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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Impulsive April 1st, 2016

I feel that I'll never move on from my old relationship that ended over a year ago. I always feel inadequate ever since I lost that special someone or friend. I feel that I'll never be good enough to love another person again, I feel that I should give up on being with someone. I feel that I've lost the ability and faith that I can carry on with life.

ecastro April 1st, 2016

@Impulsive that's also the same reason why I'm here. I haven't recovered yet but I'm a work in progress. I've been doing a lot of random things recently just to get my mind busy on other stuff. Yesterday, I had a long work after work. Glance at random people outside. Then, fancied myself with a full course meal on a special japanese restaurant. That somehow helped me loosen up. Also, talking from someone here will make you feel better.

generousPenny4828 April 1st, 2016

Today I want give up...I am so tired. I would like to write beautiful things but I can't...I can't see good things around me...Nobody understand me

ecastro April 1st, 2016

@generousPenny4828 the feeling is terrible. But just so you know, you're not alone. Do random things. Do something different. Just recently, I managed to dig in an old book. I've been doing some clip reading. It somehow helped. Try "Wisdom of Buddha" . It's not a suggestion for some religous matters. Just read to make you feel light and gain some positivity. You can also do some cooking. I heard Eggplant Lasagna is good. cheeky

baconbushido April 1st, 2016

I felt ok for a bit. Not really sad, just kind of meh. Got a bit bad for a moment, but my friend helped me out of it. Overall, this was a better day than most, and certainly a better day than I've had the rest of this week. Hopefully tomorrow is at least this ok.

honestBeing4408 April 1st, 2016

I feel like I just wanna give up

ecastro April 1st, 2016

@honestBeing4408 the feeling is temporary. Hold on tight. smiley

ellxross April 1st, 2016

today I feel sad, and I'm not sure why. little things upset me and nothing can seem to make me happy anymore. //:

RestlessSoul94 April 1st, 2016

Yesterday when I had first woken up I felt perfectly fine and then later on in the day my boyfriend came over and I don't even know how this argument began but I know it was because of me and it's mainly because my past relationship messed with my head and heart so much that I am letting it ruin my current relationship and it is damaging me i am up every night overthinking everything to the point I am physically sick I just don't know how to stop the thoughts and emotions I feel .

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

Today I feel numb. Trying to motivate myself to do things I know help me! I need to eat breakfast, I need to go to gym, I need to pray, I need to tell myself true things when my head fills with lies. I can and will do these things!!!!!!!!! There is joy in my heart even if I don't feel happy. There's a lot to be thankful for! I know all that - that is truth! Today will pass and tomorrow is a brand new day.

chelseagreer April 1st, 2016

Exhausted of this never ending downward spiral. Its like I feel like I'm drowning everyday. My depression and anxiety and paranoia has pushed everyone so far away that I have no one to help me now. I'm single handedly ruining everything. My days are filled with nothing more then pure isolation.... I have no idea how to get out of this Pitt I've been for what seems to be ever. This day is yet another horrid day

April 1st, 2016

I really don't know how to feel okay , I just feel so empty, I honestly can't think of anything that really makes me happy anymore, I don't know how to move forward with my life

Clackdj April 1st, 2016

I feel like a failure. Everything that could have gone wrong today went wrong.

Kingchapperz April 1st, 2016

today I gave in and broke down and just cried and finally admitted to my self I have a problem with depression I just can't hide it anymore

BlueBirdsSinging12 April 1st, 2016

@Kingchapperz That just happened to me 2 months ago, I called my parents over and showed them my fresh scars from cutting. I'm two months clean, and if you surround yourself with people who will make you feel better, you'll slowly get better. I am still depressed though, and it's tough. But I promise you'll get through it.

beautifulVision53 April 1st, 2016

I feel good right now but sometimes something goes wrong. But I try to be positive!

Luisameviam April 1st, 2016


I'm kinda new here, was just trying to reach somebody to ask if this is aceptable , normal or I'm being irritable with this matter. Yesterday I was thinking on a way to feel befree and decided try to reach for professional and I mentioned to my boyfriend. he told me basically to get my shit together and not waste time on psychologists that I can help myself just by not feeling bad. Does anyone has had somebody tell them this?

LadyPirate82 April 1st, 2016

@Luisameviam My husband has the same attitude. I wish I had some wisdom to give you but I am completely baffled by his point of view. If your car breaks, you find a mechanic. If your pipes break, you find a plumber. If your bones break, you find a doctor. So shouldn't you find a professional if your mind breaks?

That being said, I've used professionals (doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.) off and on for over 20 years and have not found help. It's hard to keep fighting, since it seems like depression beats every ally I find. The only thing that has saved me from giving up is knowing that others have been helped by this process. Why not me?

