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Happy Birthday! Not.

samd136 July 25th, 2017

Happy birthday to me tomorrow. I feel like people plan to hangout with me out of pity. No one cares. No one knows me so when I get presents, if I get them at all, its something that I don't care about or won't use. Last year i got a lunch box.... wtf. I had to be suddle and drop hints that I didnt really have anything going on and no one had anything planned for me. I wish I wasn't sad and was able to be more friendly and outgoing. Maybe people would want to make my birthday actually special. It doesn't help that my mom's birthday is after mine so we do a shared party. Which I hate. I want one day to myself. For people to care and it always seems to get messed up or its just pointless because no one really knows me and what I like. Idk. I just had to get that off my chest. Idk if it makes sense.

talktome610 July 25th, 2017

Hey, first of all, I wish you a very happy birthday in advance! <3 I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through, but I can relate to it too. All my life, I looked forward to birthdays being the only day in the entire year where the world would miraculously make me feel special, feel loved, feel wanted. But you know what I got in return? Disappointment. It wasn't because no one cared or that no one tried. It was because no one thought of it as much a big deal as I did. It was so important to me, and making myself happy on that day was actually a big expectation I was putting on others. Think of it this way- you are your priority, you are the source of your happiness and satisfaction. No one gets to ake you feel bad on your special day, and don't let them do that either. I'm sure the people around you care and love you enough to make you happy on your birthday. But perhaps they don't know how to. Subtle hints did not work in my case either. I just stopped expecting and focused on making myself happy instead. Self-love goes a long way. I took myself out for a good lunch and then visited my favourite museum. Yes, I would've loved it if someone else had planned that for me, but that didn't happen. That someone else had to be me. You ARE special, and you ARE loved. I don't know if this helped, but happy birthday once again! :-D

samd136 OP July 25th, 2017


Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

Bushraaa July 25th, 2017

Hey, there! I understand how it feels to be there. Your birthday is a time when you expect from people like too much, that's natural. That's relatable too tbh! See, I get it but expecting too much always hurts and sometimes its all overwhelming when everytime you get the same outcome. The main thing you should work on is to make sure you're doing what makes you happy! And make friends, socializing is good! That's kinda hard because I am an introvert too but if you try you can meet surprisingly amazing people! Just try! Andddd, try finding happiness in little things.heart


Haha, it's okay if I don't know you but still I can wish ya 'cause you're worth it hehe! If you want to talk I'm just a pm away!

Again a very happy birthdayyyyyyy! heart

-sings birthday song-

-throws confetti-

samd136 OP July 25th, 2017


Haha thank you โ˜บ

KSWQueen July 25th, 2017

@samd136 hello! Happy early birthday ๐ŸŽ‰ I'm sorry you feel this way, I kinda know what it's like, and honestly, I'm not looking forward to my birthday this year either, even though I'm turning 21. I used to wonder why some people on shows hated their birthdays, and guessed I kinda became one of them. As the years went by, especially the past couple years, I just realized birthdays are just normal days, just that you'd feel sadder when people you expect to wish you don't. So I'm really trying not to expect anything since expectations = disappointment. But yes, like what the others commented, just make yourself happy and focus on yourself. It's your day and you deserve it! Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow! ๐Ÿ™†๐Ÿป

samd136 OP July 25th, 2017


Thank you!

Gwendolynne July 25th, 2017

OMG, you've been reading my mail!!! My birthday is one of the saddest days of the whole year, for the same reasons you all have stated. The disappointment is HUGE, and, after 56 birthdays, I finally realize that it is because of my hopelessly high expectations that the day is always so depressing. I really try not to expect much anymore, but it's an ongoing battle. I think my parents did such a tremendous job at making my birthday special that I will never be able to match that, and every birthday since I was a kid was a lunchbag letdown. If you can figure out how to have a fab day, let me know!!! I'm still trying to figure it out.

In the meantime, my most sincere wish that you have a wonderful birthday. Eat some cake, even if you have to buy it yourself! Do something you love. Treat yourself like you would treat a good friend. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!