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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

antisocialcx August 11th, 2019


im tired. I know depression is still in there it just decided not to come out today.

Linni December 2nd, 2014

Scared, confused, exited

emotionaldistress88 October 31st, 2015

sad happy mad

Laura7 December 2nd, 2014

Scared my friend (who is the most amazing person in the world) will hurt himself, and guilty I told him about my self harm because now he does it. Tired of not having enough time and being a disappointment. Wanting to throw myself in front of a train.

reservedexcitment December 3rd, 2014

That kind of desperation can expand the urge to do have to end one's life, I find that it will subside, it ebbs and flows, it does pass, faster of someone does something nice for you.and that if the thoughts can quite down and stop being so obsessive then I can live with myself. I found that an antidepressant actually helped with that, I tried 4 and they failed miserably but the 5th one sees to be working.

SashMair April 4th, 2016

@reservedexcitment yes, it is a very good feeling when someone is nice to us. It helps combating not so favourable emotions.

I am happy you found something that worked for you.

Never2Quit September 11th, 2015

Don't it's not worth it. I know how it feels to feel like youre the cause of someone elses pain or new formed bad habits. but it's not you're fault that he continues to do it and as far as not having enough time, i know how that feels too but you gotta find someone you can confide in and help.

darkwaters13 December 2nd, 2014

Unsatisfied with my life and how I feel about myself. Sad that my emotions are effecting the one I care about. Anxious because I don't know why I feel this way.

faeriechyld68 December 6th, 2014

Hey,I feel the same way. Let's boost each other up. Although we don't know why feel this way and probably will never , let's think of one positive thing that happened today. You then build up fcm there.

DynamicDay402 July 20th, 2015

I feel the very same way

reservedexcitment December 3rd, 2014

Completely lazy, fed up, discouraged, alone, unliked, unlikable, ignored, why put in efforts if there's no where to go.

selfdisciplinedSkies20 December 5th, 2014

I feel the exact same. Mid terms are coming up and in stressed more than ever too!

PorkyPineIsFine December 6th, 2014

I understand how you feel. That's me when I go into deep depression. I'm fading back in, yay. Just remember you're not alone.

nemo2 December 3rd, 2014

I feel fine... I have 2 essays overdue and 2 exams coming up that I haventstarted working on, but i dont feel any drive at all.

GGirl21 March 20th, 2015

Me too

reservedexcitment December 5th, 2014

Relaxed, okay, confused, stable

serahxsnow December 5th, 2014

Slightly better than usual. Still worried about a friend of mine.

sympatheticWriter49 December 5th, 2014

hold on to the "slightly better than usual" , sending prayers your way for your friend..big hug!!

FadingMe December 5th, 2014

like im all alone..and miserable. I feel like im fading away and i dont know what to do..

sympatheticWriter49 December 5th, 2014

i know how you feel, lets take one day at a time, big hugssmiley

maddie19 December 5th, 2014

Broken, like the pieces of me aren't ever going to fit back together again...and every morning I just wrap the pieces together with tape so that no one notices, and by the time I get home they've all fallen apart again.

tinyDoReMi August 30th, 2015

I feel that way from time to time. I dunno what to do and my heart hurts. And I feel like my "friends" aren't really my friends. And sometimes I don't want to be around anyone but with someone. I dunno how to explain.

quickwittedField50 December 5th, 2014

I feel like I'm really loosing it tonight.. I can't sleep and I feel like crap. I'm tired of living like this. It's so hard to be strong.

Monarda May 28th, 2015

I feel just like that every night. It sucks, I almost never get sleep now.

brightJet96 December 5th, 2014

horrible. i want to run away

chioo December 5th, 2014

*hugs you tight* let it all out you guys :) I'm here for you. The whole community loves and cares about you. Loads of love and support 💜

warmheartedNectarine62 December 5th, 2014

Tired, sick, depressed, lost, broken, empty, lonely..

navySky70 December 5th, 2014

I feel sad, useless.😔

serahxsnow December 5th, 2014

I feel oddly better than a few days ago. Still something bothering me but I don't really know what it is.

Cadence December 5th, 2014

I actually feel very at peace with myself and my surroundings today.

Dealynher December 5th, 2014

Today I am feeling sick, sad, hurt, and blind sided. I have been with my boyfriend 4 years and now he tells me we are two different people.

Dealynher December 8th, 2014

I'm even more confused because since then he hasn't said anything about it and when I mention it he acts like it never happened.

simplybeex3 December 6th, 2014

hopeless, stressed, scared, tired, worthless, sad..

faeriechyld68 December 6th, 2014


Brokendreams December 6th, 2014

I stabbed a dead squirrel for 4 hours, then cried, then buried it before vomiting until I couldn't move. Then I stabbed myself in the arm.

diplomaticApricot56 December 6th, 2014

Well... I cry about every day and night, so I don't really get any sleep. I am really bad at math, I can't spell or read that well. So I would say I feel like I don't need to be here.

OptimisticTalker1998 December 6th, 2014

tired, confused, angry, hurt.

lionqueen December 6th, 2014

The most over powering emotion I feel is... Empty. I wouldn't even call it an emotion. I'm feeling nothing.

I'm falling out of love with my boyfriend. I've lost my best friend. I've moved schools, and none of my friends miss me. I'm having regular emotional breakdowns/panic attacks. I'm self harming again. My grades are slipping.

But I still don't feel anything.

sorryaboutmyfeelings December 8th, 2014

This literallydescribes my exact feelings right now.

bubblingDew29 October 29th, 2015

Yes I feel the same way. Like I still feel anxiety and other surface emotions, but there's this giant emptiness underneath everything that's always threatening to take over