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Introduce yourself.

rnellz January 23rd, 2015

Hi my name is Bec.
I have been suffering since I was 14.
Everyday is a struggle and recovery is a life long journey

affectionateDime175 May 12th, 2015

Hi, you can call me Affectionate. I'm 23 years old, a few days from graduating with my BSW, and have been suffering from depression since I was 11 years old. I've been in treatment for five years and am on medication(yay!), but I still have some rough times. Recently I've been struggling with a lot of depression and hopeless related to my future, and also a lot of guilt, because things in my life are actually pretty great. I just wish my brain would realize that.

friendlySkies927 May 12th, 2015

Hi. I'm Kim and I'm sure 30. I just discovered I am going through Depression. Sometimes it's hard but it's helpful knowing I am not alone.

Kodachrome May 12th, 2015

Hi everyone I'm Stephanie. I've been suffering for a few years now I've tried to hide it from my friends but one of them asked me about recently. I told her that she was right, she said she would be there for me every step of the way. I am very happy to have found 7 cups it's been a positive experience for me so far.

pinkTree May 12th, 2015

Hi, My name is Kelly and I have been struggling with depression for over a year now. I am 14 and I am also a self harmer, I am trying to get better and stop hurting myself. Stay Strong everyone <3

melanie17 May 12th, 2015

Hello. My name is Melanie, and I'm 14 in June. I am one of the "smart kids", but I hate my brain. I am fighting with depressions in this time, and i have thought about self harming. I have been bullyed for a little while, but now is this part of my life closed. Actually, I don't know what more I should say.... I'm trying to heal me whit this " 7cups of tea" therapy.

neatNectarine4159 May 12th, 2015

Hello,I'm ally:) I just turned 14 and I'm from Wales!! I haven't been diagnosed with any mental disorders but I struggle a lot with self harm and low moods,I don't like to refer to myself as depressed as I haven't been properly diagnosed! I found myself on 7 cups of tea after searching for a decent counselling/support site and I look forward to share my story and issues with others!

Alice6914 May 20th, 2015

Thats good you found this place. I just recently found this site to and find it very helpful so far. I'm having mood swings and depression. Maybe if we become i'll tell you more about it :) Anyways Hope you're recovering well.


Alice6914 May 20th, 2015

*friends i mean

Tilholtz May 12th, 2015

I'm Tilly, 12. Anorexia for two years, depression forever.

Alice6914 May 20th, 2015

Hope you're trying to recover and I wish you well. I'd be more then happy then to be a friend of yours :)


TheMindIsAMystery021 May 15th, 2015

I'm Garrett, 14. Been struggling with growing depression lately, and I also have moderate to severe social anxiety.

karrots May 15th, 2015

Hi, I'm Karah, I'll be 13 in 4 days (the 18th). Currently i've been struggling with serve depression, self harm, and anorexia. Currently the anorexia has been triggering my depression when I gain weight or when I get in a fight with my parents.

infinity41314 May 15th, 2015

Hey. Im mariah. Im 16 years old and to be honest i dont like labeling myself. Such as i am diagnoised with depression, anxiety, bipolar, dyslexia, adhd, and a body disorder. I mean i am diagnoised with that but thats not ME. its only apart of me. this is me--> i am a respectful girl who works at a dinner. I dont have the perfect life but who does? I love the color green and i enjoy reading. My passion is dance and writing anything from stories to poems. And my dream is to become a school counsular so i can help younger kids just like my counsulars helped me (:

finleythefreak347 May 15th, 2015

Um I'm Finley. I'm almost 15.. I have anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and ednos.. um.. so hi I guess...

Alice6914 May 20th, 2015

Hey :) Hope you feel well soon. I know this site will do you some good and bring some light on that dark mind. I'm Alice and I'd be happy to be your friend if you need it.


cryingprincess May 17th, 2015

Hello. My name is Maya. I suffered from panic attack, depression, anxiety, numbness, and I have been crying a lot over nothing. I want to manage these emotions, so that's why I have come to this message board.

Brielle224 May 19th, 2015

Hello everyone my name is Brielle:) I amso glad you are all brave enough to come on here and share what you are going through. That takes a lot! Coming from someone who has suffered from depression, anxiety,ocd and self harm for 17 years, I am here to tell you that it does and canget better. Even though it does not seem like it right now, it can if you believe in yourself. Never let what you are going through define you. Your strength and determination is what defines you. <3

MusicalKat May 20th, 2015

Hi, my name is Katie. I've been dealing with depression since I was 10, and I'm 16 now. I live in the US, and I love music :)

nesagail May 20th, 2015

Hello everyone,

My name is Agnes. I've been feeling depressed ever since I was 13 years old. I am 20 years old now. And I am trying to figure out how to make myself happy during the many days of my loneliness and depression.

I can't do it alone. And I'm afraid that because of the way I am, people will distance themselves from me. I feel like I am ruining everything around me.

I don't have many friends, and the ones I do have sometimes have their own problems to worry about and aren't usually there when I need them the most.

