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Introduce yourself.

rnellz January 23rd, 2015

Hi my name is Bec.
I have been suffering since I was 14.
Everyday is a struggle and recovery is a life long journey

smallPumpkin13 May 26th, 2015

Hello, I'm 23 and attending college. I'm a freelance artist and newbie coder. I have dehabilitating social phobia and am ill quite often. I have a very sweet and understanding ldr partner that I love very much.

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

It's great that you have someone helping you and I hope all i hope that all is well in the future. Good luck - Austen Vincismiley

Extroan1026 May 26th, 2015

Hi, I'm 25, and have battled with depression and anxiety for several years now. I was even hospitalized for a brief time because of it. I'm about to transfer to a new college and hope I will be able to name new friends there.

Thizzyboy May 26th, 2015

Hello, I'm Daniel, I've had a long journey with depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. I'm now 20 years old, still learning how to coop with my depression and enjoy life.

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

I hope all goes well for you. Remember that you are an amazing, brave individual and let no one beat you down. Only you can decide your own fate - Austen Vincismiley

Laurenbelle216 May 26th, 2015

Hi I am lauren. I'm 12 years old I understand I am a little bit under age but I hope it doesn't bother some people. I've been cutting myself since I was 11 and still do often. I have went through a really bad path, I am really really really tryi​ng to change myself and it's been slightly working. I joined here because some days I'm at the edge of wanting to kill myself. I hope you guys all keep strong remember God is with you all of the time and never leaves your side 😃❤️

Istherehope95 May 26th, 2015

Hey. Were all here for you. :) you can get threw anything if u try.

gregariousWest7785 May 26th, 2015

hi darling. I know it's hard but it's going to get better you have a bright future ahead of're still young and full of life.hang in there

Blagfar May 26th, 2015

Hi I'm Michael, I'm 19 as of April2015, Male. I've been suffering from Deppression since I was vary Young and have only ever attempted suicideonce before when I was in elementary school, I still get thoughts of suicide, and contemplateit but I haven't attempted it since then. I started posting to /r/deppressionon my birthday after everyone forgot me. I have only one real friend Irl and he moved so far away. I live in a toxic and abusive home, and I'm currently going through my second senior year now. I am not in therepy or anything no one knows about anything i'm dealing with other than my friend i mentioned earlyer and even him i only told recently. I hate being so alone but this site really helps. smiley

Andrea1990 May 27th, 2015

Hi, I'm Andrea 25 yrs old. I always thought id have a crazy exciting 25th birthday but instead i have come to realization that i have no idea who i am anymore. I've been with dealing with depression for sometime now, manly over the last few months with my Grandmother's illness and death. I've also been admitted into rehab but left that and three months later relapse. That's why I've found my way here i know i cant do it on my own but i have no idea where to even start anymore...

Prefertheinside May 27th, 2015

Hi. I am Bell. I was diagnosed with severe depression three years ago after my grandpa died. I was threatened my someone I used to think was my friend and he hurt me. I developed anorexia and bulima one and half years ago and have been in hospital 5 times. I started self harming a year ago. Recently I have been attending therapy sessions everyday for my anger and depression. Recently the guy who was threatening me (who has a large number of mental conditions) told me he was doing everything he could to kill me and get revenge on something I hadn't done. The police and hospital were informed and he is no longer aloud anywhere near me. He still finds ways to hurt me though.

meljoueduvioloncelle May 27th, 2015

Hi, I'm Mel. Although I have never been diagnosed with depression, the research I have done over the years has lined up so perfectly with how I'm feeling. I go through 2-3 week cycles where I go from feeling pretty "content" at my peak, and then dip down for a week or two where I can range from self-hatred to thoughts of suicide to complete numbness (it's not like clockwork, but this is the easiest way to explain it). I've seen therapists at my university about it a few times, but always ended up cancelling my therapy sessions during my content weeks, thinking that I didn't need a therapist to get better, or that I may not have depression at all and I was wasting their time. I've had one suicide attempt via overdose, but a close friend found out and the attempt failed. It's been an up-and-down struggle the last few years now, and my symptoms are always worse in the Winter (although I'm not sure if it's SAD since I get symptoms throughout the year). I've always been hesitant to go to a Doctor about my symptoms to get an official diagnosis because I feel uncomfortable talking about it in person (which is part of why I quit my therapy sessions). I came to this community hoping to find a way to work through this struggle by my own will, rather than by a Doctor's prescription. I hope that 7 cups of tea can help me reach my goals and put me on the path to feeling alive again.

