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Introduce yourself.

rnellz January 23rd, 2015

Hi my name is Bec.
I have been suffering since I was 14.
Everyday is a struggle and recovery is a life long journey

maggiemay1410 June 12th, 2015

Hi, I'm maggie from the UK. I'm 34 and I suffer with depression and anxiety. The only thing that keeps me from my bed is work. I throw myself into work put 200pc of my energy into it till I'm exhausted. Last year I changed to night shifts so I don't have to see so many happy people. Families couples friends I see them happy together and I wonder why I have no one. So I avoid them and now I barely see anyone and I feel lonely. I have issues with who I am. I hate my weight I hate my thoughts I hate that I'm here burdening others with me... but I hate feeling like this and there are days when I feel so distraught I'd do anything to make it go away. I have trouble letting people close. I can talk to people in shops at work but the minute I feel people are trying to know me I freak out. I can't think why anyone would want to know me at all... so I tend to think it's because it's a joke. I also hate that sometimes I'm over arrogant in my head. I just want to be a nice person but I have nothing to say to anyone lest I make a fool of myself. To be honest I feel like my biggest battle is the one I have with myself. And I am so tired i now spend most of my life in bed.. I find there's little point in getting up except to work. thinking about therapy again but it's so expensive but I worry about what I'll do if I remain in this half life. on a positive I've got through this before. In the past I've self harmed had bulimia and an addiction to painkillers but I recovered... still sometimes I think about it.. The thought of losing my job over it though I'm not quite there yet. anyway thanks for listening look forward to getting to know you mags

LavenderBlues June 15th, 2015

@Maggie I'm so sorry you are going through harsh times. I'm 100% with you there so I know how you feel. I stay in bed except going to work as well. I also build up walls from people to protect myself and I'm genuinely afraid when someone tries to get close to me. But from the bottom of my heart I know that I refuse to remain in my shell forever because then it will never bring the happiness I deserve to have. It goes the same with you. Because we care about others far more than our value, we forget if not better, we can be just as confident and bright as everybody else. At least your job is important to you, so you have something to hold on to at this moment. Theraphy is expensive but in the long run, it will be good to try it if you haven't done it before. Sometimes we need to let ourselves have fun and get to know other people, because even if it doesn't turn out to be good times, we know we did 'something' and instead of just staying in bed all day. So try and allow people from work get to know you better so they can learn how wonderful you are. I'm new to this site but I'd like to help as much as I can. So you know where to turn to when you feel especially down.smileyRemember it may be a bad day, a bad month, but it's not a bad life.

ilaynay June 12th, 2015

Hi. I've introduced myself over in anxiety, suppose I should do so here too.

Name is Sara, currently 35 years old. Diagnosed with depression (and some anxiety)... I don't know. Three years ago? More? Time is weird. I've been on medication since the diagnosis, in and out of therapy.

I've had a lot of trouble with continuity of care... I was going through my GP at first, had two of those in a row leave their practices on me, then had to fire a third because I just didn't trust her judgment and it was an all around bad fit, went to a psychiatrist after that but he left too, and when I looked for another I found out there really aren't any in town who are taking new patients now--so here I am with GP number 4. First therapist was OK, but I don't think I knew how to recognize a bad fit at the time or felt like I could do anything about it. Left her care feeling better, though, and stayed out of therapy for quite a while until things got bad and I had to go back. This time found a different therapist who was so much better for me--but then she got pregnant and I lost her for a little bit while she was on maternity leave. The therapist I saw in the interim was better than my first one, but definitely not someone I would want to stay with long-term; I'm glad that I was able to go back to my favorite after she returned to work. (Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that I can afford to get any kind of care at all! But to have such trouble finding and keeping a provider is really frustrating.)

Anyway. I'm... mostly doing all right at this point, down to therapy once a month (from once a week). I still find I'm really easily triggered, though, especially at the beginning and midpoint of my monthly cycle. The latter especially can sometimes feel like the meds just aren't even working at all. I fortunately don't tend to consider... drastic action... at all, but sometimes it's all I can do to get out of bed or form a coherent sentence. (I talked to my GP, therapist, and gynecologist about potential hormonal issues since this seems strongly linked to my hormonal cycle; what I got was that apparently it's normal for women my age to start having more dramatic fluctuations of that sort even if not actually menopausal yet.)

This summer is turning into something particularly hard to cope with, and that difficulty seems to be swinging back and forth between depression and anxiety. It feels like everything is happening all at once and I just can't keep track of it all. Sometimes I feel pressured to do everything and do it perfectly; other times I think why care, why try. A lot of what's happening is actually GOOD (like getting a new house), but the change is still really stressful even if I'm looking forward to the end result.

smallkitchens June 12th, 2015

i feel so lost and alone. i constantly get rejected by potential suitors, some even before we meet in person. the ones that i do meet in person seem to not be interested in me. i have been sort of lost since i lost my partner of two years about six months ago. i am trying to move on by meeting other people, and i have so much love to give in my heart, but it seems that no one wants it. i know "forever alone" is just an untrue adage, but i am beginning to feel like i'll never find anyone that i am attracted to that understands and accepts me for who i am. i am diagnosed bipolar and borderline, and sometimes i take my issues with myself out on people that have nothing to do with it, making my relationships unstable. not to mention jealousy and reassurance issues. i admit that it's probably hard to love me, but i am trying to change by going to therapy and CBT. i feel like neither is helping me with the longing feeling of wanting to share myself with. i feel like i'm not worthy enough to better myself for myself, i feel like i can only move forward with my life if i have someone to work for. it's hard to get motivated, so i am pretty stagnant in my life at this point in time. i don't know what to do, so i've turned here for some insight. i hope that there's more to say in response to "keep busy" and "stop looking". thanks for your time :]

lipsofdust June 14th, 2015

I am introvert since always and every year that passesit seems increase this dark hole inside me. I started unintentionally isolate myself for a long timeand I'm alone since then.

I maintain a mask of transparency, I appear somehow normal but I hide a big amount of anger inside me. I hate the world, I hate myself and above all I hate my situation. The only thing that keeps me alive and more or less sane is my anger. Anger gave me air without my consent, and now it's one of the few thingscirculating in my mind.

I don't like my family and I dream awake every time, I want to get out of this country and start what actually calls life in Portugal. I would love to go there and study, restart one life that I don't even remember if I enjoyed, but I don't have money so I came back to my reality, maybe I was born to suffer.

limePineapple2763 June 14th, 2015

HI I'm new here. I'm 34 and in the process of going through a divorce at the moment. I was married for 7 years and have a daughter that's almost 3 now. My daughter was the only positive thing to come out of my marriage. I could write a for long while about the current state of my life. In the process of the divorce, my ex has turned everyone against me and now I'm alone and friendless.I'm trying hard to overcome my depression but nothing ever seems to work.

LavenderBlues June 14th, 2015

Hi, everyone. I just joined this site and I'm so glad that this type of site actually exists.
I've been reading some posts in forum and I feel already welcomed and relieved to learn that there are this many people who are fighting the same battles every single day just like me. I'm 30 years old and only have like one friend who is also depressed. I've been single for the last 5 years and I've honestly given up on finding the significant other. I'm struggling with the job that I absolutely hate. I recently told my employer that I would like to quit, but under the company's circumstances, he basically told me to stay put for another 6 months or so. Every day I wish that I could just disappear so I won't have to deal with life. I always had such longing to travel the world, but my anxiety and shyness are getting worse and I have to find courage to even visit crowded places. I've always lived with depression since I was very young, and I did talk to a theraphist for a whilebefore but it only seemed to work at that time, and didn't have the lasting effect as I would have liked.
My dream is to become a novelist that inspires people from all around the globe, with the stories that send a message you can overcome anything, even this horrible depression. Thanks for listening.

thedeepestfeeling18 June 14th, 2015

Hi, I'm Brecken. I am 19. I have recently been struggling with depression and anxiety, as well as suicidal thoughts and actions. I will be a second semester sophomore in college this fall. For those that need a friend, I'm a pretty good listener, and have an amazing collection of hilarious memes! 😊

Maddie14Grace June 15th, 2015

Hi my name is Maddie Grace and I am just getting over trying to commit suicide and I am in deep depression is anyone can help me, please

Maddie14Grace June 15th, 2015

I just joined this site

Maddie14Grace June 15th, 2015

I am 14 and I am from the US

Maddie14Grace June 15th, 2015

Hi i am Maddie Grace and I am 14 I live in the US and I am just getting over trying to commit suicide and I am in deep depression and I barely have any friends. Please help.

