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Ranting about life

Morriz98 March 18th, 2019

I have been feeling empty for the longest time. I still do most things that are part of everyday life, get up in the morning, go to work, work hard, go home, eat (if i am in a decent mood), go to sleep and then repeat. This is second nature to me at this point and i feel numbed to it. At least during the day, at night is a different story. I can not sleep due to my anxiety causing me to toss and turn, as well as my mind going in a downwards spiral. I feel so worthless most days, as if i what i do won't matter to other people. I am just not noteworthy in the grand scheme of things... Whomever is reading this can tell that this is a rant that has no clear cut direction, i just tend to start writing and then things just appear on the screen. as i am writing this i am sleep deprived, i have worked since 6 in the morning and it is currently 11 at night. I don't know why i am including this but hey what does it matter. So if anyone finds this even remotly interesting then feel free to write a rant of your own. Everyone needs to rant about what is on their mind from time to time. Have a good day and take care

Wafflekitti March 18th, 2019


I understand. It sucks to be stuck in a repetitive cycle, but that's why you throw something new in there every now and then. I get upset knowing that I'm going to be doing the same things over and over again until I die. And that is depressing to think about. I try to learn new skills, like guitar or dancing. That makes life a bit more interesting, I guess. I also attempt to improve my art skills or learn a new language. There is so much to life that we don't know about and that's what keeps me going. Maybe life is going to turn around at some point? It's going to take time, that's for sure, but I know that you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it. Try to focus on the positive. It's difficult. Life's difficult. But it's not going to be this way forever. This is the only time you're ever going to be you. This is your only life as you. Stay strong. :) Know that you have a lot of people here for you. You're not alone.

PlasticWings March 18th, 2019

Totally get it @Morriz98...My rant is that I am a self-sabatogger. Somehow I try to self-sabatogue the good things life brings me. I dont know why...sometimes I feel like I dont deserve it. Like somebody else would do more with what I was given in my place. Sometimes I feel Im just taking up space on earth and it is not fair to others who would be lucky to be where I am. I mean at the least Im not sick or disabled, but those people could probably do more with my life than I could. I struggle with negative thoughts like this on the daily. I know its not right but idk what else to do. Just needed to rant. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest