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tangerine09 May 7th, 2023

I constantly feel like a failure. Like I can't do anything right! Ever. I'm always alone. I have no friends to support and be there for me.

Creamyyy May 7th, 2023

@Mikangel We are all here for you. This is a great community. You can talk to any listener or people on the forums. You will start feeling less alone.

Creamyyy May 7th, 2023


LostTurtle2 May 7th, 2023


You're not alone thinking like that. Our brains can do a number on us and distort things. Tell us more what's going on with your life. We'll help to put it in perspective for you.

ThoughtLight November 13th, 2023

@tangerine09 It sounds like feeling like you have no friends and being alone is causing you to be too hard on yourself. When staying in isolation it is common to get these nagging negative thoughts about ourselves. What is something you could do even tomorrow to improve your isolation problem?

izzyy528 December 30th, 2023


Hey, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way, I know it can be quite tough.

Things can sometimes get overwhelming, and our brains start to develop negative thoughts sometimes. Could you tell us more about the way you're feeling? What's making you think you can't do anything right? 

I hope you're okay. Take care ❤️

Soulfull00 July 9th

@tangerine09 I hear you. Feeling like everything's a struggle and you're alone is really tough. Remember, these feelings don't define you. It might help to reach out to someone you trust a friend, or a family member. They can offer support and perspective. Be kind to yourself; we all have ups and downs. Celebrate even small wins—they matter. You're not alone in feeling this way, and things can get better.

Marseille July 16th


how are you coping these days? it's really hard to feel like you're constantly failing, and it can be isolating when you don't have the support system you need. I want you to know that your feelings are completely valid, and the fact that you're both expressing your feelings and seeking help shows that you're resilient, even if it doesn't feel that way right now.

Diamond000 August 10th

@tangerine09 you are not alone here. We are all here to help you. You can be better with just few little efforts. You don't have to worry about your problem 

sleepysalem August 20th

@tangerine09 I know that this must be so hard for you. I can understand why you feel like this and trying to be social is extremely difficult. I am glad that you have spoken up to seek support and care. You are not a failure, but depression can cause us to have these intense emotions that cloud our judgement.


HealingWing777 August 26th


Heyyyy bud, you're not a failure at all, our brain tricks us often to think that... and I'm sure you're a great person with a great impact on the people around you even if you dont feel it ! 
And we are all here for you, you will never be alone because you have us !!. 

take care bud ! I hope you have a wonderful day today 
Sending hugs your way 💗

orianathebookworm August 28th

@tangerine09 Hey there! Just wanted to stop by and remind you that you're not a failure. You're enough. Actually, you're more than enough. Just by existing. Just by being yourself. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. It's valid to feel any and all emotions you may encounter. Just remember, you're not alone. You have me. You have an entire community here at 7 Cups. We are here to support you and lift you up. Don't give up! :) 

etherealwarrior September 1st

 Im sorry to hear that you are struggling and finding things hard. 
Honestly, it can feel really lonely when we are going through hard times, and we tend to be harsh on ourselves. But, the harshness that our minds make us to be, isnt really us. It takes a lot to realize that but I hope you'll be gentler on yourself. 
 You have a safe spot to land on in 7cups. We are always here for you 💜. Sending some warm and best wishes your way 💜

Snowpudding September 2nd

@tangerine09 im sorry you feel that way. If you ever want to have a chat and talk about it, im here

LillyRonsha22 September 3rd

Hey @tangerine09 I'm sorry you're feeling that way. Please know that we are all here for you. Things can seem pretty bleak and you might feel alone but we're all here for you and its great that you're voicing out your emotions. Please know that you are loved and we are here to listen to you and give you a shoulder to lean on!

BrundleFly23 September 3rd

Hey there! I’m always feeling like this. I mean every single day. I have friends and family, which I am grateful for but even then I always feel alone because it’s hard to talk to them about the burdens in my mind. I have found that focusing on work and self-care are two great helps. Find something worth your time and completely immerse yourself. Forget about the world and build your own!

Snowpudding September 22nd

@tangerine09 I’m so sorry you feel this way. Feeling like a failure is a very difficult emotion as you tend to believe you can’t get anything done and that everything is hopeless, although this isn’t quite true. Not having anyone to talk to must be frustrating because you just simply want to be understood. At 7 cups there is no need to prove yourself to be worthy of love. We believe everyone deserves to be heard and understood. We are all here for you! If you want to reach out please DM me and we can have a chat! 

Phoenixthepoised September 24th


I’m really sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way. It sounds really hard to constantly feel like a failure and to feel so alone in it. I can imagine how tough it must be not having friends to support you during these times.

Just talking it out can sometimes help a little. So can you share more about what’s been making you feel this way?