hopeless4ever June 15th, 2015

Hi. i am suffering from depression and low self esteem. i have been married 20yrs and have two grown kids. I tried to commit suicide a couple months ago and obviously failed miserably. i still have days I wish it had worked. there are just so many issues to mention but here is the short version. drug abuse, a husband that accuses me of cheating (with different people) everyday (along with many other issues), my nephew passing away and having to see the man that raped me at the age of 6 there and acting like nothing ever happened. i used to be a strong and happy person. now i am a shell of the woman i used to be. i have no insurance so i can't afford treatment.

kindDog3358 June 15th, 2015

Hi hopeless4ever, I hope you can find a clinic near you that will offer treatment at a scaling rate so that you can get the help you deserve. You might look into state disability at your local family services department so that you can get insurance, medicaid.

There are great listeners on this site and a great community in forums and chat. Don't be afraid to reach out. Keep up the good fight and find your way through this!

invisiblemadness June 15th, 2015

Hey, I'm Jenna. I'm 17, 18 in three months, which I can't wait for! I haven't been diagnosed with anything at all since I haven't told my parents about my struggling but I've been depressed for five years, suicidal too for most of the time. I also struggle with anxiety a lot. I moved away from home when I was 15 to go to a school that's specialised in music in another town, and since that I've been doing a lot better. Of course there's worse times but at least I'm not suicidal anymore. I sing, play the piano and the guitar and I also write music myself. That's about it.

MoonShy June 15th, 2015

Hi, I'm Ohud, Im suffering from social phobia, im scared of socializing, it reached the point that it destroyed my study life, Right now, I'm feeling depressed about what coming next and what this phobia going to destroy. Can someone help me?

Foreverbreaking June 15th, 2015

Hi, I'm new to this so I'm not too sure how it works. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone, I'm in a similar situation to you but I find strength in being here as I know that we are not truly alone in this suffering xx

Light47 June 16th, 2015

Hello my name is Ana, I'm 23 andfrom Melbourne. I have been struggling with depression and and anxiety since I was 17 but wasn't diagnosed until I was 18. Some days are okay I think just physically it's hard like feeling tired and soreand down all the time. I was volunteering for two years and during that time I was doing really well. But coming back home has been really hard. But I joined here to start my recovery process, and to chat to people who understand it, so this is one of the first small steps of many to come. Yeah I guess nice to meet you guys.

LavenderBlues June 16th, 2015

It's nice to meet you as well. If you like volunteering, you could also be a great listener here in my opinion. Best of luck to you!smiley

intelligentBalsam5146 June 17th, 2015

Hey, I am 23 years old and i have been battling with depression and anxiety since i can remember. the past year or so has been really difficult for me, although i have stopped using drugs and have cut down on alcohol i am really struggling to cope with work, i am really glad i found this site as i dont really have anyone to talk to and spend most of my nights alone.

WhizzhardofOz June 17th, 2015

Hi, I have only just found this app and so far I am loving the idea of it! So - I'm from the UK and have recently been signed off work because of my anxiety and low mood (which is a viscous circle because that then brings with it more anxiety and low mood!) am awaiting a CBT phone appointment and a follow up GP appointment to see how my increased meds are helping. I just feel like I'm milking it, and everyone feels like this so I should get on with it. Also that the world hates me!!

intelligentBalsam5146 June 17th, 2015

hey, how did you do about getting signed off work? i have lost 4 jobs due too my mental health and i think it could be time to surrender and work on getting better

WhizzhardofOz June 17th, 2015

I'm sorry Iv only just seen your reply. I have been suffering with anxiety on and off since about 2010 and have been on meds since then. I went to the gp a few weeks ago as I've had a seven week headache :/ and she signed me off for a week (I asked her to because I couldn't get up and out because of the headaches) She also upped my meds. I went back a couple of weeks later because I still had the headache (still got it now!) and I saw someone else. He has upped my meds again, referred me for CBT and told me he was signing me off for four weeks because he said I need to concentrate on myself, and not stress at the end of the week that I have to feel better quickly. I have found that if i talk to them honestly and tell them what I would like they are usually very nice and accommodating. I'm in the UK, I don't know if that makes a difference xx

imonlyahuman June 17th, 2015

Hi I'm Bia I'm from Ecuador south America I'm 23 and I'm not a happy person but I try every morning. ... I'm a dentist and all I want is visit England one day.

