot of people probably. It's hard to know what's the best thing to do. I've tried a few different ones too. Some are ok but they are lacking in some places. Other's start out good but then for what ever reason we end up shying away from it and then don't use it at all. I guess - just do what feels best for you at that moment and try not to pressure or force yourself to do it - which is easier said then done

mikenai January 17th, 2022


Moderation is a problem with alot of people probably. It's hard to know what's the best thing to do. I've tried a few different ones too. Some are ok but they are lacking in some places. Other's start out good but then for what ever reason we end up shying away from it and then don't use it at all. I guess - just do what feels best for you at that moment and try not to pressure or force yourself to do it - which is easier said then done

I dont know how to reply... other than agreeing with you on the difficulty.

Whats worse in my situation is that, i tend to stick to those... that ends up hurting myself in the end. Placing unnecessary pain to self...