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gentleCup1525 January 20th, 2019

My friends dont need doesnt matter if I disappear...theyd get along just fact even better. I suppose that's better for them.. :) ... :( not so much for me but whatevers best for them...they dont need a loud, complaining, changing, egotistical, weird, awkward, incredibly stupid, whiny girl following them around breaking down towers and causing problems and destruction from time to time. If I've never met them theyd get along fine i dont matter who cares the earth would go on the same nothing changes nothing happens and heres me trying to be a narrisisstic attention seeker wanting to feel needed and the center of attention like a high matinenced petty dog...

Ken68 January 20th, 2019

@gentleCup1525 Have you ever talked to your friends about these ideas you have about them? It seems that youve came to these conclusions yourself so I hope you can bring some of these things to their attention. Communication is important in any healthy relationships. Also dont be so down on yourself. Im sure your friends have their own insecurities they believe bother everybody around them.

gentleCup1525 OP January 31st, 2019

@Ken68 um ive kinda told 2 of them just a summary of that and they always say like nooo~ but i always belive they're partially saying it out of pity...deep inside whether u say it out loud or not they know im super annoying and etc etc

Ken68 February 2nd, 2019

@gentleCup1525 Alright but what makes it true? if youre truly annoying, i doubt they would keep connection trying to be friends with you. Its all in your perspective not theirs. Try to really tell them EVERYTHING on your mind and see what they say

gentleCup1525 OP February 2nd, 2019

@Ken68 bc they prob just pity me and I feelings or anything like that so I'd rather not

Ken68 February 2nd, 2019

@gentleCup1525 If thats too hard now then can you try to put yourself in a more positive mindset. You say probably because youre not sure yourself. Try to tackle things that trouble you the most. Why would they find you annoying etc etc

gentleCup1525 OP February 2nd, 2019

@Ken68 .// .( okie thx but ik y I'm annoying I just cause problems

BadgerSurprise February 2nd, 2019

@gentleCup1525 it does sound like it would be really helpful to talk things through with your friends. From what I'm hearing, you seem to be feeling down on yourself and like you are casting yourself as this figure without it coming from anything external. I find it helpful to think about how authentic these thoughts really are.

For example: I get stuck on feeling like my colleagues think I am a failure. When I really look at it, this isn't a true reflection of what is happening, it's my distorted view. I'm assuming I know what other people are thinking (I don't), I'm assuming that I am what other peoplepeop focused on (they all have 1000 things to do so what I do isn't keeping them up at night) and I'm worrying that I've totally screwed things up when really, the day continued after a mistake I made, there were no big repurcussions and the world kept spinning. I just needed to take a step back and try to reframe the way I am approaching thinga.

Also if you feel like you just need to rant and get it all out, then this is a good place for it. It may be helpful to focus on you and on self care first, and try to separate that from any difficulties that you are having with others.

I hope this was helpful 💜

gentleCup1525 OP February 2nd, 2019

@BadgerSurprise thankss and yeah maybe it is more internal than external just MAYBE a little so...ig I'm just a failure to myself then...

BadgerSurprise February 2nd, 2019


First of all ignore the upvote I accidentally tapped whilst aiming for reply!

I don't believe that anyone is a failure to anyone. However I do think that if you're ready to look at how you can help yourself to feel better or readdress this then you can do. If you are not ready, take some time to be sad but don't get stuck at that step. Come back to this when you feel ready.

From your responses, I'm not sure whether you are ready yet because you seem to be stuck on the negative feelings. However you are the only person who knows the answer to that 💜

gentleCup1525 OP February 2nd, 2019

@BadgerSurprise idk i think I'm both idk how to be unstuck but thxx