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Is self-care even worth it?

depressedCupcake99 June 21st, 2020

The past week, I've been working on my self-care. I'm drinking lots of water, exercising daily (even if it's just light exercise), going for walks, eating healthy breakfasts, shower daily, brush my teeth and wash my face with actual anti-acne face-wash twice a day (I even floss!).

While these are all good habits to have, I don't really feel any better. It just all seems so pointless. I'm forcing myself to go through the motions and keep up the habits, but when it comes to actually doing something productive afterwards, (I'm supposed to be writing my B.A. Thesis) I find myself having spent all my energy on on trivial things.

Sometimes I just wonder: does it really matter if I exercised today? So what if I don't brush my teeth, I'm not going anywhere. Why bother with a healthy breakfast if you're just gonna get hungry or start emotional-eating two hours later anyways?

I'd honestly rather lie down, close my eyes and forget about everything for the next couple of months, maybe years.

Oceangirl131 June 30th, 2020


Theses things will help, even if the effect is not immediately.

also dental treatment is very painful so I would strongly advice brushing your teeth xx

SnailPurple June 23rd, 2020

Hello @depressedCupcake99

It sounds like you are struggling with self-care. Even if it might seem pointless, self-care can go a long way. Sure, brushing your teeth might seem like a waste of time since you aren't leaving the house. However, you are keeping your teeth healthy and preventing cavities. Maybe exercise doesn't sound worth it. By doing so, you can get your blood pumping and make it easier to sleep at night. There are many different types of self-care and I'm sure you will find something that you enjoy :)

helpfulPond3973 June 24th, 2020


I agree with you, a lot of days are harder than others, especially right now. We just have to try to take it day by day and not judge ourselves too harshly if we dont shower or brush our teeth that day because our energy is spent.

tomsterling June 30th, 2020

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it's a simple concept in theory, it's something we very often overlook. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety.

BubbleTea15 June 30th, 2020


hello! i am someone who has struggled with diagnosed depression for a long long time, and i can completely relate to where you're coming from. i totally understand how exhausting or pointless self care can feel especially during a depressive episode.

I'm sorry this is something you have to struggle with. It is very hard to overcome, but i believe in you! try to take thing small steps at a time :)