potterylady May 27th, 2015

Hi, I am dealing with depression, bipolar 2 and anxiety. I am a 57 year old female, and am trying to find a way to connect with others in my age group. Any ideas? The only age choice is teens or over 18, and I would feel more comfortable talking with folks nearer my age and life experience. At this point in time I am working thru a major depressive episode that has lasted 3+ years with daily anxiety issues. I am on disability, meds and seeing a therapist and case worker weekly. Looking for people to talk to online since I am having trouble leaving the house for other then my appts.

Thanks for listening, Alexis

ra3 May 28th, 2015

Hi. Im rae and im 14. Im depressed and have chronic social anxiety which kept me from having many friends even before I came out as a lesbian and lost the few I had. I have attempted suicide three times now in the past year. I began self harming when i was 12 with cutting, but last year i began to burn myseld so i could hide it easier. My best friend killed himself almost a year ago and ive been too terrified to get close to anyone else since then. I live in an abusive household and plan to move out the second its legally possible. So yeah.

konekohaku69 May 28th, 2015

Hi I'm 16 and I'm completely useless to everyone.

green99 May 28th, 2015

Hi, I'm an 18 year old girl who has suffered with depression from time to time during the last 4 years. I never liked to talk so much to people because I never thought there was anything to talk about. I just got out of a 4 year relationship about a month ago that I am still trying to get over. She was my best friend and I was always there for her, but I guess that wasn't enough. I was abandoned by here without explanation except a bunch of "I hate yous". That triggered my depression, and I am now trying to become a better person for myself. I am now in the process of rebuilding myself to become more happy with myself and life in general.

konekohaku69 May 28th, 2015

Hi, I'm 16 and I've had depression since I was 10 years old. Even though I've had it for 6 years it does get better after a while

braveClementine7887 May 28th, 2015

Hello, I suffer from depression and anxiety. I also have low self-esteem and no confidence in myself. I never want to do anything anymore besides sleep. I'm overweight but nothing interest me anymore. I am slowly giving up and need any help, friends that can understand these feelings

lostineatingdisorder May 28th, 2015

We're all here for you! - join us at the group chats! Wish you the best Clementine, stay strong!

braveClementine7887 May 28th, 2015

Which groups?

lostineatingdisorder May 28th, 2015

click in the 'chat' button down here and then just choose one group chat or you can speak only with one person if you click on 1on1..people here are so nice go and shere your story with them..hope you'll feel better!

WitchySquirrel May 28th, 2015

You know sweetie I'm going through the exact same thing you are, I literally joined 7 cups of tea 15 minutes ago. And I feel so much better. I don't mean everything vanished on the spot of course. But it really helps having someone to talk to. Sometimes it's just easier to talk to a complete stranger than it is to talk to a loved one. And if you ever want to talk I'm here :)

loveyourselfalways May 29th, 2015

Hey clem. I'm here for you. I 100% know what you are going through. This is happening to me. You can talk to me and we can help each other together!

Lonelyhipster May 31st, 2015

I am sorry to hear about your struggles, but you are not alone. I have the same troubles you do and I know how lonely it can be. Please feel free to reach out and talk to me anytimesmiley

anxioussam May 28th, 2015

Hi. I just joined today. I am a stay at home mom of 3. I suffer from depression. I can't leave the house to even go to the store without agonizing over it for hours. I never have energy to do housework, and my husband doesn't really try to understand what it's like for me. I'm looking forward to chatting with people who understand.

Lonelyhipster May 31st, 2015

Hi! I'm a single mom of a 4 year old, and I felt like such a loser yesterday and basically stayed inside ALL day. My daughter doesn't understand depression and why I just don't have the will or energy to do certain things. I just joined the site, and it comforting to know I'm not alone and neither are you

shikorbihin2003 May 29th, 2015

Hi, this is Jhontu and I feel I am staring at a long dark tunnel with no light in sight. For the last few years, I have been feeling increasingly disillusioned about many things and I don't know where to turn to. Life has thrown me into a time andplace where I really dont know any more about what is the right course to take. It is now affecting my job performance to a great extent and thats why I joined 7 cups of tea. Really hope to find some good friends, listeners :) it took me quite a while to finally decide to do this online thing ....

