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"Let it go"

User Profile: ManandaPanda
ManandaPanda August 15th, 2016

Anytime I read something about being positive or battling depression, the authors always talk about "letting go." Let go of your anger, let go of grudges, let go of negativity, let go of toxic people. But my question today is how do you ACTUALLY let go? Whenever I read something like this it's like they expect it to be an instant remedy to any problem. "Just let it go" "just move on"

But I'm asking today how do you really let something go? Because to me I thought I had let stuff go but it turned out I was just suppressing it into the back of my mind. People make letting stuff go seem so easy but what mental steps to you go through to get to the point of letting go?

This might seem pretty obvious to some but I get really frustrated with myself sometimes because I can't just easily let something go. Of course it depends what this thing is but tell me community, how do you let go?

User Profile: NatureWalk
NatureWalk August 15th, 2016

This is an interesting topic, thank you for being brave and sharing with us @ManandaPanda.

I believe that everyone learns their own way to "let go". I don't think it's an instant thing, more like a process. You don't blink and then it's gone. In fact, for me, letting go is more about facing, and then accepting.

First I face what it is that's challenging/weighing on my mind, I give myself time to acknowledge that it is affecting me.
Once I can more clearly see that there is something weighing on me, I practice accepting it. I see that it's affecting me, and I tell myself that it's ok.

I find that with time, after practicing accpetance, the weight starts to lift. Once you've accepted something, it doesn't have the same power over you anymore. It does take time, and there are setbacks, but I find that it ends up being worth it.

Good luck, and stay strong <3

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User Profile: ManandaPanda
ManandaPanda OP August 15th, 2016

@NatureWalk thank you for your insight! I'll have to practice that and see if it helps ! :)

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User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie August 15th, 2016

I'm going to be no help with this because I don't believe in any of that letting go advice at all. I don't think it works, and I think it's a distraction from the real solutions to difficult problems.

It works for simple things. Like there's the saying, "It's no use crying over spilt milk." Well, OK, if you spill some milk, let it go. But for difficult things I think it's better to understand the difficulty instead of letting it go.

Maybe other people will reply and explain letting go to both of us wink

If you'd ever like to chat about these things, feel free to send me a message.


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User Profile: ManandaPanda
ManandaPanda OP August 15th, 2016


haha cool I'm glad I'm not the only one! Even though I have had meltdowns after spilling milk too :P

but I understand what you're saying! We'll have to see what the community says about it!

Thank you! I might just take you up on that :)

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User Profile: MusicCandy
MusicCandy August 16th, 2016

My little mental trick for letting bad experiences go is to close my eyes and imagine a giant eraser rubbing out the slate of my brain., and then there is a blue sky and butterflies, or an ocean or something calming and I take a mental break there. Sometimes I have to remind myself to erase again. It doesn't always fix it completely, just until the situation itself gets better. Thanks for the hints here- we are all in this together.

User Profile: MusicCandy
MusicCandy August 16th, 2016

As for working on the problems that are the root cause of the feelings, sometimes you have to do that too- but sometimes you are just beating yourself up over something that happened that you can't change or do anything about. Sometimes you may be struggling with letting go of anger or forgiving someone else, and the emotions are just too overwhelming to think straight. That's when I pull out my Eraser just to clear my head of the junk.

User Profile: jr50
jr50 August 16th, 2016

@ManandaPanda. I agree can be hard, I have let stuff go and felt better but then later realized I hadn't let it go, sometimes I think we unconsciously take back things we let go, we have be aware of that and remind ourselves not to discard feelings and old habits that are harmful to us, hope that helps