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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Celaeno February 18th, 2016

@IndigoRoses, I'm sorry you have a low mood, lovely. I just wanted to tell you that I sent you a little message on the Feed, but because of the age group difference you want be able to receive it. However, you can click here to see it ^^

I hope you have a better, kinder tomorrow.


QuietPastelRain February 17th, 2016

I feel boring.

braincheese February 18th, 2016

I feel exhausted, inept, incapable, worried, and prone to tears. I've had a nice streak of positivity pretty much all year so far until this week. I've already missed my morning classes, and I feel like I'll miss my afternoon ones, too. I haven't missed class yet this semester, so I am disappointed in myself.

germangirl February 19th, 2016

I feel so unloved today. My husband doesn't hear my pain when I'm telling him about it and my best friend is so far away. It hurts. I am hurt. I want to be taken serious without being judged, is that too much to ask for?

Nannoka February 19th, 2016

Alguém fala português ou espanhol aqui? Entendo muito pouco inglês mas to tentando.

emotionalSail7333 February 22nd, 2016

sad, lonely, and not in the mood to do anything. I just want to sleep and eat pizza

alph24 February 22nd, 2016

Sad, disappointed, tired, and embarassed. So much weight on me I don't know how to get up anymore. My chest hurts sometimes whenever I feel this way, just like right now. Sometimes I just want to drive off and get away from everything and everyone. I wanna cry and stay in bed and sleep all day to forget everything.

creativeMelon1653 February 22nd, 2016

Once again that my needs come tertiary while the boys are first. Which is lonely and actually makes me resent them.

makismet February 22nd, 2016

My fiancé is incredible, but he's the only one who cares. No one else reaches out. Asks how I am. I feel miserable and useless.

pinkTea February 24th, 2016

Woke up today and feels useless... None of my lists done yesterday, i even scares to touch them. Then i walk around and affirming myself, nothing to be scared for. I currently doing things on my to do list now.

ubiquituous February 24th, 2016

frustrated because i should be better than this. numb; i cant work up the motivation to do anything. disappointed in myself for disappointing others

dynamicWatermelon1293 February 24th, 2016

I feel everything guilt, sadness, anger, hurt, worthless, self hatred, numb, lonely, pointless and the list goes on ...,,

February 25th, 2016

I don't want to cry, if I start crying then I'm back in this pit where I can't see past the pain, I gotten out of it before but things are different now, my future is not looking so good at all, I don't know why I'm even trying now

Rising265 February 26th, 2016

I just feel empty. I'm already not doing anything with my life and get lectured every few days about finding a job or getting back in school.. I can be so angry at something, but can't get mad or sad and even more depressed but can't even shed a tear.

energeticSpring4866 February 26th, 2016

Today was bad. I could not stop thinking about the life I left behind. I used to have friends and I used to have fun and be happy. I have changed so much. Everyone has moved on without me and I really felt alone today. I miss being a young child so much that I cry when I recall memories from my childhood. I feel alone because my family only attacks me and I don't love anyone I know. It's hard because I know they could never understand.

Scorpionsandroses February 26th, 2016

Life is something we will never understand @energeticSpring4866

Unconditionalmom February 26th, 2016

Thats a true fact but we take life one day at a time. Thats what makes life to beautiful. @Scorpionsandroses

Srvr2x February 26th, 2016

Awful. The past week has been seriously difficult. I feel as though I am drowning but have no one I feel I can reach out to. One thing after another has just left me feeling pummeled lately, with a good deal of self loathing and feeling like I am utterly worthless.

thehermionegranger February 26th, 2016

Physically I feel terrible. Haven't slept in three days. Running on adrenaline I guess. Horrible migraine has kept me down and doesn't exactly help the depression.

Scorpionsandroses February 26th, 2016

Havnt slept in 3 days either :/ @thehermionegranger

alylicious247 February 26th, 2016

I've decided to get help today so Yah step one

Unconditionalmom February 26th, 2016

I did too and it helped me a lot. My first time being on here and i finally reached out to someone who actually listened. @alylicious247

February 26th, 2016

Useless as usual

creativeMelon1653 February 26th, 2016

The usual; insignificant, lonely, wanting an escape either living or dead.

persistentWillow4292 February 26th, 2016

dead tired all the time

mhi23 February 26th, 2016

I'm feeling sad about the things I've had to let go, & I'm still processing the rage I have towards myself & the people I let turn my life upside down

inthemaking February 26th, 2016

Needy, lonely, desperate, scared and pathetic. I need a good cry but i have no more tears left. I dont want to be here.

Allycat1979 February 26th, 2016

Im trying to keep my head above water. But im tired now. the water is rising and the depth is pulling me in. I dont want to fight anymore.

FoxyKitsu February 27th, 2016

Angry, Sad, unsure, uneasy, unstable

Quietroar February 27th, 2016

Tired, like nothing I do will ever matter

persistentWillow4292 February 27th, 2016

So sad I can't even put it into proper words.

Epsilo February 27th, 2016

I feel so tired. I've been worse,but actually my father are depressed and with a lot of anxiety.

We live alone, in a mono-parental family. I don't know how I can help him. He asks me for help but I can do nothing, He has problems at work(mobbing) . I only want be stronger to listen him but I can't

DanDev February 27th, 2016

Completely alone :(

Lost32 February 27th, 2016

Completely alone and sad

forcefulLand384 February 27th, 2016

Why is it everytime when its close to meeting girls on POF make excuses of why they dont want to meet. It happens everytime I get close to meeting a girl on there. They usually back out of the date and never talk to me again :(

Allissen February 27th, 2016

I feel as if I'm a bird in a cage...

My blood relatives Argue everyday.... They also want to see me in pieces, and all I want is to live in peace, far from negative people, but it's killing me... Having no money for travel and not having anyone to be there.... All I have is my animal companions but sadly I need human comfort. I'm battling this for my future and studies... But I just can't focus anymore.... It feels like my future and life purpose are fading away day by day.... When I work with animals I don't feel the same happiness as before and it truly hurts me..

Yumiidk February 27th, 2016

Alone (:

persistentWillow4292 February 28th, 2016

I confessed to my parents about my depression...although it wasn't face-to-face and I wrote instead. They didn't react or anything. They never mentioned it. I'm going to look for the letter in their room and burn it later. So much for effort.

puddy March 6th, 2016


Maybe they don't know how to broach the subject or are afraid of saying the wrong thing so they don't say anything?

Perhaps you could give them the benefit of the doubt and now try to discuss the issue face to face with them?

Or engage a trusted third party to "mediate"?

Apologies if any of this is misplaced advice because I don't know your overall situation.

SadSpaceman March 2nd, 2016

I feel alone and separated. Similar to not belonging and me being not worth anything.