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I get more depressed before my period start

PurpleAndBlueSunStar October 12th, 2016

I know it's quite normal to feel kind of down the previous week or days of the period, but I feel really really really sad, I even start to get suicidal thoughts and feel like there's nothing in this life that I want to live for and feel like crying till I'm dead but I can't cry because I live in a very small house and I don't have privacy because I even have to share my bedroom and we only have 1 bathroom. I feel like doing anything, and blame myself for being born and wish I could just disappear.

Is there a way I can chnage my mood in those days?

Please don't say exercise because I already workout 4 days a week, I have my time when I do one of the things I like (watching tv shows), but nothing is working.

I'm worried that I could make a mistake in those days...

Help please

AndrewACT October 13th, 2016

@PurpleAndBlueSunStar so I'm a guy so huge disclaimer; but as I understand it "pms" as it's called generally just results in an overall intensification of emotions, not just the negative? In any case do talk to your doctor. But in the mean time maybe try to find something you love to do and plan it for the time that this tends to effect you? Hopefully you'll be super positive then instead. Again sorry if I'm making assumptions about how your body works here. I hope you can figure this out!

AndrewACT October 13th, 2016

@AndrewACT ok a lot of people responded with far more useful comments lol. Anyway I hope you feel better!

IAmHere83 October 12th, 2016

Hi there, I'm so sorry you are feeling this way before your period. I want you to know that although this isn't a "common" condition, 3-8% of women suffer with this at some point in their lifetime.

I'm not a doctor so I can't be 100% sure, but it does sound like you're suffering with PMDD. There are multiple ways to attack this condition, many of which you can find here:

I want you to know that you aren't alone in this & that it's common for this to appear only to disappear as quickly as it came. I know that doesn't mean much when you feel completely at the depths of despair for little reason other than your monthly cycle, but perhaps it will offer you some hope.

I would encourage you to visit a Doctor if possible though, because sometimes this can be a symptom of a hormone deficiency which is very treatable.

Take good care of yourself & I hope you are able to be free of this soon. Love to you.

Aryore October 13th, 2016


Thank you so much for this post. It came at exactly the right time and answers my questions. Two days ago, a childhood friend of mine took her life. It was so sudden, and everyone who loves her was left reeling in shock. Now that I read your post, I believe she had some form of PMDD. That her condition now has a name relieves some of the questions, and it's just so saddening to know that if someone had noticed and brought her to a doctor, she could have been saved.

@PurpleAndBlueSunStar, please please please reach out for help. I know it can be so hard, maybe you have a fear of rejection or doubt that help might help. But there are people who truly love you and will miss you so much if you suddenly leave. Even people whom you just bumped into every few days and said hi to, they'll feel your absence. If you need courage to reach out, we can help you, just talk to us and we will support you. You are so precious, and you are irreplaceable.

IAmHere83 October 13th, 2016

@Aryore I am so terribly sorry to hear of your loss. Unanswered questions around a loved ones death can be very difficult to deal with indeed. I hope you are taking good care of yourself & I send you love.

I echo your sentiments to the OP with regards to her situation. I know how difficult it can be to speak up about feeling this way & it's very difficult to put into words. It's vital to talk about it though as it is definitely NOT run of the mill PMT & should never be treated as such. I desperately hope the OP seeks the advice of a Doctor so that if it is PMDD, an action plan can be put into place. OP, I'm thinking of you today.

PurpleAndBlueSunStar OP October 13th, 2016


I told a friend that this may be my condition and she told me "oh come on, I'm pretty sure every girl feel this way before the period", she insisted on believe that I was talking about PMS. I'm very aware that some of my thoughts are being irrational, sometimes I truly feel it can be pure depression, but then again I realized that in certain times of the month I feel okay. But like right now, my period start next week, and yesterday I was even thinking how I can mix some medicines to have a painless death, after a while I was shocked that I was thinking this, and it started to fit, because when I was 12 yo I started thinking about suicide and at 16 I almost committed suicide I even took a lot of pills that we have at home but all I got was a terrible stomachache, and there were days at school when that I could spend them just in the floor feeling miserable. I assume that it may be PMDD, because at 12 I was having a happy normal life, I was still a kid and seriously how can a kid think about suicide?

Right now I'm 21, and I can't see a life beyond my 23rd birthday, I don't really know what I'm gonna do with my life I just feel like ending it.

IAmHere83 October 13th, 2016

@PurpleAndBlueSunStar I'm sorry you felt unsupported by your friend, that must have been very hurtful for you. Of course regular PMT varies in extreme for us all, but suicidal feelings is definitely not a run of the mill side affect from it. I really would urge you once more (broken record, I know, I'm sorry) to see a Doctor & explain how you are feeling. If you are worried about forgetting some symptoms, perhaps writing them all down to take to the appointment would help you? I very much hope you will see some light at the end of the tunnel & remember although the feelings are transient, it is possible that medical care could eradicate them altogether. Worth a shot, right? Love.