I just want to be happy.

teddiemao May 20th, 2015

Hi I'm Ted been depressed since I was 12, 48 now so it has been a long painful road that I would like to get off of.

tailbone May 20th, 2015

Hey. I'm Guilherme. I'm 17 years old and trans. I guess I've been depressed for a while. Tbh, can't really remember a time when I wasn't. My mother tells me my first psychologist visit was when i was about 10 years old, after some things happened. I don't really remember going, but oh well. I take meds for it, but i don't really think they are working. Thats it i guess. Hi.

Ronnie89 May 20th, 2015

Hello, My names Ronnie Im 25 and I just found this site through google :/ .. Ive been suffering from depression for over 10 years now, I constantly try to pick myself up everyday but sometimes you just feel so alone and have nobody else to turn to so I figured Id give this a shot.

DeanFakeLastName May 20th, 2015

Name's Dean, 19, have had depression since I was 12. I haven't figured out how to cope in a healthy way yet, and I haven't yet found successful medications or therapy, but I'm still trying. 7 Cups has already introduced me to understanding and supportive people and I'm very happy I've found this community.

flowerr09 May 21st, 2015

Miranda. Diagnosed with depression six months ago. I'm 16. Hope my road to wellness isn't too long.

jzpanda1992 May 21st, 2015

Hi everyone. My name is Jzunelee. I haven't been diagnosed with any mental disorders, but there are just a lot of times when something very small happens like something not really significant, I just get depressed easily. I also have hate issues, I feel worthless and lonely. I think this started when my parents broke up 4yrs ago. But until now, I still feel suicidal everytime I feel down. But I haven't self-harmed before.

optimisticApple3257 May 21st, 2015

hey im b. im 24 and pretty sure i suffer from chronic depression. i dont really believe in that stuff but if i did i would most likely have chronic depression lol. if that makes sense. anyways im new to this site so dont really understand it but im not sure what my deal is lately. im just sad. theres a lot going on...

ilovebubblegum49 May 22nd, 2015

Hey. Im natalie. I hate my self and i dont even what to live. no one understands me. I hate my life. im too short, too smart, too stupid, to ugly, etc. When i am happy, i feel sad for being happy, like it will never happen again and i have been looking for it. Like if you searched for a family member and finally found them, and would never see them again.

ilovebubblegum49 May 22nd, 2015

I am only 11 but i needed support so badly and no websites took anyone under 13

Darkrivers May 25th, 2015

Hello, my name is Brianna. I'm 22 years old and living with Depression, anxiety/panic attacks and PTSD. I was officially diagnosed with depression about 3 years when I ended up in the hospitals behavioral health unit. But they think I've had chronic depression for many years. When people hear I have PTSD I always get an odd look, most people associate it to someone in the military. They fail to realize trauma just doesn't happen to our soldiers....that's a story for another time. I've never done this before. I found myself searching for a hotline/chat place this evening and found 7 cups. I haven't a clue what to expect but maybe....maybe I'll find something here or someone I can actually talk to about well, everything.

Thank you for reading.

Uninterested201 May 25th, 2015

Hi there. I'm Sarah. I've been suffering from anxiety for pretty much as long as I can remember and some depression. I found this site through a friend and just wanted to have another place to vent. I chose "uninterested" as a screen name because that's just how I've been feeling since my issues have my getting worse. Uninterested in everything I used to love, uninterested in trying anything new, and if I do try something new I'm uninterested in continuing it or following through. Some days it's hard enough just trying to get off the couch.

AngelofGod May 25th, 2015

Hello There... how are you all?heart

lightBirch5775 May 25th, 2015

I'm basically becoming a depressed alcoholic at 15. I skip school because I loathe teenagers and their pathetic attempts at being mature....

DrTan May 26th, 2015

Hello, I'm Tania. I'm a 24 year-old Mexican. I've struggled with depression for a couple years now and I have a hard time steering away from the stressors that normally trigger it. I'm quite a lonely person but I don't mind it so it's weird when it just creeps up on me. I just wanted to tell you that you can live with depression when you learn how to reach out to people.


LimeSquare1999 May 26th, 2015

Hi, I'm Leah. I'm 15 and I'm suicidal and depressed. Been this way since I was 13. I want to kms buy I'm scared to fail bc than I won't be able to be a doctor. But I only want to be a doctor if I live buy I can't be a doctor with an on record uicide attempt bc that's not allowed. I've attempted 40+ times but I was never hospitalized bc my dad is a dead beat and my mom is too busy working and trying to support me and my brother to notice.

Stephcuties May 26th, 2015

hi im stephanie, i am 14, and i have absolutely no friends.

AngelofGod May 26th, 2015

Hey dear, I can be your friend. Don't ever think that you are alone, Remember what you think you will become.heart

bridget345 May 29th, 2015

well i am sorry you do not have friends but i am the same i do not have any friends but i could be your friend i am abigail

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

I can be your friend if you want Stephanie. I'm sure that there are people who care a lot about you as well though. Keep on hoping - Austen Vincismiley

gregariousWest7785 May 26th, 2015

HI I'm Arial and I'm 20. I have been suffering since I was 11. I get moddy and want harm myself sometimes. I been better for while. But here and there I go back to my dark hours. I'm not really close with my family, they sort look down on me. And I don't really have any friends.

austenvinci1108 May 31st, 2015

It's fine to feel that way sometimes. Just remember that people care about you and that you can always talk to me if you need help. Keep fighting - Austen Vincismiley