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

I'm here if you need a friend or someone to talk to. Sometimes, life feels like a long dark tunnel, but the only way to leave a tunnel is to locate the light. You may not see the light at first, but as you start to recover, the light will burn the brightest. I understand and feel for you and my personal issues are starting to affect my studies. It's okay to feel bad sometimes though and life does make it its goal to chuck us off the bridge and into the abyss, but if you hold on to the railings of all that matters to you, you'll find that the bridge isn't so shaky afterall. Talk to me if you need - Austen Vincismiley

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

Just remember to keep on hoping - Austen Vincismiley

ironicgeekkid May 29th, 2015

Hi, this is T. I've been diagnosed with deep depression 4 years ago. I'm turning 27 in july, still live with my mom (for obvious reasons) and was fired last year after having a nervous breakdown while teaching. It's been hard since I had my first breakdown and I feel like a complete useless living thing, not capable of having a normal life like many people do. It's also quite hard to make my friends understand how it feels, and why it is so difficult for me to do stuff, like... leaving the house.

Anyway, I'm here because I feel it would be good to find people like me to chat, not only for bad moments, but also for sharing laughs and good experiences. I'm glad I found this website.


bridget345 May 29th, 2015

hi i am Abigail and i have been diagnosed with severe depression and i am also having suicidal thoughts and i have been abused in my past by my dad and sexually harrased by my elementary teacher

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

I'm sorry to hear that bridget345 and remember that I am here for you if you need me. I hope that your future will be brighter than your past. Keep in the light and remember that there are people here who care about you. My thoughts are with you - Austen Vincismiley

spacepuppy May 29th, 2015

My post might be triggering. Hello :) I'm spacepuppy and I suffer from Depression, Anxiety, Misphonia, PTSD, and I'm recovering from an eating disorder. I've have done exstensive research on all of these illnesses and these are all self diagnosed. Ever since I was a child, I dealt with suicidal thoughts and even self harmed. Now I'm trying to deal with my Misophonia and sadly.....not many people have this rare condition. It makes living a nightmare. thanks for reading loves:)

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

No problem.I hope that you are feeling better and that you enter a brighter stage of life. I'm here if you need to talk to someone. Hopes for the future - Austen Vincismiley

AsAboveSoBelow May 30th, 2015

Hey there, I'm Patrick. I'm 21 and just graduated college, and the depression that has been mounting the last 4+ years has left me crippled with overwhelming loneliness. I know I'm really messed up in the head because I've stopped trying to talk to people and socialize, because I dislike myself so much that I am too ashamed to try interacting with people.

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

It's ok to feel that way sometimes. I get moments where I justcompletely shut off from my friends as I can't deal with them. You don't need todislike yourself - I'm sure that you are an amazingindividual, you just need some time to see that for yourself. Talk to me ifyou feel down and you are not messed up. No one truly is, they just need to be themselves. Stay strong - Austen Vincismiley

jennie12 May 30th, 2015

hi my name in jenie. i got here at 7 cups of tea because i was looking for a site to find people whom i can talk to about my problems which i never have the gutsto share with my family and friends. i have a very low self esteem. i find it hard to make friends. i opt to be alone. im hoping that i would be able to meet amazing people here and get inspiring insights from them and eventually become a good listener too

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

I'm sure that you will become a great listener and I'm here for you if you need to talk. I'm sure that you are an AMAZING individual and you just need to believe in yourself. Here if you need - Austen Vincismiley

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

Hi.I'm austen and i'm 15. i experienced racismfrom the all girls school i was at from the age of 5 till 10. i became depressed and started to self harm. Then i made friends with someone and i got better. However, she died 5 years ago and now, i rarely sleep due to nightmares, self harm and get panic attacks. No one knows about this, not even my family. It's my fault she's dead and now i want to die.

Lonelyhipster May 31st, 2015

Hi everyone! I'm here because I suffer from anxiety and depression. I am not really into medication I spoke marijuana... I really want to meet friends and to know I'm not alone in my struggle to lead a normal life..