Luisameviam April 1st, 2016

@LadyPirate82 its difficult everyday :-( i think the only relief there is , it's cry until the pain goes for a while. but thank you for your kind words, it helps to know it's not just me.

Tealchip10 April 1st, 2016

Not to great I want to cry but I know I need to be strong.

silverBubbles17 April 2nd, 2016

Sad, depressed, etc.

Cr93 April 2nd, 2016

I made my first appointment with a therapist since my abortion a year and a half ago. I think i am ready to get help i cant live with myself like this.

slippin April 2nd, 2016

like crap woke up in the hospital alone and i just i don't know everything is crashing down. i don't wanna be alone anymore

Fraziersucks April 2nd, 2016

Empty, really empty.

goodPrune538 April 2nd, 2016

I feel not good. My friend is beside me ; she slept over last night worried that I might hurt myself. I know i should be grateful but i just want to be alone.

Ghostlypotato April 2nd, 2016

I wish depression was seen in the same light as cancer. People would rally around you with support and try and help you in any way they can

LainaghStory April 2nd, 2016

Eveytime I sigh or take a deep breath I feel a part me drain away. It is like I'm a cup of water with a tiny hole in it. Slowly tiny droplets are leaking out. I try to refill myself, but it is only in vain.

Kaitilikehaiti April 2nd, 2016

Today has been difficult. My depression has been particularly bad lately despite medication and I am not sure if it is from the amount of stress lately or the grief that surrounds this month. I have been sleeping a lot and much less motivated. I have also been stress eating. I struggle with my weight much more when I am having worse bouts of depression. I don't really know what to do from here.

Joshua24 April 2nd, 2016


I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going so great. If you ever want to talk msg me. Stay strong! You don't have to do this alone.

iampaper April 2nd, 2016

Tougher than ever but I'm just trying to pull through. Sleep isn't happening tonight and that scares me if what the future hold for me

understandingBeechwood1287 April 2nd, 2016

My first post like this, depression well yea, it has a good grip on me, trying deal with it, an life just keeps getting in the way, like my wife of 14 yrs just left to go li e with the guy she has been committing adultery with N she took my son but left my daughter, my daughter is just so up set at what she did. An is creeper out by the guy. My son game e me up for a Playstation 4 the guy has, so I really feel like crap, so this really sucks, lots of emotions. Can't seem to shake the mind numbing feeling to crawl into a hole. But at least my daughter's love brighten my day.


communicativeNickel2420 April 2nd, 2016

Is crying a lot a sign of depression?

Ladywithabug April 2nd, 2016

Anxious about my school work

Frustrated and upset whatever I do.

Ok, better then otherdays you could say.

Skye1965 April 2nd, 2016

Proud of myself. I've accepted responsibility for being & acting like a bitch after dealing with traffic. Apologized. Tried & emotional. Loved & thankful. Happy. At peace. Enjoying time with my baby girl & her sweetheart at their home.

Courtneyi April 2nd, 2016

I want to say that I am okay and happy or struggling and down, but I honestly don't know. I go through phases where everything just sucks and it feels like the walls are crashing in. Then there are others where everything is okay. The medication is supposed to keep the overwhelming sadness away. I hate that I have to rely on it to feel normal. Today I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and everyone and everything has it out for me. All I want to do is crawl in bed and never leave. I know this will only hurt me. Today I feel like the world has it out for me.

safeandsoundta April 2nd, 2016

I feel good. Nothing bad has happened to put me in a bad mood, but it's only eleven so things change throughout the day. I've taken my meds, so that helps, too.

April 3rd, 2016

When I woke up today I was okay but now I just feel like crying

pfoxtrot05 April 3rd, 2016

i feel good.. waking up knowing that i still have my purpose in this world, to help and serve the Lord..

CarryOn5676 April 3rd, 2016

My anxiety and depression have been really bad lately. i think it has to do with my job which is really frustrating because when I first started working there I thought it was what I wanted to do and a month later I started questioning if that's what I want my future to be. now I dread going, the days feel longer and when I'm actually home I just lay in bed because I don't have the energy or motivation to do something productive. I've also noticed I've gotten a lot more suicidal than I have been in the last year or so and I can't make those thoughts go away. I'm getting really bad really fast and it's terrifying, I really thought I had gotten better.

Chrissuicorodriguezz April 3rd, 2016

@CarryOn5676 I'm not really good with advice but ill do my best maybe you should get a new job if not then go on a mini vacation or go to the park or meditate or even sleep anything soothing and relaxing stay strong you can do this I followed you and everyone else to see how you guys are doing bye now take care :)