LavenderBlues June 23rd, 2015

Aw, that's wonderful you have a dream to visit England one day. I'm sure you'll be seeing England soon, please believe it!

lushgreen June 27th, 2015

Hi Bia - I'm a newbie too. I'm sorry to hear ur feeling unhappy but your honesty is refreshing! I too struggle w/ being happy. For work I must 'act' upbeat and happy, but really I feel tired and sometimes blue. I'm face to face with customers, and usually it's uplifting. But yesterday ws beat up verbally by one, so...exhausted today.

jenniferlobsinger77 June 29th, 2015

i know what its like to pretend your happy when your not.

SoundoftheRain June 18th, 2015

My name is Julia, I'm 14, and I've been suffering from loneliness for almost as long as I can remember, which developed into depression in March. My parents made me go to counseling, but I wouldn't talk to her, so now I'm here. I'm hoping for some kind of change, but I've learned that with me, hope is usually false.

SoundoftheRain June 18th, 2015

I've also played viola for a while, which is kind of important and I forgot to say. I used to write a lot, but my family disappoved and I can't find the intrinsic motivation to do it anymore.

lushgreen June 27th, 2015

Hi Julia- You sound so much like me! I'm older now, but started writing poems and songs at age 10. It's so theraputic to express ourselves. It in itself helps us deal with what we are feeling. I encourage you to do it just for you! Do u have a Half price bookstore near you? They have good quality journals there :) Or good ole spiral notebooks work ♡

jenniferlobsinger77 June 30th, 2015

i suffer very bad depression i fill like no one gets it. except my consoler and peopile that suffer it them selfs

spoderman June 18th, 2015

my name is zaher, 15 and half years old, been suffering from depression since I was 14 and a half, and I hate my life

EmmThePandaa June 19th, 2015

Hi, I'm Emily I'm 20 years old and I suffer from major depressive disorder and a few other things. I'm not sure why I'm here or what it's going to do for me, but it's worth a shot. I've been though a lot, I've been though attempts of ending my own life. I have a slight drug issue, and well life is looking worse than ever before.

LavenderBlues June 23rd, 2015

I'm so sorry to hear that.sad I sincerely hope you get help from a professional or even a listener here and get better shortly.

lushgreen June 27th, 2015

Hi Emily, nice to meet u. When i ws 13 my UIL competition entry was a 5 page suicide letter! A friend talked me into performing this. I ws so nervous I read it too quickly, and ws disqualified. I was so upset, tore it up. At the same time my father ws a non supportive thorn to my heart. But, age 20 that option was presented to me but I rejected it. A year later I cried out to God and He responded by changing my life, best day ever. Depression actually cause one to think it's the 'only' option. My challenge is to let it " talk to the hand" as they say. This feeling is bad but it is temporary and it does not...define me. This is my self talk. How are u feeling today?

fearlessParker June 19th, 2015

Hi, I'm Parker. I've been in the chats but not the forum yet.. Anyway, I've never been diagnosed but I'm sure I'm depressed, and struggle in particular with loneliness and confusion in a lot of aspects of identity and life in general.

lushgreen June 27th, 2015

Hi Parker, great name. Loneliness, check - feel that alot of days. Whether your young or older it's unpleasant. What do you to combat it? Our choices, I think, are critical. Alot of folks, and me too, might have a glass of wine or a cocktail for the soothing effect, but then, it's also a depressant! That's the last...thing I want! So, if you are consistently feeling depressed...where it's not just situational... may be good to consider seeing Psychologist. Mine ws so painful and heavy, getting on a medication undoubtedly saved my life. I'm usually more joist oriented and have never liked or done drugs but depression is a theft...stealing your joy. Making u not like yourself. I hope you are finding something of lightness and joy today. Blessings.

jenniferlobsinger77 June 30th, 2015

its not alweys not liking your self youve got that wong. every ones is different mine is sadness and up and down moods. but i like my self i just fill sad a lot and not lisoned to and not emoshnolly cared for. and i dont fill like i get enuff emoshnole suport

Dontworryaboutathing June 23rd, 2015

Hi, I'm not really sure if I'm depressed, because although I do exhibit some of the common symptoms like persistent sadness and constant fatigue,it may be inaccurate to self-diagnose over the internet, right? Then again my best friend said that I seem to besuffering from clinical depression (he has a sister who has severe depression so I suppose he'd know)...frown

BasketballVolleyball21 June 27th, 2015

Um ... Hello . My name is Nevaeh , im 14 years old . I suffer from hard depression , anxiety , I play basketball and volleyball for my school