What always improves your mood?
For me it's a cup of tea. No matter how I'm feeling I will always enjoy a cuppa. (A bit enjoying tea very predictable I know)
Things that can stabilize my mood definitely help me to equilibriate. Typically, things that can stabilize my mood force me to be in the present, when I feel the most attuned, inside-out.
My list is
^reading fiction novels^ || ^speaking a foreign language^ || ^walking my dog^ || ^cooking^ || ^volunteering [on 7cups]^ || ^journaling^ || ^hanging out with my classic friends^ || ^eating [delicious] navel oranges^ || ^meeting new people^ || ^doing jigsaw puzzles^ || ^creating a spontaneous heartfelt gift for someone^ || ^people watching^ || ^performing calisthenics/ yoga^ || ^gardening^ || ^visiting a sentimental place^ || ^exploring new activites -- like making pizza [I make awesome pizza]^ ||
I consider making pizza a combination of baking and cooking. I like pizza.
My list of items that elevate my mood has fluxed and flowed over the past several years. I used to play video games, drive fast, sit around and watch movies, but those don't work for me anymore.
I definitely second cooking and jigsaw puzzles! I really like that they're both activities you really have to focus on, and you get a finished product at the end. Clears the mind for a bit and leaves you feeling proud. :) I prefer cooking because food, of course.
I like your listener name. It reminds me of a move from the Pokemon games.
Yes!! These two activites command undivided attention, for safety purposes and to quickly find pieces you need :)
Oh, yes. Good..mmmm...nourishes the soul..
Watching Michael Jackson! Putting on his videos (sorry, short films) gives me both comfort and joy.
One of my favourite movies, like Titanic.
That's pretty much it because I feel so weighted down all the time, sometimes nothing can get me out of the sadness or the worry.
Like others, I also have to say "not always", but here are things that sometimes help me: Playing or cuddling with my cat, taking a walk, hugging my dad, soft light, my safe space, being tightly wrapped in my soft blanket, a good cry, journaling, getting something done, being creative, candles, listening to special music.
Hugs. My partner is Welsh and they call them cwtches. He gives the tightest, warmest cwtches that squeeze every ounce of stress from my body.
I like watching Friends when Im feeling low. Its cliche, I know, but I love the series, it never fails to cheer me up.
Hugs, being tickled, my kitties or watching the stars at night (by myself of course)
The Six Healing Sounds
Qi Gong
Yoga Nidra Body scan
Mindfulness meditations
Avoiding wheat and dairy
When I get to see my most understanding loved ones face to face and spend time with them no matter if it's fun time or being serious. It's hard to have all of them close enough to see them enough.
Stiles and Lydia / Teen Wolf / Dylan O'Brien
Vintage finds/estate sales
Spending time with my mom on her "good" days (when she's nice)
Online clothes shopping