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flyingwifirouter August 26th, 2015

Hey. I wasn't quite sure where to post this, but seeing as I am going through depression and these things help me smile, I thought I'd share them here.

BananaJamana - jamie is a youtuber who makes art videos, I find her videos very relaxing especially because she puts amazing music in the background of her videos. She also has an incredibly bubbly and lovely personality which make her videos so nice to watch.

doddleoddle - like jamie, dodie's videos make me really happy. A lot of her vids are musical, she has written a lot of amazing songs and she does covers that give me shivers. She also does a lot of vlogs and her lovely and sweet personality makes me love her :)

Paint - you have probably heard of this channel as he is quite well known, Jon makes really well produced parody mash ups, and they are the kind of videos that amaze you, he is seriously so talented.​

danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Evan edinger, Emma blackery, lukeisnotsexy - (you might be seeing a theme with the youtubers wink) I lumped all these youtubers together, because they are all comedic youtubers, quite honestly I can be feeling rubbish but after watching just a few of their videos my mood will improve by far. These youtubers are very famous so if you are not subscriber to them, what are you doing? :)

so I was originally going to write the things like "make a list of all the things that make you happy" but to be honest, that doesn't work for me though it might work for others. The youtubers I've listed have been my saviour for whenever I'm feeling down :)

flyingwifirouter OP August 26th, 2015

I made a typo, that is gonna annoy me so much xD

Sophie179 August 26th, 2015

Emma Blackery also has a side channel called 'Boxes of Foxes' where she does 'Dear Emma' videos occasionally where she answers a few problems people have shared giving her personal advise as she too has been through a lot and wants to help others. They are very helpful and cheer me up, she also did a 'Feel Good 101 Series' covering dirfferet topics 😊

flyingwifirouter OP August 26th, 2015

Yeah, I love Emma's side channel

littlesadcutebunny August 26th, 2015

When I'm down i like watching everybody hates chris, spending time on twitter, riding my bike around the city, taking nice pics of me and watching cat videos

Itskyla1 August 26th, 2015

People who care about my problems make me smile.

When people care enough to compliment me(rare) makes me smile.

Seeing families that are happy make me smile.

When I know I've done something good in the world, that makes me smile.

My family.

Doesn't make me smile.

They make me cry.

myangel622 August 26th, 2015

Hello, just wanted to let you know that if you would like to talk you can message me.

LaRNauxous August 26th, 2015

My work.

It's long hours. I'm often on the road for 14 hours but am only paid for the visits I do.

14 hour days can mean 8 hours of pay, and sometimes less. Clients go to hospital or cancel if not feeling well. I work with a client who has dementia. Mostly conversation is me telling him story after story as he stares blankly.

But, I love my job and sometimes when you think someone is too far gone to even know where they are, or who they are...they surprise you. I hadn't heard him mumble in months, I see him every other day and just yesterday, I said, "bye, *****! I'll see you tomorrow. " and he replied, "thank you Larry. " all the hours I am paid for cannot buy that feeling. The most powerful words in the English language are THANK YOU and can make someone's day, or make them smile. I know it did for me.

Thank you for reading.

lightGlobe8412 August 26th, 2015

When my friend and I go shopping me going to via camps everyday every time I do it it makes me happy it slows my impatience.

bhanu04 August 26th, 2015

When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you.
And when I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you.

And when I come home, yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's coming home to you.
And when I'm dreamin', well I know I'm gonna dream
I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you.

I love this song and this song is all over my mind today 😍😍😍😍😍

drinkmythoughts April 18th, 2017

@flyingwifirouter oh my god i just searched "dodie" because i was trying to find other dodie fans, and i just found my old account xD (idk if ur allowed 2 accounts plz dont delete it, it's cute)

drinkmythoughts April 18th, 2017

what the hell @ old me, your profile picture isn't even centred why would u do this

drinkmythoughts April 18th, 2017

i'm actually emotional, after this post i have met 4 out of these 8 youtubers and seen all of them in real life...

LaRNauxous April 18th, 2017


Keep smiling